• 美国其它许多国家面临着一场严重衰退——不过当然不能那场持续灾难相比

    The us and many other countries face a bad recession - but surely nothing to compare with that sustained catastrophe.


  • 如果市场信心信用持续枯竭,目前的衰退演化为萧条,这每个人都灾难

    If confidence and credit continue to dry up, a near-certain recession will become a depression, a calamity for everybody.


  • 这种情绪仅仅持续日落那时也就是开始犯错时候了。都不是什么灾难性的错,但是一起他们成了痛苦

    The mood lasted only until the sun went down, which is when I began to make mistakesnone catastrophic, but together they added up to misery.


  • 持续捕获运行数据快照传输灾难数据中心

    Continuously take snapshots of the run data and transfer them to the disaster data center.


  • 这些过程包括主要数据中心管理关联过程、持续数据更改过程以及启动灾难数据中心关联的过程。

    There procedures include those associated with the management of the primary data center, the ongoing data changes, and those associated with bring up the disaster data center.


  • 灾难受害者生活环境持续恶化,他们需要立即援助。

    Victims of the unfolding catastrophe in Haiti require immediatehelp as living condition worsen.


  • 这种后续访问可能持续年之久专家们其他地方自然灾难经验显示,一些表面如常的幸存者可能突然性爆发

    Those follow-up visits could go on for five years, experts say, drawing on the experience of natural disasters elsewhere that shows how problems can suddenly erupt in previously untroubled survivors.


  • 分析师指出这种情况持续时间,因为上个月灾难继续消费者情绪形成压力。

    Analysts say the situation could remain weak for some time as the effects of last month's disaster continue to weigh on consumer sentiment.


  • 日本官方表示在福岛第一核电站的核辐射等级不会人体健康造成伤害对于灾难迫近焦虑持续着。

    Officials said that the readings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tuesday morning were not at levels to causeharm to human health,” but anxiety about impending disaster persists.


  • 日本官方表示在福岛第一核电站的核辐射等级不会人体健康造成伤害对于灾难迫近焦虑持续着。

    Officials said that the readings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tuesday morning were not at levels to causeharm to human health, ” but anxiety about impending disaster persists.


  • 日本持续发生的灾难一场史无前例的人类悲剧

    The ongoing disaster in Japan is an unprecedented human tragedy.


  • 理论模型发表英国《皇家天文学会月刊》(journalMonthlyNoticesofthe Royal AstronomicalSociety)上,并显示造成灾难性灭绝的“雹灾持续一个小时

    His model, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, suggests that the 'hailstorm' would have only lasted about an hour.


  • 的确有人预见到英语消费者庞大负债经济引向灾难这些先知们的灾难预报已经持续近10年

    It is true that some people forecast that the debt burden of English-speaking consumers would lead to economic calamity, but many of those Jeremiahs had been predicting disaster for a decade or so.


  • 灾难有关持续恐惧(对于父母永远分开的恐惧)。

    Persistent fears related to the catastrophe (such as fears about being permanently separated from parents).


  • 各个国家人民现在应该携手同心,持续展开救援行动提供支持和协助,从而避免甚至灾难的发生。

    Now is the time for nations and peoples to come together to avert an even worse catastrophe by offering support and assistance to on-going relief efforts.


  • 接下来,米发出了一些列报道使全世界关注着这仍持续灾难

    For the next three days, Yonemura sent a stream of reports that alerted the world to the unfolding tragedy.


  • 一个突出趋势是:人为灾难石油泄漏辐射泄漏,造成的心理疾病自然灾害,像飓风,导致的精神压力持续时间更长。

    One clear trend stands out: Mental distress tends to linger longer after man-made disasters, like an oil spill or radiation leak, than after purely natural ones, like a hurricane.


  • 不过这场灾难可能加深消费者投资者心目中日本经济能否持续复苏不确定性,日本经济正试图走出战后最严重的衰退

    However, the disaster could heighten recent uncertainty among consumers and investors about the prospects for Japan's continued recovery from its worst postwar recession.


  • 他们是一帮赌徒,认为自己可以持续不断冒险而且可以在灾难来临之前全身退,”写道

    "They gambled that they could keep adding to their risky positions and still sell them out before the deluge," he wrote.


  • 应该灾难计划持续测试包括灾难数据中心启动

    The disaster data center should be started as a part of an ongoing test of your disaster plan.


  • 日本的灾难经济打击目前看来似乎还要持续数月

    The economic toll from the tragedy now looks as if it may play out for months.


  • 场次危机已然持续了不知但是去年九月雷曼兄弟崩溃市场的信用有着灾难的打击。

    The credit crunch had been rumbling on for more than a year but Lehman Brothers' collapse in September was to have a catastrophic impact on confidence.


  • 人们注意力集中灾难上,人们出于冲动状态会要求持续性的赠予——一个持续自动提取的信用卡捐款

    When attention is on the crisis and impulse is at a high, ask for a recurring gift - a monthly, automatic credit card donation.


  • 与此同时美国唯一一个遭遇地震核辐射等大灾难财政赤字持续扩大主要国家

    Meanwhile, the United States is the only major nation that hasn't recently been hit by a massive earthquake and nuclear catastrophe to increase its fiscal deficit from last year.


  • 与此同时美国唯一一个遭遇地震核辐射等大灾难财政赤字持续扩大主要国家

    Meanwhile, the United States is the only major nation that hasn't recently been hit by a massive earthquake and nuclear catastrophe to increase its fiscal deficit from last year.


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