• 《不再拍摄过去大众文化电影工业诞生》1980。

    May, Lary. Screening Out the Past: the Birth of Mass Culture and the Motion Picture Industry. 1980.


  • 过去里,科罗拉多州海拔地区一直雨夹雪,计划山区拍摄一些雪景

    We have had snow and sleet for the past two days in Colorado's high country and the plan was to photograph some snowy images in the mountains.


  • 蒂姆一位摄影老手,过去13年里一直拍摄野生动物业余爱好。

    An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.


  • 《唤醒梦中人》是过去十年中,世界上最有活力导演拍摄让人满意的一部电影

    Talk to Heris the most satisfying movie this decade from the world's most vital filmmaker.


  • 土桑市亚利桑那大学近日发布了过去几个月运用HiRISE拍摄最新火星表面照片

    The University of Arizona, Tucson, which operates HiRISE, has just released a new batch of these photos taken in the last several months.


  • 摄像头可以用来快照置的那个能够拍摄720p高清视频,还算说得过去吧。

    The cameras can also be used to shoot snapshots, and the rear one does passable 720p high-def video.


  • 事实Google街景拍摄已经过去年里遍历德国

    The fact is: Google's camera-equipped Street View cars have already been traversing Germany for the past two years.


  • 特别是过去十几年间用先进科技拍摄大脑活动快照已经证明单个功能发生特定的区域

    In the past decade especially, advanced technologies for capturing a snapshot of the brain in action have confirmed that discrete functions occur in specific locations.


  • 图片过去十年间美国间谍卫星拍摄的,它们证实了,最近几年,大面积高纬度区域夏天失去冰层覆盖

    The photographs, taken by spy satellites over the past decade, confirm that in recent years vast areas in high latitudes have lost their ice cover in summer months.


  • 正在拍摄它们时候,领头海狮直立起来,四周看了看然后朝着海滩方向快速去了,海狮也过去了。

    While I was photographing them, the leader of the group stood straight up and looked around and then swam straight and fast for the beach with the entire group following.


  • 过去30年里航空摄影师尼克·格雷斯拍摄世界最大飞机到最贵的私人飞机的各种飞机。

    In past 30 years, aviation photographer Nick Gerace has been taken photo for the world's largest airline and the most wealthy private clients.


  • 过去十几年来技术装备一直很简单深呼吸,一台小型相机以及一些为了拍摄海底浓厚的暗度和饱和度准备透明胶片。

    In the past dozen years my technique and equipment have stayed simple: a deep breath, a small camera, and transparency film, for its dense blacks and saturation.


  • 距离如下的视频拍摄日期已经过去几天——现在互联网说法,已经过了有效期了——但是看得都傻了,目瞪口呆,看完放声大笑。

    This video is two days old - which in Internet speak would normally put it past its expiration date already - but it made my jaw drop, and then put a giant smile on my face.


  • 最后我们决定过去——时候已经怀孕加拿大远郊——然后带上一队摄影师拍摄她……但是被她拒绝了。

    Then we suggested flying to her - she was pregnant [at the time] and living in a remote part of Canada - and bringing a camera crew to her house, but that wasn't accepted.


  • 认为,这次拍摄照片——采用最新的尖端技术——将过去的版本更加清晰。

    Shor said the new pictures - photographed using cutting-edge technology - are clearer than the originals.


  • 我们试图父亲不要毛毯。看到哈姆身体晕了。人们过去一些人则开始拍摄-情况混乱

    We tried to tell the father not to look, but he pulled the blanket back. When he saw Hamza's body he fainted. People ran to help him and some started filming - it was chaos.


  • 查阅43份此前研究——过去70研究不同地区疟疾仔细拍摄了3000鸟类。

    He looked at 43 previous studies that had carefully screened 3, 000 bird species for malaria in different locations over the past 70 years.


  • 过去几年里,大型制片公司拍摄数十部电影,他们鼓励对冲基金其他投资商赞助这些电影场记板(slate)”(在上面做广告)。

    For the past few years the big studios have encouraged hedge funds and other investors to back “slatesof several dozen films spread over more than a year.


  • 查阅43份此前研究——过去70研究不同地区疟疾仔细拍摄3000鸟类。

    He looked at 43 previous studies that had carefully screened 3,000 bird species for malaria in different locations over the past 70 years.


  • 过去大多数手机拍摄优秀照片视频一直存在手机里,从来不会利用到

    In the past, most of the great pics and videos I captured on my phone just stayed there, never to be revisited.


  • 半个世纪过去美国地理学家AltonByers重返当年拍照地点,“复制”mullerSchneider拍摄40幅全景照片然后将新老照片放在一起进行比较。

    But half a century later, American mountain geographer Alton Byers returned to the precise locations of the original pictures and replicated 40 panoramas taken by explorers muller and Schneider.


  • 过去这些年拍摄大量科幻电影电视剧集,可是没有一部那种真正的《星球大战》的特质

    There are a ton of science-fiction films and TV series that have been produced over the years, but none of them feel like a true Star Wars property.


  • 为了回家圣诞节过去几天忙于完成自己所有镜头拍摄

    It's been a busy past few days trying to finish up filming all my scenes in time to go home for Christmas.


  • 塘村也让拍摄不少好的图片

    Through to the Wells Tong, let me take pictures of a lot of good pictures.


  • 过去90年间我们看到电影是以这样方式拍摄而成。李安画面频率提升至120帧之后,电影里就连眼睛活动细节栩栩如生

    For the past 90 years we have been watching films made this way, but by speeding things up to 120 frames, details such as the movement of a pair of eyes is presented in lifelike detail by Lee.


  • 过去90年间我们看到电影是以这样方式拍摄而成。李安画面频率提升至120帧之后,电影里就连眼睛活动细节栩栩如生

    For the past 90 years we have been watching films made this way, but by speeding things up to 120 frames, details such as the movement of a pair of eyes is presented in lifelike detail by Lee.


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