• 然后勇敢地小心地腹部举起相机估计拍摄角度当时越过拍了张照片。

    Then I dared to lift my camera carefully from my belly and estimate an Angle of a shot, and then I made several pictures across my head.


  • 照片中的有些难以辨认,是因为拍摄角度光照条件不理想,而不是因为浮油开始消散了。

    The slick is somewhat harder to make out in this shot, but this is because of the viewing angle and light conditions, not because the oil slick is dispersing.


  • 张照片从不寻常角度拍摄

    The photo was taken from an unusual angle.


  • 放置好三脚架尽可能好地完成了拍摄。我试不同角度直到发现了我喜欢的一种然后太阳露面。

    I set my tripod up and composed the shot as best I could, trying different angles until I found one I liked, then waited for the sun to come up.


  • 影片开始拍摄,演员们就得摆一个个几乎不可能的姿势,摄影机则必须确保安置每个恰当角度

    Then, once the filming starts, they’re expected to contort themselves into nearly impossibly positions, all while making sure the camera is getting the best angles.


  • 模特在惬意地展示的东西时,你就该开始拍摄了。不要胆怯模特喊话,你得让注意角度构思

    Start shooting while having the model gloriously showing off what is being modeled. Don't be afraid to shout direction and ideas toward her.


  • 寻找对称,对称无处不在,关键要找到并且合适角度和镜头拍摄

    Watch for Symmetry Symmetry is everywhere. It's just a matter of finding it and shooting from the right angles with the right focal lengths.


  • 如果两个不同的角度进行拍摄话,原理行的通。

    That is already possible in principle if two shots of the same scene have been taken from different angles.


  • 图像编码系统可对图像进行比较过滤出不同角度拍摄、在多种光线条件下拍摄的地标图像。

    Visual algorithms compared and filtered landmark images taken from different angles and under many lighting conditions.


  • 张图片卡西尼飞船角度照相机拍摄,时间是2006年9月15距离土星130万英里,距离地球930万英里。

    This image was taken by the Cassini spacecraft's wide-angle camera on Sept. 15, 2006, at a distance of 1.3 million miles from Saturn and about 930 million miles from Earth.


  • 工作辛苦——一个镜头不同角度拍摄10次以上。

    The work is hard — up to 10 takes of one shot from different angles.


  • 这个全息图使用一系列常规相机拍摄的每个相机不同角度拍摄这个对象

    The image is recorded using an array of normal cameras, each of which views the object from a different point of view.


  • 然后摄影机拍摄角度

    Then he runs from the view of the camera.


  • 那时起工程师通过发射场两个不同角度拍摄照片跟踪秃鹫成为了发射过程中例行公事一部分

    Since then, engineers have tracked vultures as a routine part of launch by taking pictures of the launch area from two different angles.


  • 自己房间里操练,选好合适角度,到了别人家里可以很快地拍摄

    I practised in my own flat first, getting the camera in the right position so that I could be quick.


  • 我们拍摄对象周围植物叶子充当过相框也可以这个技术极端一些很低角度,从地面往上拍摄

    We've all used a canopy of leaves to produce a frame around a subject in our compositions, but you can take this technique to the extreme by getting down low and shooting from the ground up.


  • 照片拍摄于1838年,角度是从高处的扇窗子对准巴黎圣殿大道。 摄影师采用全新达盖尔摄影术,银捕捉到一位停下来鞋的绅士

    Shot from a window high above the Boulevard du Temple in Paris in 1838, using the brand new daguerrotype process, the plate captures a solitary gentleman who has stopped to have his shoes shined.


  • 这种类似于平面图效果由于拍摄角度当时空间站位置距离因素造成的。

    The flattened perspective of the urban areas is the result of the viewing Angle and distance from the ISS.


  • 一个场景中任何角度看到角色模样都可以通过计算得出,因而虚拟摄像机拍摄角度可以事后再做定夺

    Views of the character within a scene can be calculated from any Angle, allowing the placement of virtual cameras to be decided after the event.


  • 然而一新角度拍摄夹在跺墙之间塑像构成一个更为独特的画面

    But this new Angle, capturing the statue between two walls, makes for a more unique picture.


  • 烟火逆风角度拍摄保证烟雾不能掩盖捕捉的迸发瞬间。

    Photograph from upwind of the fireworks so that smoke doesn't obscure the explosions you're trying to capture.


  • 角度拍摄时候,即使是最重下巴轮廓可能会消失

    Even the strongest of jaw lines can disappear with a high camera Angle or a few extra pounds.


  • 默里电话录音中,杰克逊断断续续通过这次演唱会拍摄电影所赚的钱将超过其它所有音乐界的超级巨星----不是销售的立场看,而是博爱角度看。

    On the voice recording Murray made, Jackson groggily says that with the fortune he'll earn from these ventures he will exceed other superstars of music — not in sales but in philanthropy.


  • 是从屋顶、塔山、桥塔选取角度拍摄美丽的俄罗斯美景

    Here is a new selection of breathtaking and beautiful Moscow shots made from roofs, towers and bridges.


  • 这个图片是以原始拍摄角度展示一般是从照片下边月球表面方向来看

    The photo is displayed here in its original orientation, though it is more commonly viewed with the lunar surface at the bottom of the photo.


  • 有一些很棒的作品会从稍微角度拍摄同样也呈现大幅度视角范围

    Some great shots are taken slightly higher and can still show a large degree of perspective.


  • 有一些很棒的作品会从稍微角度拍摄同样也呈现大幅度视角范围

    Some great shots are taken slightly higher and can still show a large degree of perspective.


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