• 了点照片粘贴附件中。窗帘拍摄的效果可能不是很理想。

    I took some pictures affixing on, but the curtain maybe is shot unideal.


  • 泰国渔民晚上捕鱼准备渔网。渔舟点击快门,了一声“谢谢”,我认为拍摄的效果的。

    Thai fishermen prepare a net for night fishing. I jumped on the boat, clicked, said thanks, and I think it came out not bad.


  • 打个比方,通过电子取景器,在拍摄你可以看到按下快门后的出片效果(平衡曝光对焦等等)。

    For example, you can see exactly what effect your Settings will have before you take the shot (white balance, exposure, focus, and so on).


  • 勉强同意早上5:30开始拍摄更多说服手段要求男朋友镜头中表演一些清晨杂技效果证明,这些都是值得的。

    After he grudgingly agreed to a 5.30am start, it took more persuasion to get my boyfriend to perform some early morning acrobatics - but the result was worth it.


  • 这个价格为99美分应用可以拍摄桌子表面的照片然后可以上面呈现相同桌面效果使平板看起来像透明的一样

    The 99-cent app can take a picture of a table top and then be used to pan over that same table top, making the tablet appear to be transparent.


  • 沿光环平面拍摄照片有时能将这种纤薄度展现得充满戏剧性效果

    This thinness sometimes appears in dramatic fashion during an image taken nearly along the ring plane.


  • 选择哪里拍摄完全取决于希望采用风格一年里时间希望达到艺术效果

    Where you choose to shoot depends entirely on the style you want to use, the time of the year and what you want to achieve artistically.


  • 图片提示拍摄水的时候,请你尝试放慢快门速度,它会为你添加有趣的效果

    Photo Tip: Try slowing down the shutter when you shoot water-this always adds an interesting effect.


  • 这种类似于平面图效果由于拍摄角度当时空间站位置距离因素造成的。

    The flattened perspective of the urban areas is the result of the viewing Angle and distance from the ISS.


  • 如果想要特殊拍摄效果,那么,拍摄过程中就更需要耐心把握好拍摄时机

    You need patience and time when photographing animals, especially if you are want a particular position and scene.


  • 有了那些记录信息,导演就能进行编辑:比如重新拍摄失败镜头调整电影音乐,提升视觉效果以及运用其他各种改进方式完善替换掉那些效果平平的场景。

    From that info a director can edit, re-shoot an actor’s bad performance, adjust a score, pump up visual effects and apply any other changes to improve or replace the least compelling scenes.


  • 克利夫顿.亚当斯张美丽的照片背光拍摄,在名爱尔兰小女孩头部产生晕轮效果

    This charming photograph by Clifton Adams is backlit, causing a halo effect around the heads of the three Irish girls.


  • 照片背景照片主体一样重要符合主题地方拍摄出的照片远封闭房间里效果好的多。

    In photography, background is as important as the subject itself. A photograph taken with the same subject in a field could sometimes result better than taking it in a closed room.


  • 不得不承认和青蛙们共事挑战性的一次,但是努力没有白费拍摄效果很好。

    I have to admit frogs are the biggest challenge but the result is definitely worth it.


  • 一个免费但强大的拍照增强应用带有标准拍照效果——但这些都是必备的,例如宝丽莱鱼眼趣味拍摄

    A free, and solid camera app with standard-but essential-photo effects, like Polaroid, Fisheye and ToyCam.


  • 说:“《阿这样电影中,需要拍摄改变演员视觉效果。”

    "In films like Avatar, there was a requirement for visual effects that change the appearance of an actor after they have been filmed," he says.


  • 拍摄时,确保相机安全距离,不被打湿,使用镜头推进获取满意的效果

    Be sure to set up your camera a safe distance away from any splashes and use your zoom to get right in on the action.


  • 现在可以F4光圈下任何快门速度甚至相机最快的快门速度拍摄取得想要拍摄效果:背景模糊的人物像。

    Now, you can go ahead and shoot at F4 with shutter speeds up to the Max the camera has available. And you still achieve that precious look that we all want; a portrait with a blurred background.


  • 比如下图两个图层中的颜色了调整,使照片效果开起来风向是拍摄城市不是公园改变图像颜色效果,可以通过使用色相/饱和度工具调整色相来达到

    For example, in the image below, the color of the two layers were changed to make the background bokeh look like it came from a city instead of a park.


  • 其实它是用数码相机拍摄使用一些滤镜颜色调整赋予怀旧效果

    The photo was actually taken on a digital camera, then degraded using a few filters and some quick color changes to give it a vintage look.


  • 录像功能,720p下的拍摄清晰明快的,同时平衡不能给人很深刻的印象,因为其他同类手机上也有差不多的效果

    Video footage, shot at 720p, was clear and crisp with good colour balance, but not quite as impressive as the performance found on some other comparable handsets.


  • 我们看来苹果战略重点放在了提高显示效果渲染效果屏幕分辨率上。同时视频拍摄一直iPhone一个主要竞争优势

    In our view, Apple's strategic focus on improving display, both rendering and resolution, along with video capture has been a key competitive advantage for the iPhone.


  • 不论是传统相机还是数码相机,拍摄控制曝光量都影响照片效果关键

    Both traditional camera or digital camera, filming the exposure control is the key to influence the results.


  • 可以使用闪光灯拍摄照片有时阴暗天气柔光会产生令人愉悦的效果

    Also take a picture without the flash, because the soft light of overcast days sometimes gives quite pleasing results by itself. Move in close.


  • Amanda有趣的合成效果出众的颜色运用手机拍摄照片十分出彩。

    Amanda - Interesting composition and great color make this camera phone photo great.


  • 电影制作者内部软件Maya动画软件结合,通过它们来组合画面实时立体预览窗口观看场景拍摄效果

    In-house tools, in conjunction with Maya 3d animating software, allow filmmakers to compose-and see how the scene will play out-in real time in the stereo-preview window.


  • 为了张照效果,Jack Dykinga已经6不同时间试着拍摄季雨到来时的影像,但是每次对水中倒影却都不甚满意

    He had tried on six separate occasions to make this image following seasonal rains, dissatisfied each time with the quality of the reflections in the standing water.


  • 为了张照效果,Jack Dykinga已经6不同时间试着拍摄季雨到来时的影像,但是每次对水中倒影却都不甚满意

    He had tried on six separate occasions to make this image following seasonal rains, dissatisfied each time with the quality of the reflections in the standing water.


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