• 本来抓着胳膊,现在松开了手。

    He relaxed his grip on her arm.


  • 挣脱紧紧着她的手。

    She tore herself from his grasp.


  • 抓着肩膀使劲摇晃

    He shook her violently by the shoulders.


  • 汉娜经过大门时,他胳膊

    As he and Hannah passed through the gate he kept a tight hold of her arm.


  • 抓着手臂急忙将拉上楼这样他们不会偷听了

    He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard.


  • 仍然睡袍轻轻拉一下

    He still held the fold of her wrapper and he gave it a little pull.


  • 小海蒂一直紧紧爷爷信任眼神看着

    Heidi had been clinging to her grandfather and looking up to him with trusting eyes.


  • 丈夫着她大声吼叫着。

    Her husband shouted at her, seizing/taking hold of her hand.


  • 这个女孩子抓着的笔

    The girl was still holding her pen.


  • 比安卡坐在饭碗里,前爪抓着食物

    Bianca would sit in the food bowl and hold her food in her front PAWS.


  • 丈夫战斗黑色鞋油出来感觉

    She clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out.


  • 梅利赶快看了一下周围注意着她

    Melly looked around quickly, but no one had noticed his possessive hold.


  • 电视场景变换两个女人其中一个抓着头发

    The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair.


  • 幸福犹如游泳的人根杨柳枝条上岸休息

    She snatched her happiness like a swimmer seizing a willow branch overhanging the river to draw himself to land and rest for a while.


  • 凯西说。抓着鸡蛋空军号.紧张起来.了?

    She was holding her Egg Force One. My heart raced. Had she won?I looked at her basket Empty .


  • 否定的意思,抓着指着自己说:“不!”

    I shook my head. "No," I said, taking her little hand with the pointing finger and turning it back at her.


  • 手扶着栏杆,一只手抓着项圈鼓足劲往上拉。

    With one hand I would hold the rail and with the other I grasped her collar, and she pulled me up, surging.


  • 拉普·拉克拼命地围巾块布就是紧紧地缠在喉部

    Carpluk clutched desperately at her scarf, but the cloth just tightened around her throat.


  • 它的舌头锉刀即便如此没有缩手,倒是詹姆抓着肩膀笼子旁拉开。

    His tongue was as rough as a rasp, but even so she would not pull her hand back, not until Jaime took her by the shoulders and yanked her away from the cage.


  • 但是如果开门Toska放进去,只要就会脖子上的皮带,感到好过一些

    But if I opened his door and sent Tosca in there, he would take her leash and would be fine as long as she was there.


  • 父母两人都非常尴尬充满歉意这个坏孩子母亲一边,一边抓着摇晃只手,你看看你做的事。

    Both the mother and father almost turned themselves inside out in embarrassment and apology. You bad girl, said the mother, taking her and shaking here by one arm.


  • 胳膊,好站稳。

    She held on to his arm for support.


  • 栏杆保持身体平衡。

    She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance.


  • 使劲抓着胳膊肘,把我领到靠过道座位上

    She held me firmly by the elbow and led me to my aisle seat.


  • 死命绳子

    She was holding on to the rope for dear life.


  • 树枝,可抓着就跌倒了

    She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell.


  • 发狂似地紧紧抓着艾米莉胳膊

    She clutched frantically at Emily's arm.


  • 发狂似地紧紧抓着艾米莉胳膊

    She clutched frantically at Emily's arm.


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