• 明天需要相片今天拍摄起来

    The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today.


  • 起来电影拍摄进展顺利。

    It sounds like the filming itself went well.


  • 视频令人震撼拍摄手法很眼熟场景起来像是世界末日。

    The video is striking: The operation is familiar, but the scene looks like the end of the world.


  • 通常情况下我们拍摄模特靠着她们休息的时候,下面一组照片是看起来比较自然的。

    Frequently when we see shots of models resting their heads on their hands we will see natural things like in the photo below.


  • 通过视频来看更多变化,当你最后拍摄的时候,将动作和视频里面一样组合起来

    Be sure to watch the video for more variations on the above set-up as well as the finished shot.


  • 正在拍摄它们时候,领头海狮直立起来,四周看了看然后朝着海滩方向快速去了,海狮也过去了。

    While I was photographing them, the leader of the group stood straight up and looked around and then swam straight and fast for the beach with the entire group following.


  • 1940年,千代子凭借满洲国拍摄一部电影开始了职业生涯,满洲国日本扶植起来满族国家,是日本统治亚洲企图一部分

    The heroine Chiyoko begins her acting career in 1940 with a movie filmed on location in Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria that was part of Japan's attempt to rule Asia.


  • 上面得到意见数据其他数据结合起来,例如相片拍摄的日期,快门速度等等

    We collated these millions of judgments with the time of day each picture was taken, what the shutter speed was, and so on.


  • 最终我们到了比萨,到了迷人的面前,大家都轮流那个最完美拍摄上,手臂向外伸出,这样照片里面我们看起来就像是把斜塔托了起来

    When we reached Pisa and its charmingly goofy tower, each of us took turns standing at the perfect spot, grimacing, arms outstretched, for the photo of ourselves holding up the tower.


  • 他们再也受不了拍摄情感压力了,”陆川讲到,“女主角高圆圆变得很消沉经常自己起来个人着,这对她来说实在不容易。

    They could not handle the pressure and the emotional stress, ” he says. “Gao Yuanyuan, the leading actress, ended up depressed, often staying away and shutting herself up.


  • 甚至连不可一世的成龙(本片成龙拍摄的第100部电影)也起来也有些黯然失色。

    Even the irrepressible Mr. Chan (this is his 100th film) seems subdued.


  • 总是每一次拍摄中,拍摄大量照片这样情况更适合让脑袋抬,我就会许多选择的余地。

    I always shoot a lot of pictures every session, so when situations like this arise I have plenty of other images to choose from.


  • 第三个方法图片一张照片,然后通过数字工具把之前拍摄完全不一样的照片拼接起来

    The third is to take a picture of my hand holding the drawing and thendigitally match them up with a totally different background that I have photographed.


  • 另一个优点就是这样起来是个比原来得多摄影师——删除照片证据我有动力拍摄更多照片。

    Another advantage is that it makes me look like a much better photographer when I delete the evidence of the bad photos, and that keeps me motivated to take more.


  • 通常是拍摄位置摆放闪光灯但是这次我照片起来自然一点

    I usually use strobes on my location shoots, but I want to keep it as natural looking as possible.


  • 起来似乎很多,实际上,如果是拍摄电影的话,成功拍摄一个秒钟情节常常要花好几的时间。

    This may sound like a lot, but on film sets, it can often take days just to successfully direct a mere few seconds of action.


  • 重要的是,坚持认为,科技起来很不错特别是拍摄方面

    Above all, he insisted that the technology looked good, especially on film.


  • 人们时尚工作拍摄时尚大片,是因为起来很光鲜

    People want to work in fashion and go to fashion shoots because it looks glamorous.


  • 空中拍摄起来几乎夜晚城市动脉高速公路

    In an aerial shot, it almost looks like a city at night, with arteries of light like freeways.


  • 这个价格为99美分应用可以拍摄桌子表面的照片然后可以上面呈现相同桌面效果,使平板起来透明的一样

    The 99-cent app can take a picture of a table top and then be used to pan over that same table top, making the tablet appear to be transparent.


  • 电视台拍摄紧接着发生冷冻”,镜头显示人们毯子的包裹下抱作一围坐在烧木头的烤炉取暖起来着实有点好玩

    Television footage of the ensuing "big freeze" showed groups of people huddled in swathes of blankets gathering round makeshift wood-fired stoves to keep warm. It looked like fun - of a sort.


  • 绯闻离婚代孕单亲背叛折磨着这些超级成功女人,使得她们爱情生活起来她们拍摄过的一些电影里的情节。

    With affairs, divorce, surrogacy, single parenthood and betrayal plaguing these incredibly successful women, their love lives read like that of a character in a movie they would play.


  • 因此天文爱好者们都鼓动起来尽可能频繁拍摄旋涡星系,以此填补世界上强大的望远镜间歇性观察当中的时间空隙

    Therefore, sky enthusiasts are encouraged to image the Whirlpool galaxy as often as possible to fill in time gaps left by intermittent observations made by the world's most powerful telescopes.


  • 照片拍摄确定使得照片天气人口密度植被地形土地等地理信息联系起来成为可能

    Determining the location of photos also makes it possible to combine them with geographic data bases related to climate, population density, vegetation, topography and land use.


  • 虽然我们现在还确定妮娜拍摄受伤还是在片场不小心受伤,不过起来还是挺自在的。

    Although we're not sure if Nina got the concussion while she was filming on set or just messing around, it sounds like she's wearing the bruise well.


  • 可能第一看到拍摄相片,阴天,当时的光线一切起来十分灰暗死气沉沉。

    I would have likely just photographed the landscape the first time I saw it and that was on an overcast day, when the light made everything look rather grey and drab.


  • 精心计划项目许多黑暗地区所拍摄的照片组合起来从而制作一幅媲美白天光明景色激动人心黑夜画卷。

    The well-planned project combined many exposures from the dark sites, intended to produce an inspiring view of the night to rival the brightness of day.


  • 精心计划项目许多黑暗地区所拍摄的照片组合起来从而制作一幅媲美白天光明景色激动人心黑夜画卷。

    The well-planned project combined many exposures from the dark sites, intended to produce an inspiring view of the night to rival the brightness of day.


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