• 如果警察报道有关的事情,绑架儿子

    If you go to the gardai or write about me, I'm gonna kidnap your son.


  • 来自英国BBC网站报道称,当地时间9月13日,布拉德福德大学、阿伯里斯特威斯大学英国边境共同组成的研究团队布拉德福德举办的英国科学节发布套联合开发的电算化摄像系统,可对人面部表情进行检测,从而判断其是否在撒谎。

    The system, developed by a team from the universities of Bradford and Aberystwyth in conjunction with the UK Border Agency, was unveiled today at the British Science Festival in Bradford.


  • 航天科学家们回避这些突然从科学杂志出来迅速网络上流行的报道说那个地方也许什么东西生存。

    Space agency scientists waved off reports - which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet - that something might be stirring out there.


  • 但是太阳报报道如今美国宇航份报告显示,强有力的证据证明它们源自火星

    But a Nasa report now says there is strong evidence they originated on Mars, according to the Sun.


  • 世界新闻周刊最先发表张图片就马森博士调查发表报道尽管媒体做了报道,但美国宇航拒绝承认存在张照片

    Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson's findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.


  • 根据劳工统计报道劳动人口偶偶总数下降实际上人口调整影响

    But according to the BLS, practically the entire drop in the Labour force total is due to the population adjustment.


  • 早期一些报道认为同一个地方发生了地震,但是美国地质调查后来的分析表示只有一次地震发生。

    Earlier reports suggested there had been two strong earthquakes moments apart in the same area, but the USGS later clarified that there had been just one quake.


  • 美国国家天气气象报道陈述说,地球磁暴通常持续2448小时——但是个别持续几天时间。

    Geomagnetic storms usually last 24 to 48 hoursbut some could last for many days, read a statement from the us National Weather Service.


  • 据英国广播公司报道伦敦大都会警察买下电视剧《警务风云》中使用所有警用制服,以防这些衣服落入坏人手中

    Uniforms used on TV series "the Bill" have been bought by the London Metropolitan Police to stop them falling into the hands of criminals, BBC reported.


  • 美国宇航报道环绕地球太空垃圾已经到达了一个临界点,它们之间的相互碰撞使本来就稠密的地球云层变得越来越

    The amount of space junk orbiting earth has reached a 'tipping point' where continual collisions are thickening the already dense cloud shrouding the earth, a Nasa report has revealed.


  • 当地媒体报道美国联邦调查计划纽约时代广场电子屏幕上发布通缉犯失踪人员照片姓名

    The US FBI plans to unveil a digital billboard in Times Square, New York, featuring photos and names of fugitives and missing persons, local media said.


  • 报道美国食品药物管理日前批准用艾尔建公司生产皱纹注射剂肉毒杆菌素治疗慢性偏头痛

    The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Allergan Inc's anti-wrinkle injection Botox for the treatment of chronic migraines, foreign media reported.


  • 来自布隆·伯格报道奥巴马任命沃伦美国财长盖特纳的顾问成立的消费金融保护起到重要影响

    Bloomberg reports that Obama will appoint Warren as an adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner where she'll help shape the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


  • 英国气象报道气候模式持续地把火山灰英国

    Weather patterns continued to blow the ash towards the United Kingdom, that country's Meteorological Office reports.


  • 芬顿邮报报道美国劳工统计最新发布女性收入显示性别差异导致的收入差异仍然存在

    As reported on the Huffington Post, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a new report on women's earnings which shows that the gender wage gap continues.


  • 根据劳动统计计算,2008年到2009年间,全职报道工资位数下降了1.5%。

    The median weekly wage for full-time reporters et al fell by 1.5% between 2008 and 2009, according to BLS calculations.


  • 广州日报报道广东省物价近日重申,任何单位个人如果借甲型H1N1流感疫情散布谣言哄抬药品口罩价格属于价格违法行为。

    The Guangdong provincial price watchdog reiterated that it is illegal to spread rumors about the A/H1N1 flu and hike medicine and protective mask prices, Guangzhou Daily reported.


  • 美国地理调查报道日本东海岸刚刚遭受场5.1余震

    Another two aftershocks measuring 5.1 magnitude have just shaken Japan's east coast, the us Geological Survey reports.


  • :据报道荷兰环境评估近日发表报告中国排放增长速度大幅超出预期中方对此有何评论?

    Q: What is China's comment on the report recently released by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which says that the growth rate of China's carbon emissions is far beyond expectation?


  • 考古学家利用美国宇航卫星图像技术埃及发现了17座被掩埋金字塔BBC周一广播文件报道

    Archaeologists have uncovered as many as 17 buried pyramids in Egypt with the help of NASA satellite imagery, according to a documentary to be aired by the BBC on Monday.


  • 美国地质报道强震发生之后的一个小时内同时发生震级分别为6.05.4级的地震。

    Two more earthquakes -- measuring 6.0 and 5.4 magnitudes -- happened nearby over the next hour, the USGS reported.


  • 英国《每日邮报报道美国宇航近日公布了一张火星冬季照片展现了火星表面无数令人惊叹的地貌特征结构其中包括二氧化碳或者形成的

    NASA recently released a stunning image showing the surface of Mars in extraordinary detail, including a myriad of shapes and textures seen as carbon dioxide or water frost, the Daily Mail reported.


  • 电视报道“拉萨德”卫星伊朗航空航天研发15.3公斤每天160公里高空地球15

    The TV report said the Rasad satellite, developed by Iran's aerospace agency, weighs 15.3kg and has been designed to orbit the Earth 15 times a day at a height of 160 miles.


  • 电视报道“拉萨德”卫星伊朗航空航天研发15.3公斤每天160公里高空地球15

    The TV report said the Rasad satellite, developed by Iran's aerospace agency, weighs 15.3kg and has been designed to orbit the Earth 15 times a day at a height of 160 miles.


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