• 我们老师标点符号十分挑剔

    Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.


  • 对着镜子挑剔打量自己

    I looked at myself critically in the mirror.


  • 服装有着无可挑剔品味

    She had impeccable taste in clothes.


  • 穿着得体,举止无可挑剔

    He dressed well and had impeccable manners.


  • 从不一个吃饭挑剔的人。

    I've never been a fussy eater.


  • 特德对于使用颜色非常挑剔的。

    Ted was very particular about the colours he used.


  • 已经私下听说我们工作十分挑剔

    I had heard through the grapevine that he was quite critical of what we were doing.


  • 英语无可挑剔

    Her written English is impeccable.


  • 有些选择什么样的人共享生活非常挑剔

    Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with.


  • 挑剔得近乎无礼

    She was critical to the point of rudeness.


  • 衣着特别挑剔

    She's very particular about her clothes.


  • 主管总是挑剔

    The supervisor is always very critical.


  • 我会挑剔细节,而且某些事情我会相当吹毛求疵。

    I can get down to nitpicking detail, I am pretty fussy about certain things.


  • 他们得很好;挑剔

    They'll do well enough; don't be particular.


  • 说:“他们对于工作环境更为挑剔。”

    "They are more picky about where they work, " Yu said.


  • 等等可爱教你不要这么挑剔

    Wait, my pretty Donkey, I'll teach you not to be so particular.


  • 这样一来,内特可以看出女人多么挑剔

    Nettle were thus able to see just how picky women are, given the chance.


  • 这样一来,内特可以看出女人多么挑剔

    Nettle was thus able to see just how picky women are, given the chance.


  • 不要那么挑剔

    Don't be so picky.


  • 如果找到一份工作的话,我不能挑剔

    But I guess I can't afford to be too picky if I want a job.


  • 不要食物挑剔这样不会盘子留下任何食物。

    Don't be too picky about food so that you don't leave any on your plate.


  • 的好孩子从来没想到食物这么讲究,这么挑剔

    I should never have thought, dear boy of mine, that you were so dainty and fussy about your food.


  • 好吧但是不得不告诉,我是个挑剔病人。”

    "Okay, but I have to tell you I'm a picky patient, " he said.


  • 没有喜欢那些一切事物都感到不满的人,所以我们不能挑剔了。

    No one likes those who are critical of everything, so we cannot be too picky.


  • 虽然跟我一起裸体挑剔,但我接受所有类型进入朋友圈子

    Although I'm picky about who I get naked with, I accept people of all types into my friends' circle.


  • 原则性很强,但从不挑剔

    Despite strong principles he was never censorious.


  • 销售在进行,买家挑剔

    Sales still happen, but buyers are more selective.


  • 行为举止向来无可挑剔的。

    He is always perfectly proper in his behaviour.


  • 富有魅力,待人体贴举止无可挑剔

    He was charming, considerate and impeccably mannered.


  • 确信自己打扮得无可挑剔后才出门

    She went out safe in the knowledge that she looked fabulous.


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