• 上千退休人员劝说抵押他们房子投资投机性债券

    Thousands of retirees were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.


  • 此类债券缺乏显著投资性事实上具有若干投机性质

    Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well.


  • 一个备受大家嘲笑的联邦调查小组已经有明确证据表明,投资银行他们顾客们隐瞒了许多次级债券不稳定性特点(高风险性)。

    A much-derided federal panel has produced clear evidence that investment Banks kept secret from their clients the shaky nature of many mortgage-backed securities.


  • 此后由于投资银行所创造一系列令人眼花缭乱的新型信贷产品,此类资产尤其是按揭抵押债券)再包装业务规模复杂性便一路飙升。

    Thereafter, the scale and complexity of this repackaging (particularly of mortgage-backed assets) hugely increased as investment banks created an alphabet soup of new debt products.


  • 计划第三内容技术援助。 援助世行提供帮助各国建立投资性更高本国债券市场

    The third part of the program is technical assistance to be provided by the Bank to help countries develop more investable local bond markets.


  • 投资寻求债券安全性丧失股票的兴趣。

    Investors seek the safety of bonds and lose their taste for equities.


  • 投资对于稳固资产负债表需求激化资本安全性债券间的竞争

    Competition for capital and safer forms of debt will be greater, as investors demand fortress-like balance-sheets.


  • 但是同样结构性原因说明为什么投资钟情于债券而不是股票

    But there may also be structural reasons why investors are favouring bonds over shares.


  • 受到美国国债广阔市场流动性引诱惊恐投资纷纷抢购最为安全的美元资产因为欧元区充满混乱债券市场各自为战

    Scared investors rushed into the safest dollar assets, lured by the liquidity of the vast market for us Treasuries, as the euro area was revealed as a mess of fragmented bond markets.


  • 投资如果国库债券流动性不足的时候要求收回他们的钱银,那么货币市场基金可能被迫暂停货币回笼“跌破票面价值”。

    But if investors demanded their money back at a time when Treasury bills were illiquid, money-market funds might be forced to suspend resumptions or "break the buck".


  • 机构还称经验丰富的投资理解市政债券违约可能性评级相同的公司债券低。

    The agency argued that sophisticated investors understood that municipal issues were less likely to default than similarly rated corporate issues.


  • 既可靠流动性又强并且能够以备不时之需储藏非常少,许多外汇管理机构债券投资继续资金投入国债市场

    Reliable and liquid repositories for rainy-day saving are scarce, which is why reserve managers and bond investors continue to push money into the Treasury market.


  • 毕竟随着债券违约可能性上升自然有更多投资购买违约保险

    After all, it is only natural that, with the likelihood of bond defaults increasing, more investors should want to buy insurance against such events.


  • 与此同时债券投资大量买入美国国债,远离风险高的投机性债券

    Bond investors, meanwhile, have piled into Treasuries and fled speculative debt.


  • CDS发明不但增加了公司市场流动性,更重要的是,它投资能够建立债券的“空头”头寸(short position)。

    The invention of the CDS increased the liquidity of the market and, crucially, allowed investors to take a “short” position on bonds.


  • 雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)去年9月倒闭之后投资一度愿意购买流动性较强的短期债券

    In the aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September last year, investors were only willing to buy short-dated debt, which is more liquid.


  • 六月以来,爱尔兰国债年期基准收益已经从不百分之五急升至百分之八,这反映投资爱尔兰债券违约可能性恐惧正在急剧增加

    Since June, the yield on Ireland's benchmark 10-year bond has increased from below 5 percent to about 8 percent, reflecting a dramatic increase in investor fears of an Irish default.


  • 商业银行不能参与交易所公司债券市场个人企业投资直接参与小额交易流动性好。

    Commercial Banks cannot participate the bourse corporate bond market, but individuals and firms can directly join in, as the liquidity of small amount trade is good.


  • 克雷默这些做法可能导致投资要求永久性提高债券收益率,用以补偿已经无法对冲掉的风险

    These efforts' may have led to investors demanding a permanently higher level of yield to compensate for risks that can no longer be hedged, 'Kraemer said.


  • 尽管此举可能会使债券投资者们平静下来,却引发大宗商品市场股票市场投机者流动性恐慌——市场崩溃一触即发。

    Though its action may calm bond vigilantes, it could spark panic over liquidity among commodity and stock market speculators. A market crash is likely.


  • 除了提高流动性标准化使购买债券投资容易预测处理提前还款风险

    Besides increasing liquidity, standardisation also makes it easier for investors who buy the bonds to forecast and deal with prepayment risk.


  • 某种程度上这种关系许多投资相对较小位置流动性这个国债不如折扣债券

    To the extent that this bond is held by many investors with relatively small positions, liquidity in this bond will be inferior to the Discount bond.


  • 惊慌失措投资者们通常会一窝蜂流动性高的市场争购美国债券尽管他们也美国公共财政担忧焦虑

    Scared investors often rush into the big and liquid market for us Treasuries, despite anxieties about America's public finances.


  • 曾经意大利债券视为安全资产投资现在忧心忡忡,担心信用违约交换市场可信性、单一货币崩溃可能,以及所有其他事情。

    Investors who once regarded Italian bonds as a safe asset now worry about everything from the integrity of the credit-default-swap market to a possible break-up of the single currency.


  • 曾经意大利债券视为安全资产投资现在忧心忡忡,担心信用违约交换市场可信性、单一货币崩溃可能,以及所有其他事情。

    Investors who once regarded Italian bonds as a safe asset now worry about everything from the integrity of the credit-default-swap market to a possible break-up of the single currency.


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