• 农民种植抗草甘膦作物可以使用一个较低的毒性除草剂控制杂草

    And farmers planting glyphosate-resistant crops can use just one less-toxic herbicide to control weeds.


  • 篇文章包含了孟山都公司暗示承认他们草甘膦除草剂大豆技术已经失败

    The article contained an implied admission by Monsanto that its GM Roundup Ready technology had failed.


  • 除此之外,声称抗草甘膦除草剂作物应用减少其他除草剂的使用缺乏依据。

    In addition, claims that the adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops reduces the use of other herbicides are not borne out.


  • 除草剂对腐皮镰刀菌f。 sp。氨基乙酸抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆突然死亡影响

    Sanogo S, Yang, X. , Scherm, H. 2000. Effects of herbicides on Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines and development of sudden death syndrome in glyphosate-tolerant soybean.


  • 采用体细胞连续定向筛选技术,结合体细胞诱变技术,获得非转基因草甘膦棉花突变体—r 1098。

    A cotton mutant, R1098 with the trait of resistance to glyphosate, was obtained by the method of somatic cell inducing and continued directional selection.


  • 但是孟山都没有阿根廷获得专利。在阿根廷可以抗草甘膦除草剂大豆可以随意种植需要获得许可同意

    But the firm has not managed to obtain a patent in Argentina, where soya-bean crops (known as Roundup Ready) expressing the glyphosate-resistance genes can be cultivated without a licensing agreement.


  • 草甘膦除草剂制造商抗草甘膦转基因大豆拥护者声称草甘膦能够迅速分解无害物质而且环境无害。

    Manufacturers of glyphosate and proponents of GM RR soy claim that glyphosate breaks down rapidly into harmless substances and is not harmful to the environment.


  • 经常有人声称免耕种植抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆耕作模型节能因为减少生产者拖拉机通过农田次数。

    It is often claimed that no-till with GM RR soy farming model saves energy because it reduces the number of times the producer must pass across the field with the tractor.


  • 草甘膦“终结者”除草剂基因允许作物喷洒草甘膦条件下生长,除草剂杀死野草其他植物但是允许作物生长。

    The RR gene allows the growing crop to be sprayed with glyphosate, killing weeds and other plants but allowing the crop to grow on.


  • 化学公司解决之道草甘膦其它化学试剂结合起来,种子公司的解决之道则是草甘膦性状与其它性状结合起来。

    The chemical company solution is to combine glyphosate with other chemicals, and the seed company solution is to combine glyphosate resistance with other traits.


  • Tomomi Nakamura时表示他们终止孟山都1996年以来日本开发抗草甘膦除草剂稻米研究合作

    Tomomi Nakamura, an assembly member that they will stop the research cooperation with Monsanto they have continued since 1996 to develop Roundup herbicide tolerant rice strain in Japan.


  • 然后,将草甘膦残余量耐受水平提高使他们引入草甘膦作物作业一致并且……希望没有人能够注意到其中的诈骗

    Then the glyphosate tolerance levels are raised to bring them into line with the new practices for glyphosate resistant crops. Andhopefully nobody will notice the deceit.


  • 包括草甘膦除草剂大豆在内的关于转基因作物农民有益许多允诺,并没有实现另外以方面,出现了许多未预料问题

    Many of the promised benefits to farmers of GM crops, including GM RR soy, have not materialized. On the other hand, unexpected problems have arisen.


  • 举例说,草甘膦转基因大豆中的除草剂基因植物病毒两种不同土壤细菌以及一种矮牵牛花植物的基因组合而成。

    For example, the herbicide-resistant gene in GM RR soy was pieced together from a plant virus, two different soil bacteria, and a petunia plant.


  • 一旦除草剂生产消耗的化石燃料能源一并考虑,宣称草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆及其系统有助于环境可持续性理由立刻坍塌

    Once the energy and fossil fuel used in herbicide production are taken into account, claims of environmental sustainability for GM RR soy with no-till systems collapse.


  • 经过15商业化生产关于孟山都公司抗草甘膦“终结者”除草剂转基因大豆影响大批证据科学研究农场监督以及专家报告形式,披露出来。

    Over 15 years of commercial production, a large body of evidence on the impacts of GM RR soy has emerged in the form of scientific research, on-farm monitoring, and expert reports.


  • 这些研究领域包括抗草甘膦“终结者”除草剂转基因大豆及其种植必须施用的草甘膦除草剂对健康环境影响,其农艺学表现以及农民市场经济影响

    Areas of study include the health and environmental effects of GM RR soy and the glyphosate herbicide that accompanies it, agronomic performance, and economic impacts to farmers and markets.


  • 这些研究发现,草甘膦转基因大豆非转基因大豆不是实质相同”,而是它们的性质、对于实验动物作用上、在环境影响上,以及农田种植实际表现方面有区别

    The findings show that GM RR soy is not substantially equivalent to non-GM soy, but differs in its properties, effects on experimental animals, environmental impacts, and in-field performance.


  • 研究报告围绕抗草甘膦“终结者”除草剂转基因大豆及其种植积累这些证据进行了评定,力图回答这样问题:“抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆可否界定负责任可持续性的?”

    This report presents and assesses the evidence that has accumulated on GM RR soy and its cultivation in an attempt to answer the question, "Can GM RR soy be defined as responsible or sustainable?"


  • 重要是,除草剂草甘膦可以抑制这些寄生虫生长表明莽草途径(shikimate pathway)可以成为开发一种新型寄生虫目标

    Importantly, the growth of these parasites can be inhibited by the herbicide glyphosate, suggesting that the shikimate pathway will make a good target for the development of new anti-parasite agents.


  • 重要是,除草剂草甘膦可以抑制这些寄生虫生长表明莽草途径(shikimate pathway)可以成为开发一种新型寄生虫目标

    Importantly, the growth of these parasites can be inhibited by the herbicide glyphosate, suggesting that the shikimate pathway will make a good target for the development of new anti-parasite agents.


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