• 法庭文件中表示这些发生另一个办公室机构提出正式抗议采取法律行动之后

    But in court documents he said those moves happened only after he was moved to another office, made an official protest against the agency, and then took legal action.


  • 抗议唱着挥舞标语牌

    The protesters sang songs and waved placards.


  • 此外抗议可能离开他们信心正在增强不是减弱,他们的议程正在抗议活动正在蔓延吸引了各个年龄段的人和各方关注

    Moreover, the protesters are unlikely to go away, their confidence is growing rather than waning, their agendas are merging, the protests are spreading and drawing in all ages and concerns.


  • 最近带领一些外交官抗议而出名村庄——比邻村巴勒斯坦人民抵抗活动召开了一次会议

    With foreign diplomats in tow, he recently went to Bilin, a village famous for its protests, and opened a conference forPalestinian popular resistance”.


  • 他们抗议CGIL领导者苏珊娜.卡穆索称为不公正欺凌弱者的”使得解雇工人变得轻而易举的条款

    They were protesting over a clause making it easier to dismiss workers and, more generally, over a budget that the CGIL’s leader, Susanna Camusso, callsunjust because it attacks the weakest”.


  • 他们抗议CGIL领导者苏珊娜。卡穆索称为不公正欺凌弱者使得解雇工人变得轻而易举的条款

    They were protesting over a clause making it easier to dismiss workers and, more generally, over a budget that the CGIL's leader, Susanna Camusso, calls "unjust because it attacks the weakest".


  • 半岛电视台电视上广播这个视频,在1月4日亚齐兹因烧伤死亡时,抗议已经席卷了突尼斯蔓延到了整个阿拉伯世界

    Al Jazeera showed the video on air, and by the time Bouazizi died of his burns on January 4th protests had broken out across Tunisia and spread across the Arab world.


  • 劳工现在敢于要求高工资3月18日成百上千的工人Sharjah部落点燃汽车筑建一个劳工抗议低薪

    Labourers have dared to demand better wages. On March 18th hundreds of workers in the emirate of Sharjah torched cars and buildings in a Labour camp in a protest over pay.


  • 昨日阿根廷北部中部60个地区农民纷纷举行抗议设置分散路障有时会迫使卡车倾倒运载的货物。

    The farmers were yesterday protesting at about 60 locations in northern and central Argentina and have staged sporadic roadblocks, occasionally forcing truckers to dump loads.


  • 土耳其召回以色列大使且呼吁联合国安理会召集紧急会议取消了原定以色列进行三次军事演习,以示抗议

    Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Israel, called for an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council and canceled three planned military exercises with Israel in protest over the incident.


  • 被称为“愤怒者”(indignados)的狂热年轻抗议专注发生他们身上的每个话题讨论投票,他们对酒精表示不满

    The earnest young protesters, dubbed indignados, devoted themselves to talking through and voting on every issue that occurred to them; alcohol was frowned upon.


  • 该州基民盟反对风力发电厂,嘲笑它们是乡下生产Verspargelung (一种芦笋)这种讥讽的话经常可以绿党抗议那里听到

    The state CDU had resisted wind farms, which it derided for producing the Verspargelung (“asparagusing”) of the countryside, the sort of gibe that one hears more often from Green protesters.


  • 应当始终尊重裁判人员工作接受他们裁决任何裁决的抗议应当领队去交涉,而不是教练员本人。

    He should always respect the work of officials and accept their decisions. Any protest about a decision should be made by the team manager, not by the coach.


  • 正是那些勇敢无畏清教徒抗议者们反对了其余之人的错误偶像崇拜,他们动身来到这个大陆建立起美国改正教。

    It was those courageous Puritan protesters against remnants of error and idolatry who made their way to this continent and established the Protestantism of America.


  • 2010年旧金山创始飞速扩张优步巴黎新德里的各地监管机构出租车司机抗议进行斗争老手

    Uber, which launched in San Francisco in 2010, is a veteran of battles with regulators and protests by cabbies in cities from Paris to New Delhi as it expands at breakneck speed.


  • 亚列山大?古斯塔夫?埃菲尔完成设计开始巴黎建造名字命名铁塔时,人们听到了几乎来自各方的大声抗议

    When Alexandre Gustave Eiffel completed the design and commenced construction of the tower in Paris which was to bear his name, a lot of loud protests were heard from nearly every quarter.


  • ASA要求退赛,急需块奖牌先生坚持她参赛,愤怒的对这种侵犯年轻运动员隐私的“无礼”行为表示抗议

    ASA was urged to withdraw her. But Mr Chuene, desperate for a medal, insisted on keeping her in, angrily protesting at the "insulting" invasion of the young athlete's privacy.


  • 土耳其召回以色列大使呼吁联合国安理会召集紧急会议取消了原定以色列进行的军事演习,以示抗议

    Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Israel, called for an emergency session of the U. N. Security Council and canceled three planned military exercises with Israel in protest over the incident.


  • 打倒华尔街抵御全球变暖抗议理由多种多样抗议活动还受到社交媒体的助推,扩展到美国其他几个城市

    Their causes range from bringing down Wall Street to fighting global warming. The movement gained traction through social media, and protests have taken place in several other cities nationwide.


  • 打倒华尔街抵御全球变暖抗议理由多种多样抗议活动还受到社交媒体的助推,扩展到美国其他几个城市

    Their causes range from bringing down Wall Street to fighting global warming. The movement gained traction through social media, and protests have taken place in several other cities nationwide.


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