• 加载指定数量AmazonEC2实例

    Launch the specified number of Amazon EC2 instances.


  • 指定数量给定元素替换受控序列

    Replaces the controlled sequence with the specified number of the given element.


  • 如果检测指定数量的Mbean工具将会无限期等待

    If the specified number is not detected, the tool will wait in an infinite loop.


  • 4中的指定数量产品放入纸卡中,隔放一个产品。

    Place specified products as 4 in partition, one CONN. each cell.


  • 检查点定义数据库加载流程成功处理指定数量记录时间点

    A checkpoint defines a point during the loading process at which the database has successfully processed a specified number of records.


  • 演示如何返回目录中的最大文件最小文件指定数量文件。

    Shows how to return the largest or smallest file, or a specified number of files, in a directory tree.


  • 枚举数游标当前位置提前,以便跳过指定数量元素

    Advances the cursor of this enumerator from its current position so that the specified number of elements are skipped.


  • 但是readline方法读入指定数量字符后,会继续读取直到

    The readline method, however, reads the specified number of characters and continues reading until the end of that line.


  • 必须控制出站请求确保同时同一端点发送请求的数量超过指定数量

    Outgoing service requests must be controlled so that no more than a specified number of requests are sent concurrently to the same endpoint.


  • 学生完成指定数量作业,内容包括经济分析调查探究以及撰写报告

    Students are required to complete a stipulated number of economic analyses, investigations, or explorations, and produce a written report on each of the tasks performed.


  • STARTING from开始创建数据分区,数据分区范围内包含指定数量

    Data partitions will be created starting at the starting FROM value and will contain this number of values in the range.


  • 赛季前,我们要求投手每天指定数量数,球数随着赛季临近逐渐增加。

    In preseason we require our pitchers to throw a specified number of pitches each day.


  • 重复修饰符可以指定数量没有个、多个、一个多个,或一个、十个以及恰好三个

    A repetition modifier can specify amounts such as none, one, or more; one or more; zero or one; five to ten; and exactly three.


  • 一些用户代理支持META下列用法:在指定数量秒数之后一个不同URI刷新当前页面

    Some user agents support the use of META to refresh the current page after a specified number of seconds, with the option of replacing it by a different URI.


  • 为此冰箱可以最大限度利用排列组合信息就是指定数量的食烹调各种各样完全不同菜肴

    To this end the most available information that the refrigerator will have is a set of permutations that allow a set number of ingredients to produce a large number of quite different dishes.


  • 忍受椎间盘突出组织损伤药费上花费$9,000美元并且寻求指定数量损害赔偿

    She said that she suffered a herniated disk and tissue damage, spent $9,000 on medical bills and is seeking an unspecified amount in damages.


  • 和从前任务跑遍大陆方式有所不同,玩家现在需要各个区域完成指定数量任务获得该区的任务成就。

    Rather than having players complete a huge number of quests throughout a single continent, the criteria will change so that you will instead need to complete a set number of quests in each zone.


  • 初始化数据库时,系统活动日志目录中分配一定数量指定大小日志文件

    When the database is initialized, the system allocates a certain number of primary log files of a specified size in the active log directory.


  • 期货合约涉及指定时间指定价格出售购买一定数量商品义务

    Futures contracts involve the formal obligation to sell or buy a given amount of a commodity at a specified time and price.


  • 变量指定数据库缓存(如果启用的话)存储数据库最大数量

    This variable specifies the maximum number of databases stored in the database cache (if enabled).


  • 服务器选项指定代表联邦查询特定数据源同时激活并发请求最大数量

    This server option specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests that can be simultaneously active on behalf of a single federated query to the given data source.


  • 出于提供信息目的(是样应用程序一部分),以下获取指定数据文档数量代码

    For your information (not part of the sample application), here is the code that gets the number of documents in a specified database.


  • 然而除了最终提交之外,并没有要求指定时间必须完成一定数量代码

    However, there was no demand that a certain amount of working code be completed by any specific milestone, except for their final submission when the architecture had to work.


  • 例如read函数调用可以指定文件描述符读取一定数量字节

    Take, for example, the read function call, which allows some number of bytes to be read from a given file descriptor.


  • 被升指定数字对数上数量,是为了得到指定数目

    The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.


  • 指定小组成员数量反复项目时间长度后,每个反复项目只有固定数量时数能用来进行开发

    Given the number of team members and the length of the iteration, each iteration has only a fixed number of hours that are available for development.


  • 如果这个格式包含解码器指定数据也可以选择这个编解码器中这个格式所要求正确的顺序传递特定数量buffers提交这些数据。

    If the format did not contain codec specific data, you can choose to submit it using the specified number of buffers in the correct order, according to the format requirements.


  • 如果这个格式包含解码器指定数据也可以选择这个编解码器中这个格式所要求正确的顺序传递特定数量buffers提交这些数据。

    If the format did not contain codec specific data, you can choose to submit it using the specified number of buffers in the correct order, according to the format requirements.


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