• 方法采用焦虑量表SAS抑郁自评量表SDS定。

    Method Evaluate the emotion by self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)and self-rating depression scale(SDS).


  • 方法对148例老年住院患者采用中文版流调用抑郁自评量表进行调查分析。

    Methods 148 senile in-patients were assessed with the Self-rating Depression Scale and Depression Status Inventory (SDS).


  • 方法采用焦虑量表抑郁自评量表UCLA孤独量表进行问卷调查。

    Methods The Self-Rated Anxiety Scale(SAS), the Self-Rated Depression Scale(SDS) and UCLA Loneliness Scale were used to assess the students' mental health.


  • 结果42恶性肿瘤患者焦虑抑郁量表标准分明显高于国内常模

    Results in 42 patients with malignant bone tumors in patients with anxiety and depression self-rating scale standard scores were significantly higher than the total domestic norm.


  • 焦虑抑郁自评量表平均得分值南极增大,南极36编码时间延长

    The mean scores of SAS and SDS were higher than those before. Prolongation of decode time was found during 3 to 6 months at the Antarctic.


  • 方法52PSDD患者治疗前后进行抑郁量表(SDS)测,并对所获资料进行统计分析。

    MethodsThe data of 52 patients of PSDD evaluated on self rating depression scale (SDS) before and after treatment were analyzed statistically.


  • 方法采用分层整群抽样法抽取江汉大学1681名本科学生采用抑郁自评量表SDS)进行测

    Methods A cluster stratified sample of 1681 students ham Jianghan University were investigated by SDS.


  • 方法67例抑郁患者分别在其入院、出院时采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)应付方式问卷进行

    Methods a total of 67 depression patients were tested by self-rating depression scale (SDS) and coping style assessment questionnaire before and after hospitalization.


  • 方法采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)抑郁自评量表(SDS)463例门诊手术患者心理状态进行调查

    Method SAS and SDS were used to investigate the mental status of 463 outpatients undergoing surgical operations.


  • 方法采用抑郁量表社会支持量表对623例孕妇进行测结果进行二元多元逐步回归分析

    Method Assess 623 pregnant women by Self rating Depression scale (SDS) and social support rating scale and take binary and multiple stepwise regression analysis on the result.


  • 方法采用抑郁量表(SDS)焦虑自评量表(SAS),328名临床实习医生进行抑郁焦虑状态的估。

    Methods a survey was conducted in 328 interns by using self-rating depression scale (SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale (SAS).


  • 方法采用抑郁评量表(SDS)以及护士职业压力量表,分别35名助产士47名外科病房护士进行调查分析。

    Methods We investigated the depressive condition of 35 nurses in delivery room and 47 nurses in general surgery ward by Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS).


  • 采用汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、抑郁自评量表SDS)、SF - 36、类风关生命质量量表治疗前后

    The quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at the entry study and end study were evaluated by HAMD, SDS, SF-36 respectively.


  • 结果多元逐步回归分析进入回归方程变量依次为日常生活能力量表卒中次数婚姻状况陪护情况抑郁自评量表分。

    Results: Five independent variables had been put into regression equation by multiple regression analysis, which were ADL score, stroke attack time, marriage, carer and SDS score.


  • 应用抑郁评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表SAS症状自评量表SCL-90)组人群进行测收集病人相关资料

    The SDS, SAS and SCL-90 were applied to measure the two -group patients and collect correlative data.


  • 方法采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)200急性闭角型青光眼病人心理状态进行测结果进行统计学分析

    Methods the psychological states of 200 patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma were assessed by SAS and SDS, and the results were analyzed with statistics.


  • 方法医学应对问卷、焦虑量表抑郁自评量表主要工具分别对以糖尿病高血压冠心病为主要诊断的92慢性病患者进行问卷调查

    Methods Using MCMQ, SAS and SDS as main tools, questionnaire investigation was made in 92 patients with chronic health problems, including diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease.


  • 运用日常生活能力量表(ADL)、社会功能量表SDSS)、抑郁自评量表SDS护理依赖性干预前后效果进行分析、比较

    By using ADL, SDSS, SDS and nursing dependent assessment, the effects before and after the interference were analyzed and compared.


  • 方法应用焦虑自评量表SAS抑郁自评量表SDS)对2所综合性医院急诊科40护士普通病房40名护士进行问卷调查,进行对比分析

    Methods: With SAS and SDS, 40 nurses in emergency wards and 40 nurses in normal wards of 2 hospitals were investigated, then the results were comparing analysed.


  • 方法采用焦虑自评量表SAS)、症状自评量表SCL-90)、抑郁自评量表SDS社会支持量表SSRS)对工作精神护理人员其他临床科室的护理人员进行对照调查。

    Methods SAS, SCL-90, SDS, and SSRS were used to evaluate and compare the mental states of the nursing staff in psychiatry department and other clinical departments.


  • 结果抑郁自评量表SDS)、焦虑自评量表SAS)、社交回避及苦恼量表SAD)、症状自评量表SCL-90)因子偏执、精神病性外)比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。

    Results The scores of SDS, SAS, SAD, and SCL-90 except the factors of paranoid ideation and psychoticism showed significant differences between the two groups(P<0.05 for all).


  • 应用抑郁焦虑症状量表调查了179名中学生情绪状况、以及与学业成绩的相互关系。

    Depression and anxiety of 179 middles school students were investigated with self-rating scales of depression and anxiety.


  • 症状自评量表90个项目组成包涵躯体化、强迫人际敏感焦虑抑郁敌意恐怖偏执精神病9个因子

    The scale was made up of 90 items, including 9 factors such as somatic disorder, obsessive disorder, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, depression, hostility, horror, paranoia, and psychoticism.


  • 症状量表90个题目组成,概括躯体化强迫症状、人际关系敏感抑郁焦虑敌对恐怖偏执精神病9个因子

    SCL-90 consisted of 90 items, summarizing as 9 factors: somatization, obsession, sensitivity of interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, fear, crankiness and psychotic diseases.


  • 方法应用症状量表SCL-90)自评抑郁量表(SDS)对245例孕10妇女进行调查,并我国女性常模和内科女性患者比较

    Methods SCL- 90 and SDS assessments were administered to 245 pregnant women with less than 10 weeks of gestation. Women with any diseases were excluded.


  • 临床症状自评量表包含躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系抑郁焦虑敌对恐怖偏执精神病性10个因子90个条目

    SCL-90 was composed of 90 items in 10 factors, including somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, horror, bigoted and psychosis etc.


  • 方法应用SASSDS、A行为类型自评量表以及的一般影响因素调查表,对黔南医专年级大学生焦虑、抑郁状态及其行为类型进行调查分析。

    Methods: 377 medical students in grade 2 were investigated by using SAS, SDS, type A behavior pattern questionnaire and self - made influencing factors questionnaire.


  • 方法应用SASSDS、A行为类型自评量表以及的一般影响因素调查表,对黔南医专年级大学生焦虑、抑郁状态及其行为类型进行调查分析。

    Methods: 377 medical students in grade 2 were investigated by using SAS, SDS, type A behavior pattern questionnaire and self - made influencing factors questionnaire.


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