• 科学家正在研究饮食抗癌作用

    Scientists are investigating the effects of diet on fighting cancer.


  • 科学家认为他们研究开始有所突破

    Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.


  • 虽然这项研究不是第一测试抗癌病毒疗法,但第一次完整记录此类病毒患者病变组织中的行为特征

    While the study is not the first to test a cancer-killing viral therapy, it is the first to thoroughly document the behavior of the virus in patients' biopsy tissue.


  • 都不好说但是随着抗癌药物领域大量经费研究投入这种可能性应该相当大。

    Who's to say, but it seems like with the vast amount of money and research being pumped into cancer drug development, the odds are pretty good.


  • 某些研究甚至指出帮助抗癌增加活力

    Some research even suggests it might provide cancer immunity and increased energy.


  • 过去研究曾经说明适度饮用白酒降低心脏病风险尽管据说葡萄酒发现氧化剂含有抗癌性能

    Studies in the past have claimed that moderate alcohol consumption can lower the risk of heart disease, while an anti-oxidant found in red wine is thought to contain cancer fighting properties.


  • 研究维生素b17含量最丰富果品维生素b17是极为有效抗癌物质癌细胞具有杀灭作用。

    According to research apricot is the fruit with the richest level of vitamin B17 which is a highly effective anti-cancer substance and possess the ability to eliminate cancer cells.


  • 很多对此感兴趣医学研究人员他们希望这些生物某些特性可以导致开发新的抗癌药物肿瘤药物。

    Much of the interest, though, comes from medical researchers who hope the strange properties of some of these creatures may lead to new anti-carcinogens or tumour-reducing drugs.


  • 研究表明有机食品确实传统食品更健康具有更多矿物质维生素植物营养素(植物化合物抗癌)。

    Research shows that organic food is indeed healthier than conventional food, having a higher amount of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients (plant compounds that fight cancer).


  • 良好生活习惯可以抑制引发肿瘤的基因(致癌基因)发挥作用,其中的一些致癌基因还是目前正在开发抗癌药物研究对象

    The good life turned off tumour-promoting genes (known as oncogenes) -including several that are the target of efforts to develop anti-cancer drugs.


  • 他们:“试点研究表明食用豆瓣菜足以调节潜在抗癌途径。”

    They said: "This pilot study suggests that dietary intake of watercress may be sufficient to modulate this potential anti-cancer pathway."


  • McGovern已经开始宾夕法尼亚大学癌症研究一起测试古代啤酒葡萄酒发现草药成分,以期能找到抗癌物质。

    McGovern has begun collaborating with cancer researchers at the University of Pennsylvania to test herbal compounds found in ancient beers and wines for possible tumor-fighting properties.


  • 不过研究小组依然芒果抗癌功能做了实验,发现特定乳腺癌结肠癌细胞株生长有预防和抑制功能,SusanneTalcott提到

    But the team checked mango against cancer cells anyway, and found it prevented or stopped cancer growth in certain breast and colon cell lines, Susanne Talcott noted.


  • 研究发现一些抗癌特性研究人员正在研究用于治疗癌症可能性

    Studies find that it also has some anticancer properties, and researchers are exploring its potential as a cancer treatment.


  • 通过收购基因泰克,罗氏已经贫血症研究方面,增加了抗癌其他潜在有利可图的有前景治疗方法。

    By taking over Genentech, Roche has added promising drugs for cancer and other potentially lucrative treatments to its otherwise anaemic research pipeline.


  • 一是最近科学发现抗癌药物研究定下了需要攻破的课题。

    Recent scientific discoveries have suggested new targets for cancer drug researchers to attack.


  • 研究人员清楚病毒的效果到底有

    Researchers still don't know how well the virus will combat cancer.


  • 一项芬兰研究表明腌制泡菜过程中经历发酵过程会产生好几抗癌成分包括ITC(异硫氰酸酯),吲哚以及莱菔硫烷。

    A Finnish study found that the fermentation process involved in making sauerkraut produces several other cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane.


  • 很有希望成为抗癌工具美国研究

    Light is a "promising" tool in the fight against cancer, say researchers in the US.


  • 私人腰包研究项目不可或缺资源并且许多正处于临床试验抗癌大型制药公司研发

    The private purse is an important source for good research and many of the new targeted cancer agents were developed in phase 3 trials by the big pharmaceutical companies.


  • 起来很振奋人心因为CancerHelp(英国个组织)的关系,英国利用人类研究中的证据解释了绿茶抗癌功效

    As exciting as this sounds, cancer Help UK explains that evidence from human studies has yet to prove that drinking green tea has a cancer-preventing effect in real life.


  • 目前试验结果不仅预示JX- 594光明前景,也照亮了整个抗癌病毒研究领域。

    The current trial's results don't just bode well for JX-594, he says, but for the field of cancer-killing viruses overall.


  • 前期研究暗示通过纳米颗粒可能改善抗癌药物治疗反应并且可以同步监视肿瘤摄取药物

    Prior studies suggested that nanoparticle drug delivery might improve the therapeutic response to anticancer drugs and allow the simultaneous monitoring of drug uptake by tumors.


  • 研究显示,绿茶降低胆固醇抗癌甚至还有可能预防牙。

    Some studies suggest it can help reduce cholesterol, protect against cancer and perhaps even fight cavities.


  • 近年科学研究表明蕨菜具有一定抗癌功效

    Bracken also indicate that scientific research in recent years has certain anti-cancer effect.


  • 包括基因泰克诺华制药在内一些制药公司正在研究可以进入细胞内部阻断VEGF分子抗癌药物

    But a number of drug companies including Genentech and Novartis AG are looking at small molecule cancer drugs that can get inside cells and block VEGF.


  • 意大利癌症研究协会意大利抗癌联盟研究提供支持

    The Italian Association for Cancer Research and the Italian League Against Cancer supported this work.


  • 意大利癌症研究协会意大利抗癌联盟研究提供支持

    The Italian Association for Cancer Research and the Italian League Against Cancer supported this work.


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