• 黄日新正在拍卖胶囊公寓()的5年专利使用。这种公寓是毕生的心血,2009年4月以来就得到了国际媒体关注

    Huang is auctioning a 5-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments (see photo) that have been capturing international media attention since April, 2009.


  • 本来无线许可还是现有无线服务公司所瓜分,没有改变势力格局。 但由Sprint支持有线电视公司联盟是个特例,是本次拍卖活动中出现新兴势力。

    Despite hopes that a new national operator might emerge, the spectrum largely went to existing wireless firms (with the exception of a consortium of cable companies partly backed by Sprint).


  • 广告名不副实,这种拍卖并非是开天辟地头一遭,农民合法交易土地使用已经多年

    But contrary to the villagers' advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.


  • 1996年中国拍卖漏洞意味着买家如果一堆假货,并没有追索

    A loophole in the 1996 Auction Law in China means that buyers have no recourse if they purchase a lot that turns out to be inauthentic.


  • 直接解决住房问题这包括限制丧失抵押品赎回降低强行拍卖的价格。

    Directly addressing housing problems, including moving to limit foreclosures and reduce the forced sales that follow foreclosures.


  • 讲给布鲁克林博物馆怎么计划大量装饰物通过勃鲁姆拍卖的时候,大吃一惊,脱口而出:“这也太欺负人了,就算他们想清理馆藏,也该先给我优先购买啊!”

    When I told him that the Brooklyn Museum was planning to auction off so many ornaments through Blum, Karp was astonished. “If they’re deaccessioning to sell, that’s very discomfiting, ” he exclaimed.


  • 还有3.9%屋主已经“丧失房屋回赎”,这种处理逾期欠款的法律手段房屋收回以待拍卖因此使得待售房屋过剩的情况更加严重。

    A further 3.9% were in foreclosure, the legal process that settles defaults and thereby adds to the glut of homes for sale.


  • 注释也许所有这些高层的豪华公寓并非我们想象中那么美好和强大,取消抵押品赎回并将拍卖房屋占10.2%。

    Comment: Maybe building all those high-rise condo buildings off the strip wasn't such a great bet after all. Mortgages in foreclosure or converted to REO here are 10.2% of the total.


  • 交易所10- 20%销售额作为“第二留置拍卖意味着银行作为带头投资者,很可能失去顾客

    Some 10-20% of the exchange's turnover has to be auctioned as "second-lien", meaning that a bank stands ahead of the investor, in the event that the buyer of the goods goes bust.


  • 6月底伊拉克官员试图拍卖开采增加油田产量

    In late June, Iraqi officials attempted to auction rights to boost output at a number of fields that were already producing.


  • 拍卖主要幕后推手位叫张玉旺(ZhangYuwang)的村支书,宣称自己刚好拥有片土地大部分使用

    The prime mover behind Tawa's auction is a village party secretary, Zhang Yuwang, who happens to own, he claims, the usage rights to most of the land in question.


  • 开采拍卖巨资。

    5 to pay big sums at auctions for drilling rights.


  • 土地使用抵押预售银行一旦行使抵押,将土地使用连同土地上新增房屋一起拍卖,买房人将面临房无地处境

    If after sale of land use rights collateral, the bank once exercise Mortgages, together with the land use rights to land new housing auction houses will face a situation of the housing landless.


  • 一个招标拍卖上市制度成为厦门市业务出售土地使用主流

    One is tender, auction and listing system has become operational in Xiamen City to sell land use right of the mainstream.


  • 采用拍卖方式分配排污既是环境污染外部性的内部化,又是市场价格扭曲的纠正。

    Using auction to distribute pollution permits can not only internalizes the exterior problem of environmental pollution, but also adjust the contorted market price.


  • 黄正拍卖胶囊公寓的五年专利使用。这种公寓是毕生成就,去年四月以来就得到了国际媒体关注

    Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments that have been capturing international media attention since last April.


  • 黄(日新)正在拍卖胶囊公寓五年专利使用。这种公寓是毕生的成就,去年四月以来就得到国际媒体关注

    Huang gis auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work - the capsule apartments that have been capturing international media attention since last April.


  • 采砂拍卖对河道采砂管理防洪安全保护提出新的要求

    After the auction of sand excavation right, new requirement is made to sand excavation, flood control and safety management.


  • 商业地产开发项目实行招标拍卖挂牌方式取得土地使用

    Commercial real estate development projects adopt land use right acquisition through bidding, auction and listing.


  • 本文石料拍卖突破口论证了推进矿业市场建设五大举措

    Taking the auction of mining title of stone materials as breakthrough point, the paper proves five aspects of measure about how to push forward development of mining title market.


  • 土地使用可以采取出售拍卖招标或者双方协议方式

    Land use rights can be taken to sell by auction, tender or by mutual agreement of the way.


  • 一级市场国家通过申请批准、招标拍卖挂牌等方式将采矿出让特定主体。

    The first one is the market where the state remises the mining rights to the special holders by application, bidding, auction and shingle-hanging.


  • 如果面临这种情况时了解有关个人的选择而且采取适当的行动﹐也许能够保住家园﹐或者至少减轻一些房子被查封拍卖造成财务损失

    If you are faced with foreclosure, you can work to save your home-or at least limit the financial damage caused by foreclosure-if you understand your options and take the appropriate steps.


  • 债务人履行债务时,抵押人有依法以抵押房地产拍卖所得的价款优先偿。

    When the debtor does not fulfill the debt, the mortgagee is authorized the real estate auction obtained cost which mortgages legally first to receive recompenses.


  • 杰克逊孩子抚养拍卖

    Judge nixes custody bid for Jackson kids.


  • 本文回顾了浙江省以采矿拍卖试点县的方式探索矿业市场建设工作,总结了成功经验体会。

    The paper reviews the facts that Zhe Jiang publicly sale experimental county with mining rights, and it summarizes successful experience.


  • 但是,对于采矿强制拍卖存在诸多争议,其中最重要的一个争议就是强制拍卖主体法院还是国土资源主管部门

    However, enforcing auctioning on mining rights is in dispute that the entity of enforcing auctioning is court or land and resources administration.


  • 再生特许经营项目定价问题特许拍卖机制设计基础进行研究的。

    The pricing problem of licensed operation project of reused water is studied on the basis of the design on auction mechanism of licensed operation rights.


  • 再生特许经营项目定价问题特许拍卖机制设计基础进行研究的。

    The pricing problem of licensed operation project of reused water is studied on the basis of the design on auction mechanism of licensed operation rights.


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