• 成功招引朋友挫败考验朋友。——西拿斯

    Success can attract friends, frustration can challenge friends. - Xi Nasi.


  • 拿斯神话般的飞行器古代印度文献里有描写

    A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient literature of India.


  • 拿斯垂直地飞行能够天空盘旋,就现代直升机或者飞船

    Vimanas took off vertically, and were capable of hovering in the sky, like a modern helicopter or dirigible .


  • 梵语文献充满天空使用维曼拿斯作战提及装置武器杀伤力决不低于我们这个文明时期

    Sanskrit texts are filled with references to Gods who fought battles in the sky using Vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy in these more enlightened times.


  • 古格哈迅速飞行力量强大的维曼拿斯损害了维里希三个城市,安置了单一,改变宇宙所有力量

    Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.


  • 1959年,的时候,父亲神秘失踪了;星期我们收到了巴黎蒙帕拿斯一家廉价旅馆里。

    In 1959, when I was seven years old, my father went missing under mysterious circumstances; several weeks later, we received word that he was in Paris, living in a cheap hotel in Montparnasse.


  • 没有看到沙隆看到了

    Jasnah does not see the crowd but Shallon does.


  • 阿佛纳意大利坡里附近湖。

    Avernus is a small lake near Naples, Italy.


  • 那么伦敦所学校---来说吧(披露白哲当时还是小学生)。

    Well, take Westminster, a London school (full disclosure: Bagehot was a pupil).


  • 法官是的看看东西,彼得夫人,请大眼睛注意可能我们有用任何东西。

    County attorney: Yes, but I would like to see what you take, Mrs Peters, and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us.


  • 当然,如果失败了,可以费尔南多-托雷比较一下安慰自己,后者只求一个进球终结自己长达693分钟的进球荒。

    If he fails again, he can console himself by sparing a thought for Fernando Torres, who would like a goal, any goal to end his 693 minutes without one.


  • 此后,加里波第火车度过墨西海峡几乎那不勒闲逛那样轻松。

    After that, across the straits of Messina, and it was almost a stroll to Naples; Garibaldi arrived there by train.


  • 气温开始37度之墨西卡拉佩鲁贾等城市气温甚至高达40,远高于季度的平均水平

    Temperatures are set to reach as high as 37 or even 40 degrees in cities like Messina, Pescara and Perugia, well-above the seasonal average.


  • 耶和华在耶弗他身上,经过西,来到基列的米,又巴来到亚扪人那里

    Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah. He crossed Gilead and Manasseh, passed through Mizpah of Gilead, and from there he advanced against the Ammonites.


  • 一个看上去街区我们正前往那儿”,星期六国际足联发言人尼古拉·梅因戈特

    "There was one block that looked empty and our people in ticketing are looking into it," Fifa spokesman Nicolas Maingot said Saturday.


  • 但是最近看到洛佩兹先生·艾黎体重开玩笑,当我听到说的话时我觉得非常震惊,我对他感到非常失望。

    I was so sad to see the recent clip where Mr. Lopez made fun of Kirstie Alley's weight. I actually was shocked at what he had to say.


  • 一个以法莲中的勇士,名叫细基利杀了儿子玛西和管理王宫利甘,宰相以利加

    Zicri, an Ephraimite warrior, killed Maaseiah the king's son, Azrikam the officer in charge of the palace, and Elkanah, second to the king.


  • 格雷如此受惊吓他们放下了手里的食物。

    Hansel and Grethel were so frightened that they let fall what they held in their hands.


  • 韦拉哈古彭力.云旦域安朋友拍摄广告出身的,但是也是试图摆脱泰国主流电影少数导演之一,泰国的主流电影毫无意义的影片充斥着

    AW: Pen-Ek is a friend of mine; his background is in commercials, but he is one of the few directors who tried to break away from mainstream Thai cinema, which is populated by nonsense.


  • 柏拉图主义赫密主义戈玛第著作集中得到了讨论但是没有任何毁灭世界甚至蓄意摧毁社会秩序意思表示。

    Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order.


  • 波阿亲属:“摩押回来俄米,现在要我们兄以利米勒地。”

    Then he said to the kinsman-redeemer, "Naomi, who has come back from Moab, is selling the piece of land that belonged to our brother Elimelech."


  • 列人列有一个葡萄园靠近玛利亚王亚哈

    The vineyard was in Jezreel, close to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.


  • 许多人往往宁可自己的钱途冒险,也不愿意当众受辱

    But many are often wiling to risk financial suicide over public humiliation, Voss says.


  • 哈因耶列人不敢先人留下产业,就闷闷不乐地回宫,床上转脸向内,也不吃饭

    So Ahab went home, sullen and angry because Naboth the Jezreelite had said, 'I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.' he lay on his bed sulking and refused to eat.


  • 手下可管经理泛滥头衔糊弄,就老掉牙政客当上兰开公爵郡大臣枢密院议长。

    Managers who no longer have anyone to manage are fobbed off with inflated titles, much as superannuated politicians are made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster or Lord President of the Council.


  • 巴拉就招聚西布伦人和利人基低,跟上去的一万。底波拉也同上去

    And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh; and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet: and Deborah went up with him.


  • 哈族有基尼雅子作官长师,管理以色列的外事。

    Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his sons were for the outward business over Israel, for officers and judges.


  • 乔布心里很清楚他手里的是个哑弹一个失败的产品,消费者肯定会憎恨这个东西。

    But Jobs likely knew he had a dud on his hands; consumers, for their part, hated it.


  • 乔布心里很清楚他手里的是个哑弹一个失败的产品,消费者肯定会憎恨这个东西。

    But Jobs likely knew he had a dud on his hands; consumers, for their part, hated it.


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