• 明年HBO拍摄一部以格兰丁为主角电影

    Grandin will be the subject of an HBO movie next year.


  • 哈利·波特》男主角丹尼尔·雷德克里夫拍摄这部魔幻冒险巨制最后一组场景情到深处、泪洒现场。

    'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final instalment of the fantasy-adventure movie.


  • 他们再也受不了拍摄情感压力了,”陆川讲到,“主角高圆圆变得很消沉经常自己起来一个人着,这对她来说实在不容易。

    They could not handle the pressure and the emotional stress, ” he says. “Gao Yuanyuan, the leading actress, ended up depressed, often staying away and shutting herself up.


  • 例如2001年起,宝马公司聘请多位知名电影制作人拍摄英国明星克里夫·欧文(Clive Owen)马车为主角的系列短片

    Starting in 2001, for instance, BMW hired a number of well-known filmmakers to shoot short films starring British actor Clive Owen and BMW vehicles.


  • 十三岁的电影中的主角母亲工厂事故猝死的惨剧让一直无法开怀。为了协助朋友完成电影拍摄,乔承担了怪物化妆模型火车爆破的任务。

    Our hero is Joe, a 13-year-old struggling with his mother's sudden death in a factory accident, while he assists his friends' film by designing monster makeup and exploding model trains.


  • 最后不仅片中扮演主角相继拍摄了斯科塞斯的4部电影,2008年拍摄禁闭》,被认作马丁斯科塞斯的御用演员罗伯特德尼罗的继承人。

    He was not only picked for a major role in that film, but filmed his fourth Scorsese movie, Shutter Island, in 2008, and is often said to have replaced De Niro as Scorsese’s go-to guy.


  • 上周该部尚未拍摄完成影片中的一些剧照遭到不法分子泄露,随后互联网上疯传,其中包括一组男女主角EdwardBella照。

    Several images from the unfinished film were leaked on the Internet late last week, including several racy images of Edward and Bella in bed.


  • 大片中国很受欢迎,该国很多企业在投钱,上述因素一些大片的拍摄地点以及主角的选择产生了影响。

    The popularity of blockbusters in China and financing from companies there have influenced both where some blockbusters are filmed and who stars in them.


  • 这位《模仿游戏》的主角最近刚刚错失英国电影学院奖奥斯卡拍摄《神探夏洛克》的间隙,英国布里斯托尔父母附近穿着一身怪异的运动服慢跑

    The Imitation Game star - who recently missed out on both a BAFTA and Academy Award - sported odd jogging clothes whilst on a day off from filming Sherlock in Bristol, near his parents home.


  • 电视影片《分享秘密》中的表演赢得了的好评,后来她在迈克·怀特福克斯公司拍摄的系列片《帕萨迪纳》中饰演主角

    She earned rave reviews for her performance in the telefilm Sharing the Secret, and starred in Mike White's series for Fox, Pasadena.


  • 《哈利·波特主角丹尼尔·雷德克里夫拍摄这部魔幻冒险巨制最后一场景情到深处泪洒现场。

    'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final of the -adventure movie.


  • ?克罗斯第三次最佳主角提名955在前拍摄淑女表演成功,他同时获得全美电影评议会最佳男主角

    Penn croce third won best actor nomination 955 years, he is in the year before the shooting in the van door lady "in performance was successful, he also won the council's best actor film."


  • 精灵古怪萌哒:名叫艾伦·劳伦斯父亲书架上小精灵”的启发拍摄了一组照片主角四个月的小儿子洛克威尔

    Sneaky but sweet: Dad Alan Lawrence has created a photo series inspired by Elf on the Shelf starring his four-month-old son Rockwell (pictured).


  • 当时,剧组成员正在卡特湖边处野营地进行拍摄场景是男主角将一个女孩绑为人质,还动手殴打一个想干预此事的好心人

    Members of the crew were at a campground near Lake Carter, shooting a scene where the lead actor takes a girl hostage and beats up on a good Samaritan who tries to intervene.


  • 李冰冰华谊兄弟传媒集团上海制片集团拍摄间谍电影《风声》中的出色表演获得最佳主角

    Li Bingbing took out the best leading actress award for her performance in "the Message", an espionage movie produced by Huayi Brothers Media Group and Shanghai Film Group.


  • 这部美猴王主角3d动画片名叫《大闹天宫》,改编自1964年拍摄同名电影

    Titled with "Uproar in Heaven" and starring Monkey King, the 3d version animation is based on a movie under the same name, which was filmed in 1964.


  • 这部美猴王主角3d动画片名叫《大闹天宫》,改编自1964年拍摄同名电影

    Titled with "Uproar in Heaven" and starring Monkey King, the 3d version animation is based on a movie under the same name, which was filmed in 1964.


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