• 投票调查系统可以站点上设置投票调查项目

    Poll system, you can set up the site to vote and survey project!


  • 参与投票调查人数没有上限发起者则拥有管理员权限

    There is no limit on the number of participants, and poll creators get administration rights.


  • 腾讯网一36万多人参加的投票调查中,大多数认为幸福房子关联密切。”

    Another poll by Tencent drew more than 360,000 votes, with most agreeing with the statement that "happiness is closely related to owning a home."


  • 但是最近一项投票调查显示大多数纽约人都表示他们认为这个建设项目如期完工

    But, in a recent poll, a majority of New Yorkers said they did not believe the project would be completed on time.


  • 民意投票调查显示许多相信环境标准下滑似乎很多因素造成认识现实分离

    Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and many factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.


  • 哈佛大学安东尼·塞进行投票调查环境问题在过去十年中变成了公众关心的一问题。

    Environmental issues have been major public concerns for over a decade, says Anthony Saich of Harvard University, which has conducted polls.


  • 根据北青网投票调查超过三分之一希望这个消息的,期望恩爱夫妻仍然在一起

    According to a poll by ynet. com, over a third of those surveyed hope that the news is false and that the lovable couple are still together.


  • 上个月新的投票调查显示,对戈尔在气候变迁问题上人们得有所行动这种紧迫感表示赞同美国数量急剧下降

    New polling last month showed a steep decline in the Numbers of Americans who share Gore's sense of urgency in acting on climate change.


  • 研究小组IpsosReid进行的一项“社交网络2009的投票调查结果表明(link),加拿大人成群结队的涌社交站点。”

    According to research group Ipsos Reid's "social networking: 2009" poll, Canadians are flocking to social networking sites.


  • 虽然高科技甲骨有些新的神奇地方,投票调查(的结果)仍然人们喜好一个有用指示器因为它们询问人们什么是他们喜好的。

    Still, there is something new and mysterious about the high-tech oracle. Polls are a useful indicator of people's tastes because they ask people what they like.


  • RUG成员定期邀请参与投票调查他们公司把注意力集中每月新闻通讯上

    RUG members are regularly invited to participate in polls and surveys, and their companies are spotlighted in the monthly newsletter.


  • 不是一个科学调查,而是基于自由选择投票并且考虑网站优缺点产生的。

    It's not a scientific survey, since those polled are a self-selected sampling and tend to feel strongly about certain sites, both pro and con.


  • FHM杂志表示调查结果全部英国公众投票得出。

    FHM said the poll was the only one of its kind voted for entirely by the British public.


  • 6月10日一项法案强行通过参议院信任投票,法案刑事调查实施报道设置了限制

    The bill, which was to be forced through the Senate with a confidence vote on June 10th, places sweeping restrictions on the conduct and reporting of criminal investigations.


  • 很多白人选民民意调查声称自己愿意投票黑人候选者但是匿名投票中,他们没有这样做。

    Many white voters told pollsters that they would vote for the black candidate but, in the anonymity of the voting booth, they did not.


  • 奚落了有可能导致不同结果投票进行正式调查想法

    He has ridiculed the notion that an official inquiry into the vote might yield a different result.


  • 一系列民意调查来看大多数投票赞成哈马斯巴勒斯坦实际上支持两个国家观念

    Most Palestinians who voted for Hamas also, judging by a raft of opinion polls, actually support the notion of two states.


  • 根据民调公司伊普索调查显示,影响选民们投票取向的经济医疗教育移民以及法律与秩序问题。该公司一直跟踪这些问题

    The issues most on voters' minds as they head to the polls are the economy, health and education, immigration, and law and order, according to Ipsos MORI, a polling firm that tracks these things.


  • 前端用户可以浏览调查清单,对于他们喜欢答案进行投票查看结果图表

    On the front end, users can navigate through a list of polls, vote on which answer they like best, and see a graph of the results.


  • 印度第五也是最后一轮选举结束允许公开投票第一次民意调查

    The fifth and final round of India’s election was completed, allowing the publication of the first exit polls.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州投票后民意调查中得到的许多统计数据中,重要克林顿夫人上过大学白人选民中40个点的优势。

    The most important of the many statistics to emerge from the Pennsylvania exit polls was Mrs Clinton's 40-point margin among white voters who did not go to college.


  • 但是一项最近调查显示70%的投票他们没有感到他们生活幸福

    However, a recently concluded survey showed that 70 percent of those polled said they didn't feel they have a good life.


  • 导出答案当前状态重要之处在于,可以一步完成投票获取当前调查结果的操作。

    The importance of exporting the current state of the answers is that it allows voting and getting the current results of the poll all in one step.


  • 另外调查询问调查对象是否有意选举中投票导致预测结果不准确

    Pollsters may also have failed to predict a run-off because they did not ask whether respondents intended to vote.


  • 1995年,盖洛普开始调查这个问题时,投票结果56%33%的支持堕胎;而现在条线已然被越过,51%的人宣称反对堕胎,而同时只有42%的人倾向于支持堕胎。

    In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.


  • 阿富汗选举委员会诈骗调查之后宣布447个投票获得的结果

    The Afghan election authorities have announced the results from 447 polling stations after fraud investigations. David Lowan reports from Kabul.


  • 阿富汗选举委员会诈骗调查之后宣布447个投票获得的结果

    The Afghan election authorities have announced the results from 447 polling stations after fraud investigations. David Lowan reports from Kabul.


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