• 阿富汗查布位于坎大哈的北方拓跋山脉把该地区巴基斯坦的基义夫和吉·阿布分开

    Afghanistan's Zabul province lies to the north of Kandahar, along the Toba Kakar mountain range that separates it from the Pakistani districts of Killa Saifullah and Killa Abdullah.


  • 先生2001年其父去世接受就职上任,父亲,Laurent-Désiré,在年前地区战争之后掌权,而在那次战争,造成百万死亡

    Mr Kabila took office in 2001 after the death of his father, Laurent-Désiré, who had won power four years earlier during a regional war that cost millions of lives.


  • 在几周前安得纳塔克邦大部分地区刚刚遭遇严重干旱

    Just weeks ago, most parts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka were suffering from severe drought.


  • 研究西雅图坦帕莱·罗纳布鲁·明顿、印第安纳水牛城纽约宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机

    The study seeks drivers in Seattle, Tampa Bay, Durham, North Carolina, Bloomington, Indiana, Buffalo, New York and central Pennsylvania.


  • 作为一个秘鲁文化丰富城市,米·弗洛雷斯周边利马地区适合客人留在萨安迪私人·弗洛雷斯度假活动数组

    As a city rich in Peruvian culture, Miraflores and the surrounding Lima area have an array of activities suitable for guests staying at the Casa Andina Private Collection-Miraflores resort.


  • 截止2005年11月16日科尔多凡不同地区(abu Gebiha、沙德、迪林、杜格利、Talodi)报告了404118例死亡

    As of 16 November 2005, 404 cases and 118 deaths were reported from different localities in South Kordofan State (Abu Gebiha, Rashad, Dilling, Kadugli, Talodi).


  • WCS的部分资金支持下,野生动物学家什·米·蒂(Kashmira Kakati)一直Jeypore - Dehing雨林的长臂猿进行研究。由于自己持续观察的地区出现了捕猎踪迹开始感到忧虑。

    Partly funded by WCS, wildlife biologist Kashmira Kakati had been studying the gibbons of Jeypore-Dehing and became curious about the predator tracks she kept finding on the ground.


  • ·珀塞德·比塞萨尔的立场深受加勒比海英语区的欢迎,因该地区20世纪90年代后,谋杀犯罪率飙升

    Her stance is popular across the English-speaking Caribbean, where murder rates have soared since the 1990s.


  • 印度古吉特邦安德·纳塔克邦处在索什特地区海岸带主要生产者名单顶部

    In India Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are the major producers with the coastal belt of Saurashtra region being at the top of the list.


  • 加利福尼亚沿海地区洛杉矶南部美国本地居民西班牙时期圣路易斯圣胡安皮斯特传教联系

    Native American people inhabiting the coastal area of California south of Los Angeles, associated during Spanish times with the missions of San Luis Rey and San Juan Capistrano.


  • 个目击者告诉BBC绿色旗帜的黎波里地区竖起,那儿也发现扎菲支持者出现街道上

    An eyewitness has told the BBC the green flag was also raised in the Daraa area of Tripoli, where a small group of Gaddafi supporters were on the street.


  • 叙利亚幼发底河河畔城镇拉卡北边东边农地一度是该地区粮仓大片金黄色小麦羊群

    Ar raqqah syria the farmlands spreading north and east of this euphrates river town were once the breadbasket of the region a vast expanse of golden wheat and sheep.


  • 奇·什特地区花生种植面积已经从2002年的260万公顷下降190万公顷。

    From 26 lakh hectares in 2002, the groundnut cultivation area in the Kutch-Saurashtra region has gone down to 19 lakh hectares.


  • 周一印度纳·塔安德·地区连日暴雨终于有所减弱,此前,暴雨淹没数百村庄造成大面积灾害

    Days of torrential rains eased Monday in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states, but not before they had submerged hundreds of villages and caused widespread havoc.


  • 尔山位于智利的阿塔·沙漠地区公认世界上最好天文观测区域之一。

    Cerro Paranal, in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is considered one of the best astronomical observing sites in the world.


  • 伦托地区同时也是古希腊殖民地本土伊特斯坎人和·尼亚人之间边界

    The Cilento was also the boundary between the Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and the indigenous Etruscan and Lucanian peoples.


  • 该计划署(wfp)发言人女士通过空运每个可以把大约4千名人道救援工作人员送到乍得的10个不同地区

    WFP Spokeswoman Emilia Casella says the air service flies about 4,000 humanitarian aid workers every month to 10 destinations in Chad.


  • 周六利比亚部分地区武装冲突在继续,包括东部石油城市布雷加西部城市米苏以及利比亚领导人扎菲家乡苏尔特

    Violence continued on Saturday in parts of Libya, including the eastern oil town of Brega, the western city Misrata and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte.


  • 周六利比亚部分地区武装冲突在继续,包括东部石油城市布雷加西部城市米苏以及利比亚领导人扎菲家乡苏尔特

    Violence continued on Saturday in parts of Libya, including the eastern oil town of Brega, the western city Misrata and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte.


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