• 一旦数据放入了这个实例对象可以在数据进行任何您想要的数据挖掘了,所以您想要这个步骤尽可能地简单

    Once you get your data in the instances object, you are free to use whatever data mining you want on the data, so you want this step to be as easy as possible.


  • 设计阶段架构师开发者使用挖掘系统对象间的交互这样充实整个系统设计。

    During the design phase, architects and developers can use the diagram to force out the system's object interactions, thus fleshing out overall system design.


  • 根据清单5中所属性实例分布GASF判断必须创建另一调查表进一步挖掘搜索对象

    From the instance value distribution of attributes shown in Listing 5, GASF determines that it has to create another questionnaire to further drill down for the searched object.


  • User对象代表我们正在挖掘帐户信息Twitter用户

    The user object represents the Twitter user whose account data we're mining.


  • 最后以上研究基础上,集合数据库面向对象技术实现股票数据挖掘系统

    Finally, based on researches above, we implement the data mining system of the stock with aggregation database and object oriented technology.


  • 移动计算移动用户位置相关移动对象位置管理服务以及基于位置的移动增值服务等离不开移动用户移动模式挖掘

    The management of mobile object location and the increasing service based on location in mobile computing both need the mining of user moving patterns.


  • 次生岩性圈闭松辽盆地进入成熟期挖掘潜力对象

    Secondary lithologic trap is the object of potential seeking of Songliao Basin in high maturity stage.


  • 作为一类重要复杂类型数据时间序列成为数据挖掘领域的热点研究对象之一。

    As one of the important forms of complex data, time series is a hotspot in data mining area.


  • 论文医学图像数据研究对象理论算法应用三个方面进行医学图像数据挖掘研究。

    This paper researches medical image data objects and those data mining from theory, algorithm and application three facts.


  • 文章《中兴小纪研究对象分析了《中兴小纪》编撰特点,对作者史学思想进行尝试挖掘

    This paper takes Zhongxingxiaoji as the research object, it analyses the compilation characteristics of Zhongxingxiaoji, and explores the thought in historiography of the author.


  • 本文提出了一种挖掘频繁运动模式移动对象运动轨迹中所有频繁轨迹集合高效算法

    This paper presents a efficient algorithm to mine frequent movement patterns, which is the set of the frequent trajectories of moving objects.


  • 此外本文所提出对象模型同样适用其它数据挖掘系统

    In addition, the object model provided in this paper is also suitable for other data mining systems.


  • 探讨利用分布式对象技术数据挖掘技术解决网络安全系统适应性研究思路

    Discussing the research method that resolve the adaptation of security system using distributed object technique and data mining.


  • 许多关于数据挖掘机器学习研究集中于分类的研究,然而现实世界涉及不仅仅是分类问题,比如对象排序问题。

    Many real world problems deal with ordering objects instead of classifying objects, though most research in machine learning and data mining has been focused on the latter.


  • 因此本文多关系数据挖掘算法作为研究对象

    That is why this paper chooses a multi-relational data mining algorithm as our research object.


  • 采用局部挖掘方法计算离群候选对象离群因子检测出异常攻击

    It uses local outlier mining method to count the Local Outlier Factor(LOF) of the outlier candidated object and detects anomaly attacks.


  • 本文选择蛋白质二级结构数据主要研究对象应用数据挖掘技术机器学习中的动态规划理论进行蛋白质结构分类

    Protein second structure data is chosen as main study object, and data mining and dynamic programming are applied to protein structure classification.


  • 冲击器时针对不同作业对象调节系统压力从而实现降低主机挖掘等)装机容量目的

    The impactor can regulate system pressure according to different objectives, so the purpose to reduce power capacity of original machine, such as excavator, is realized.


  • 本文介绍了数据挖掘半结构化数据挖掘XML的相关概念研究现状,提出了种面向XML的树型对象模型TOM

    The thesis introduces concepts and present research status about data mining, semi-structured data mining and XML, and produces an oriented-XML treelike object model named TOM.


  • 有序规则挖掘问题加以形式化,挖掘有序规则即要找到各个属性产生的排序对象整体排序之间的关系。

    The problem of mining ordering rules as finding association between orderings of attribute values and the overall ordering of objects is formulated.


  • 随着国内经济水平提高以及施工技术、施工对象变化国内挖掘装载机市场前景非常广阔

    Along with the advancing economy, the change of engineering techniques and engineering objects, the market prospect of backhoe loader at home is very broadness.


  • 所以未来数据挖掘对象越来越广泛应用数据挖掘行业将越来越广泛。

    So the future the object that DM will be more and more extensive, profession that application DM too more and more extensive.


  • 序列问题预测,提出处理的方法应尊重数据本身规律人为的采取另行预处理以便挖掘对象本质规律。

    For problems to forecast sequence, it is important and effective to use data directly and not change them artificially in order to mine true rules of the object.


  • 德奥弗拉斯特本意在于开拓逻辑关系挖掘研究对象,并非在意项为何形式

    For his real intention lies in carving out a new logical relation and tapping the new objects of study, instead of caring about what form the variable is.


  • 文本对象字面关系潜在语义关系很难挖掘出来

    However the literal meanings of text object and potential semantic relations could hardly be excavated.


  • 目的古代心悸医案信息用数理分析方法挖掘规律。方法:古代心悸医案为研究对象,建立数据库,进行频数分析关联分析。

    Objective: To aim at the mining of the rule of syndrome and treatment in the ancient medical records of palpitation by mathematic analysis.


  • 分类数据挖掘一个重要分支,分类找出描述数据概念模型(或函数),以便使用模型预测标记未知的对象类。

    Classification is an important sub-branch of data Mining, which can find out a model describing a predetermined set of data classes or concepts as used to predict the class label for a test sample.


  • 分类数据挖掘一个重要分支,分类找出描述数据概念模型(或函数),以便使用模型预测标记未知的对象类。

    Classification is an important sub-branch of data Mining, which can find out a model describing a predetermined set of data classes or concepts as used to predict the class label for a test sample.


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