• 辛格应该担忧应该年纪更轻受害者们他们更需要母性关怀

    Ratzinger should have been more alarmed by the young age of the priest's victims; that's what maternal care would have entailed.


  • 2001年,那时还是红衣主教约瑟夫·拉辛格签署了份措辞不当的文件有可能下令对虐童案件进行秘密处理

    One is that in 2001, when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he signed an ill-phrased document that appears to order that child-abuse cases be dealt with in secret.


  • 德国日报图片报》报道,在即位教皇年前约瑟夫·辛格(本尼迪克特原名)主教曾因脑出血住院一个

    Four years before he became Pope however, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger spent nearly a month in hospital following a brain haemorrhage, according to the German daily Bild.


  • 2002年,教皇本十六世当时还是枢机主教约瑟夫拉辛格德国记者彼得泽瓦尔德,“我们是否可以使用动物甚至动物?”

    In 2002, whenPope Benedict XVI was known to the world as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,he was asked by German journalist, Peter Seewald, “Are we allowed tomake use of animals, and even to eat them?”


  • 由于无限能力创始人萨滕德·辛格博士请愿书而发生的。

    This happened due to a petition by Dr. Satendra Singh founder of Infinite Ability.


  • 尽管印度出版多种自传小说,尼·辛格《索尼娅·甘地卓越人生印度命运》却是一部面向国际市场的作品。

    Although a couple of biographies have been published in India, Rani Singh's "Sonia Gandhi: an Extraordinary Life, an Indian Destiny" is the first for an international market.


  • 虽然辛格事后表示印度立场绝不改变然而梅士的建议明智之举——作为一个大国,印度必须出面促成哥本哈根会议。

    Though Singh later said that India's position would not change, Ramesh's advice is smartas a major power, India must step up for Copenhagen to work.


  • 儿子胡尔最近这次胜利中扮演了重要角色广泛认为正在崛起并最终取代辛格

    Her son, Rahul - who played an important role in her most recent victory - is widely seen as being groomed to replace Singh.


  • 分析师杰伊·科普尔、尼尔·麦克劳德纳伦德·辛格创造富豪统治这个术语

    The analysts, Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, had coined a term for this state of affairs: plutonomy.


  • 焦特布年轻富有马球玩家尼基·兰德·辛格帮我解决了这个问题

    One of Jodhpur's gilded youths, the polo-playing Nikhilendra Singh, has solved the problem.


  • (听到这回答后,)身穿橄榄绿衬衫头戴白巾的辛格便自己所穿的相间的运动鞋向奇丹巴差点砸到脸上

    Singh, dressed in an olive-green shirt and a white turban, then threw his blue and white sneaker at Chidambaram, narrowly missing his face.


  • 但是什·辛格却把这个全球”当成是个不错荣誉,他拒绝洗澡已经三十七个年头了

    But Kailash Singh has as good a claim as any to the accolade of world's smelliest man - after refusing to wash for more than 37 years.


  • 不过工具也能起到了双刃剑的作用,哈佛克希米·伊勒(LakshmiIyer)便利用了工具的类作用技术揭示了一些大英帝国殖民统治下的不愉快后果辛格牛津听众们可能会因这些后果而骚动

    But instruments can cut both ways. Lakshmi Iyer of Harvard has used the technique to reveal some unhappy consequences of the Raj that might have made Mr Singh's Oxford audience squirm.


  • 随后辛格在接受电视台新闻采访时称后悔觉得奇丹巴回避问题

    Soon after, Singh told TV news reporters that he regretted throwing the shoe but he felt Chidambaram was dodging the question.


  • 无论是自杀还是家人律师声称谋杀·辛格死亡监狱的严重安保失误,该监狱是印度著名监狱之一。

    Whether a suicide or foul play as his family and lawyer have alleged, Ram Singh's death is an enormous security failure at one of India's best-known prisons.


  • 1857年古·辛格王公驾崩由于蒙特哥摩利中尉具有王公继承人马哈加·兰吉特?辛格一样影响力得以继续勘察工作

    After Gulab Singh's death in 1857, Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the successor of Gulab Singh.


  • 运动员免费食物视为几个辛苦训练的解放。塞·辛格就为晒出的图片配文说道“受够了几个月的蔬菜水果‘清洁饮食’了,现在时候垃圾食品啦。”

    The athletes see the free food as a release from months of hard work and Serasinghe captioned his picture 'Now it's time to eat some junk food after months of eating clean'.


  • 获得来自克瓦巴哈曼.辛格协助法文翻译印度消失了的,圣弥勒菩萨所做的《大乘经庄严论》。

    He, with the help of Pt. Kulaman Singh of Kvabahal, translated into French the Mahayana Sutralankara of Arya Maitreyanath. Buddhism disappeared in India.


  • 通过管材屈服极限研究提出准确估计包辛格效应应定出供货的屈服极限范围

    Precise prediction to Bauschinger's effect values is given based on the study of tensile yield strength for pipes, so does the range of yield strength supplied.


  • 根据格朗日动力学方程克雷洛夫-勃哥维辛斯理论,首次建立了“船舶-减摇鳍-被动式减摇水综合减摇系统数学模型

    According to Lagrange dynamical equation and Kriloff theory, the mathematical model of integrated anti-roll system "ship -fin stabilizer-passive anti-roll tank" is built up.


  • 本文研究辛群胚上的格朗日双截面。

    In this paper, we study the Lagrange bisection at the symplectic groupoids.


  • 本文研究辛群胚上的格朗日双截面。

    In this paper, we study the Lagrange bisection at the symplectic groupoids.


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