• 在阿布德拉玛里-西萨科(Abderamane Sissako)的《巴马科非洲摇身一变成为法庭原告世界银行和国际货币基金组织则面临审判

    Abderamane Sissako's “Bamako” has Africa as a plaintiff in a court in which the World Bank and IMF are being tried.


  • 咨询的首席执行官纳塔拉詹•钱德拉·塞卡兰(Natarajan Chandrasekaran)过去三个月里访问了遍布世界各地的100多个客户表示他们坚决果断。

    Natarajan Chandrasekaran, TCS's chief executive, has visited more than 100 customers worldwide in the past three months and says they are resolute.


  • 这部新影片也瞄准了可能造成现在大萧条大人物:阿兰·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan),罗伯特·鲁宾Robert Rubin),拉里·萨默斯Larry Summers)(他们人1999年得意洋洋地登上时代杂志封面,当时的题目是“拯救世界三巨头”)提姆·盖特纳(Tim Geithner)。

    Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers (the three smugly depicted in that 1999 Time cover of the "committee to Save the world"), and Tim Geithner.


  • 缺乏出场机会使埃拉爆发了感到俱乐部的处境使得出战世界的机会越来越渺茫。

    His lack of first team football led to his outburst as he felt the club was putting his World Cup chances at risk.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡迪克•穆拉里达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德拉拉曼,印度安德拉邦的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 1924年1月21日弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·乌里扬诺夫,世界愿意称他列宁死于多年来令逐渐衰竭一系列中风引起并发症

    On January 21, 1924, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known to the world as Lenin, died of complications from a series of strokes that had progressively debilitated him over the preceding year.


  • 一个世界缓慢诞生而旧世界仍顽固地存在的古怪世界里,拉杜里探索着这些记录本发现

    Ladurie plumbs these transcripts and discovers an old world stubbornly at odds with the new world slowly being born.


  • 不久他把这个坏消息告诉世界顶级的艺术品交易家拉里·高古轩,邓菲先生回忆与他的谈话内容道:“拉里觉得这样做不好收藏家们感到困惑的。”

    Soon after breaking the news to Larry Gagosian, the world's leading dealer, Mr Dunphy recalled their conversation: "Larry said, 'It sounds like bad business to me." It'll be confusing to collectors.


  • Google条新闻中还援引公司的创建人之一兼总裁拉里·佩奇说:“目前一‘可连通世界’的项目基本在我们掌控之中。”

    "We've got that whole organizing-the-world's-information thing more or less under control," the website says, quoting Google co-founder and president Larry Page.


  • 如果占有了所有平台受众任何时候都要庞大”,世界报业协会拉里·基尔曼(LarryKilman, “不是受众的问题,这是一个收入问题。”

    The audience is bigger than ever, if you include all platforms,” says Larry Kilman of the World Association of Newspapers. “It’s not an audience problem—it’s a revenue problem.”


  • 需要建造一个巨大的戴森球,或是围绕恒星的环形世界,就如同拉里·尼其同名科幻小说《环形世界中想象得那样

    This would include building huge structures in space such as a Dyson sphere or a star-girdling "ringworld," as envisioned in the 1970 Larry Niven sci-fi story of the same name.


  • 坐骑回去世界之树下面建筑里伊瑟拉。

    Mount up and fly back to Ysera in the building under the World Tree.


  • 芝加哥WGN(注:全称为World ' s GreastestNewspaper,即“世界伟大报纸”)新闻两位早间主播罗宾·鲍姆·加滕拉里-波塔什就伊利诺伊塞内卡即将的消息播报分钟

    Morning hosts Robin Baumgarten and Larry Potash from WGN (World's Greatest Newspaper) news spoke for three minutes about the impending explosion of the Seneca bridge over the IIllinois River.


  • 告诉,纳伯平原多么空旷:那里有世界最长高尔夫球道,还有长达90英里澳洲最的直线路段。

    I'll tell you how empty it is: one of the highlights is the world's longest golf course, and the other is a 90-mile stretch that is Australia's longest straight in a road.


  • 最近几年那多·拉提尔·赫尔穆里奇通过世界各地堪萨斯州雅加达这样艺术院校建立工作室讲授的“镜头电影理论

    These last years, Leonard Retel Helmrich gave workshops to lecture his 'single-shot cinema' theory all over the world, on several Art Academies like Kansas or Jakarta.


  • 拉里叔叔很多世界各地朋友

    Uncle Larry had many friends around the world.


  • 社区指南拉怪页面并不意味着魔兽世界一些蹲点营地

    The pulling page in the Community Guide does not mean there is a lot of camping going on in World of Warcraft.


  • 布达拉宫现在中国一个国家博物馆,亦联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录里占有一席之地。

    Potala Palace is now a state museum of China, and has been given a place on the Unesco World Heritage list.


  • 尽管世界粮食产量达到有史以来最高水平,食物链环节的一拉一可能会影响到万里之外的人们。

    Although the world is producing more food than ever before, a tug on one link of the food chain still can rattle others far away.


  • 瓦尔拉斯一般均衡模型以及阿罗·德布鲁世界银行没有用的。

    In Walrasian general equilibrium models and the world of Arrow-Debreu model, the bank is useless.


  • 宙斯里达女儿、曼尼·拉斯妻子被认为世界美丽女子帕里司诱拐绑架导致特洛伊战争的发生。

    The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.


  • 汽车总动员2》里,拖车板牙(《有线电视修理工》拉里配音)跑遍了所有三个地区将要参加世界大奖赛赛车伙伴“闪电麦坤(欧文·威尔逊)加油。

    In Cars 2, provincial tow truck Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) visits all three locales to cheer on his racecar buddy Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson), who's competing in the World Grand Prix.


  • 汽车总动员2》里,拖车板牙(《有线电视修理工》拉里配音)跑遍了所有三个地区将要参加世界大奖赛赛车伙伴“闪电麦坤(欧文·威尔逊)加油。

    In Cars 2, provincial tow truck Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) visits all three locales to cheer on his racecar buddy Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson), who's competing in the World Grand Prix.


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