• 路过驾驶者响了汽车喇叭

    Passing motorists hooted their horns.


  • 高声响了喇叭

    She gave a sharp toot on her horn.


  • 为什么对着喇叭

    Why did he hoot at me?


  • 对骑自行车的人喇叭

    He beeped his horn at the cyclist.


  • 开车路过的人喇叭表示支持

    Passing motorists sounded their horns in support.


  • 喇叭告诉他们我们到了

    Toot your horn to let them know we're here.


  • 喇叭

    He beeped the horn.


  • 汽车喇叭

    He sounded the car horn.


  • 他们香槟烟花他们喇叭

    They drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.


  • 人们开车经过时大喇叭

    People honked their horns as they drove past.


  • 为什么喇叭

    Why did he honk at me?


  • 了声喇叭车开到了右边

    She pulled to the right with a honk.


  • 一般在这种情况下很多司机那么一两下喇叭一小会儿,然后就离开了。

    Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away.


  • 由于黑暗行车有些司机养成了不断喇叭习惯显然是为了提醒骑车人行人靠边儿

    Some drivers were in the habit of honking their horns constantly as they drove in the darkness, ostensibly to warn bicyclists and pedestrians of their approach.


  • 我们更进一步探索之前重重的喇叭我们回去

    Before we could explore further, Ma thumped his horn and called us back.


  • 在此时我们后面林肯城市轿车开始喇叭

    Just then a Lincoln Town Car behind us blares the horn.


  • 每个开车时候都可能会毫无明显理由的情况下狂喇叭

    Everyone will toot their car horns on the road for no apparent reason.


  • 喇叭警告前面辆车,但是已经来不及了。

    I blew my horn to warn the car in front of me, but it was too late.


  • 而且加拿大司机们开车礼让,我们一路上没有遇到过喇叭的。

    And Canadian drivers are very polite – not one horn blast all the way.


  • 出租汽车司机喇叭告诉我们到了

    The taxi driver blew his horn to tell us that he had arrived.


  • 晓得为什么一直喇叭

    I don't know why the driver keeps riding on the horn.


  • 经过无数辆车喇叭,超过来靠近讥笑,灯时故意超车之后放弃了。

    After numerous close calls and nearly getting side-swiped by a jerk who blasted the horn as he blew passed Serena while she was making a left-hand turn, I gave up.


  • 小两口儿开车离开教堂时,朋友们常常开车追赶他们不停地按喇叭,引他们注意

    When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them.


  • 没错就是那种可能会恼火地对之狂喇叭的人。

    Yes, I'm the one you've probably honked at, annoyed.


  • 驾车经过很多个交通灯,当时他还感到奇怪为什么那些车对他使劲喇叭

    He's driven past a bunch of them, wondering why the other cars honk so.


  • 晓得为什么一直按喇叭

    I don't know why the driver keeps blowing the horn.


  • 不过我们还有更简单例子:,卡车开始慢慢地面前的时候,and,starts, moving, very, slowly,“开始喇叭,当他发现喇叭根本不的时候,已经了。”

    But here, there are simpler examples: when the truck pulls up in front of Haze Haze "Haze started pounding his horn, and he had hit it three times before he realized it didn't make any sound."


  • 等候信号灯喇叭司机中有92%男性96%的盗窃案件88%的凶杀案件是男性所为。

    Ninety-two per cent of horn tooting at traffic lights is done by men, while they also carry out96% of burglaries and 88% of murders.


  • 司机小时七十英里的速度街道飞驶后座上的我们摔来摔去。红灯单行道一路按喇叭

    With us being catapulted around in the back, he then sped off at about 70 miles an hour, tearing through red lights and the wrong way down one-way streets, beeping his horn all the way.


  • 或者就像约翰尼•卡说过的,是从曼哈顿交通信号灯绿到后面辆车的司机喇叭快走的那一小极为短暂的时间。

    Or as Johnny Carson once said, it's the interval between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn.


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