• 不能那样完全遮挡住太阳

    As it does in a total eclipse.


  • 日全食发生时,月亮完全太阳

    During a total eclipse, the moon completely blots out the sun.


  • 一些试图攀登挡住太阳岩石高墙

    A few had tried to scale the high walls of the rocky range that hid the sun.


  • 榕树我们遮风挡雨,为我们挡住太阳照射

    Banyan tree zhefengdangyu for us, for we are blocking the sun's radiation.


  • 如果月球挡住太阳一小部分,会产生日偏食

    When the moon takes a bite-size chunk out of the sun, it's a partial solar eclipse.


  • 月球完全挡住太阳圆盘的时候,会发生日全食

    If the moon completely covers over the sun's disk, it's a total solar eclipse.


  • 新月正面经过太阳挡住太阳圆盘形状时,就产生日蚀。

    A solar eclipse happens when the new moon passes in front of the sun, blocking out the view of the sun's disk.


  • 利用太阳充电应急灯放在整天阳光充足地方,注意不能东西挡住太阳能板

    Please put the emergency lamp to the place where there is enough sunshine all through the day when you use the solar panel to charge. Explore the panel to the sun.


  • 月食发生是当地球位于太阳月亮之间同一直线挡住太阳月球下阴影所形成的。

    A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth lines up directly between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Sun's rays and casting a shadow on the Moon.


  • 是因为只有一天月亮出现太阳地球之间连线上,这样可能使月球挡住太阳而形成日食

    This is because only in that day, the moon will appear in the sun and the connection between the Earth, so will it be possible to block the sun and the moon formed the solar eclipse.


  • 月亮正好挡住太阳中心一部分,人们太阳像燃烧的圆环环绕在月球周边就是日环食

    As the Moon blocked just the central portion of the Sun, people looking skyward would have seen a fiery ring around the Moon's perimeter, what is known as an annular eclipse.


  • 肯定在自己才是实实在在、稳稳扎根大人物云朵不过欢聚的水珠,只会偶尔挡住太阳的光辉。

    Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled5 water which sometimes blocks their sun.


  • 肯定在自己才是实实在在、稳稳扎根的重量级人物云朵只不过是积聚的水珠,只会偶尔挡住太阳的光辉。

    Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun.


  • 对于人眼来说距离太阳了,但是SOHO卫星能够利用一个不透明圆盘挡住太阳阳光显示出这次现象。

    The encounter is too close to the sun for human eyes to see, but the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is able to monitor the action using an opaque disk to block the sun's glare.


  • 除了日偏食之外,空中的观测者一年中可能还会看到另外日食:日全食日环食。在日全食发生时,月亮会完全挡住太阳

    In addition to partial eclipses, sky-watchers may see two other types of solar eclipses in a given year: total and annular.


  • 如果气候适宜的话,你可以种些每年落叶比如说枫树橡树或者榆树,这样夏天时候可以乘凉从而减少使用空调,并且在冬天树叶落光了也不会挡住太阳

    If it's climate appropriate, planting deciduous trees such as maple, oak, or elm will provide shade in the summer to save on AC, while being leafless in the winter to not block the sun.


  • 臭氧层能遮挡住来自太阳有害射线。

    The ozone layer screens out dangerous rays from the sun.


  • 为了验证这个想法挡住它们太阳视线,并用镜子改变太阳显现出来的方位

    To test this idea, he blocked their view of the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position.


  • 能砍倒那些较大的树吗?它们挡住太阳

    Can you cut down those bigger trees? They are blocking the sun.


  • 太阳有点光芒就给乌云挡住

    But the sun had no sooner started to shine than it was clouded over a gain.


  • 然而月亮不会完全消失因为我们大气层空气可以折射一部分挡住光线太阳光谱中的红色光折射月球上。

    However, the moon doesn't completely disappear since the gasses in our atmosphere act to bend some of the blocked sunlight, directing the red part of the solar spectrum back to the moon.


  • 一个光伏阵列树木房屋等物体挡住时,太阳电池中发生电子堆积现象,好似交通阻塞中的汽车一样因而电流减弱

    When a PV array is shaded by another object, like a tree or a house, the solar panels get backed up with electrons like cars in a traffic jam, and the current drops.


  • 日环食发生时候,月亮仅仅挡住太阳光晕中间部分,在外侧留下可见的光环。

    During an annular eclipse, the moon covers only the central part of the sun's disk, leaving a ring of sunlight still visible.


  • 如果早晨太阳干扰的话,推荐你拿东西挡住它,或者可以一个眼带蒙住眼睛

    If light in the early morning bothers you, get a blackout shade or wear a slumber mask.


  • 这种简单太阳干燥装置是一种覆盖了塑料膜的木架制成的,能够阳光进入但是挡住昆虫而且还利用自然对流

    Simple solar dryers, constructed from a wooden frame covered with plastic, let the light in, keep insects out and use natural convection.


  • 太阳中的紫外线损伤动植物(包括人类)的DNA引起皮肤癌臭氧层的功能就是阻挡住这些有害的紫外线从而保护地球上的生命

    Earth's ozone layer protects life by absorbing ultraviolet light, which damages DNA in plants and animals (including humans) and leads to skin cancer.


  • 在大概6500万年前——正如我们已经知道的那样——小行星撞击地球,带了云层挡住太阳使得地球降温

    Some 65 million years agoas we've all come to knowan asteroid struck the earth, sending up a cloud that blocked the sun and cooled the planet.


  • 个人生活中的阴影,多半本人挡住太阳形成的。

    And a personal shadow in the lifes most likely is what he held up the sun light become.


  • 一个独特的视角花苞挡住加利福尼亚州莫·尼卡山脉太阳

    A unique perspective allows a flower bud in California's Santa Monica Mountains to eclipse the sun.


  • 一个独特的视角花苞挡住加利福尼亚州莫·尼卡山脉太阳

    A unique perspective allows a flower bud in California's Santa Monica Mountains to eclipse the sun.


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