• 经过了简直不下,简科终于拍摄出了令人惊叹迹照片

    After three years dedicated to the project, Mr Jankovoy finally caught a series of stunning star trails.


  • 卡茨如果制片方开始这项技术投入正式使用就能看到拍摄出了多少成功影片,它们可以来衡量这项技术所发挥的作用

    Katz: If this technology starts being regularly utilized by studios I would see how many more successful films were made to measure its impact.


  • 关于这个法国历史上最有权力的军事人物导演阿贝尔·冈斯拍摄默片时代令人惊叹的影片。影片中的六个情节记录下了拿破仑非凡一生

    For the most powerful military figure in French history, filmmaker Abel Gance conceived the grandest of all silent-movie dreams: six features chronicling napoleon's extraordinary life.


  • 闪耀》在拍摄上胜人一筹刻画出了一片银河悬于古老的狐尾松之上。

    His winning shot, Blazing bristlecone, depicts the Milky Way arching over an ancient bristlecone pine tree.


  • 临近案发之前,哈里斯出了拥有武器份杀人名单。 克莱伯德在此方面公布的信息较少,但也同哈里斯秘密制作了录像拍摄他们拥有的武器。

    Closer to the massacre, Harris listed his stockpile of weapons and posted a hit list.


  • 帕森不是因为他们特意留给女皇普通人更多隐私权而是因为刚好拍摄车辆一些技术问题。

    Parsons said this is because of a technical fault with that car, rather than any deliberate intention to give the Queen more privacy than the rest of us.


  • 拍摄《最爱》的过程中,几个退出了影片制作他们认为HIV呈阳性的人在一起工作非常危险。

    When we were shooting the film, several people left the production, for they thought it would be dangerous to work with HIV-positive people.


  • 为了拍摄青蛙费力爬树它的蝌蚪寻找新家时,又想一个新的解决方案。

    Then he had to find a way to show the frog making the arduous climb up a tree to find a new home for her tadpoles.


  • 并采用低速快门拍摄手法技巧,于是寂静、满是石块格恩西海峡格列佛出了新的图景

    With a slow shutter speed on his camera and a bag of light painting tricks, Gilliver paints new images on the silent, stony backdrop of Channel Island of Guernsey.


  • 相反的,只是白色为背景,用高速摄影设备在1/8000快门速度拍摄这样分离出了主题精髓之处

    Instead, with pure white light and high-tech photo equipment that can capture a sliver of time as brief as a 1/8000th of a second, he isolates his subjects' essences.


  • 由于拍摄一张照片困难昂贵摄影师们练拍摄成功以及一张照片里尽可能本事

    Because of the expense and difficulty of each photo taken, they became masters at getting things right the first time and being able to fit in as many people as possible into the frame.


  • 创作人研究了地铁系统运行开发出了新的拍摄方法,他们使用独特的布景建造了专门设备场所

    The creators studied the work of subway systems, developed new methods of shooting, made unique scenery and found special equipment and locations.


  • 几个小时拍摄照片式真色彩图像显示出了海岸边被冲入大洋沉积物以及仙台附近黑色流。

    The photo-like true-color image acquired a few hours later shows plumes of sediment washed into the ocean along the coast and a dark plume of smoke near Sendai.


  • 影片成像这间屋里电影原声一首歌他们隔壁房间拍摄

    I wrote one of the original songs for the sound-track in the house where it was filmed while they were shooting in the room next door.


  • 图片电子显微镜拍摄添上了颜色,呈现一系列怪诞神奇生命

    The incredible images were taken using an electron microscope, and coloured to create a mesmerising catalogue of weird and wonderful life.


  • 张照拍摄年后席勒六岁女儿出了非常精辟的评论,“招照片什么也没有露,告诉了我们所有的东西”。

    Schiller's 6-year-old daughter made an astuteobservation about the photo several years after it was taken: “That's a picturethat says everything but shows nothing.


  • 当然了,这一环中最有意思的不在于我们知道人们哪个时段相片数量最多,在于我们分析出了在哪个时段人们拍摄的相片效果最好

    Of course, the most interesting thing isn't when people are taking their photos, but when they are taking their best photos


  • 相机显示一个时间差,在老虎大部分框架开始进行拍摄

    The cameras also showed a time lag, with photographs taken only after the tiger had walked away from most of the frame.


  • 摄象拍摄航天器三个降落伞下徐徐下落时,全世界的人们都由衷地发出了欢呼

    People everywhere cheered as the cameras found the spacecraft floating downward beneath its three parachutes.


  • 细细的悬挂着一滴水滴,该水滴折射后面绿草。这张图片我家后院拍摄到的。

    Photograph of a raindrop hanging on a thin leaf, with the refraction of the grass behind it, taken in my backyard.


  • 当天拍摄早晨一直延续晚上宋承宪金泰熙寒冷天气里还是卖力进行拍摄营造出了浪漫气氛

    The day's shooting lasted from morning to evening, even in the cold weather SSH and KTH worked very hard to create a romantic atmosphere.


  • 一种数码相机拍摄文本图像二值化方法方法全局值、局部阈值灰度梯度方法的结合。

    A binarization method for digital camerabased document image was proposed. The method is a combination of the global thresholding, local thresholding and the gray gradient method.


  • 照片相机错觉股票相机上的VGA,QVGA,WVGA工作现在出了这样选择照片拍摄失败

    Photo is working on VGA, QVGA, WVGA with camera Illusion, stock camera now also gives this options but photo capture fails.


  • 本文基于电影拍摄特征电影拍摄模板精彩镜头提取框架

    In this paper, we propose a framework for highlights extraction based on cinematic features and cinematic template.


  • 本文基于电影拍摄特征电影拍摄模板精彩镜头提取框架

    In this paper, we propose a framework for highlights extraction based on cinematic features and cinematic template.


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