• 有助于一个重要问题重新作为当务之急对待

    It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.


  • 老年人作为一个单独群体对待已经不再意义了,他们的经济需求值得优先其他群体需求。

    It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others.


  • 真正的变化只有我们开始注意痴呆者,他们作为和我们一样对待的时候,才能到来。

    But real change will come only when we start to see people with dementia for what they really are – just people.


  • 大多数情况下可以网络作为本地对待但是,网络卷一些独特的特点

    For the most part, you can treat network volumes as if they were local volumes; however, network volumes have certain unique characteristics.


  • 中国一个大国始终阿富汗作为兄弟平等对待

    He said that although China is a big country, it has always treated Afghanistan as an equal brother.


  • 如果公测参与者作为宝贵资源对待,那么他们就会成为最宝贵的资源。

    If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your most valuable resource, they will respond by becoming your most valuable resource.


  • 这些孩子作为有价值员工平等对待

    Treat them like valued co-workers.


  • 行为使对待人类时,不管是对待自身还是他人作为最终目标只是一种手段

    ACT so that you treat humanity, whether in your person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.


  • 鉴于当今社会大多数妇女在外谋职,自然她们反对丈夫她们作为管家来对待

    Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home, it's natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.


  • 他们开始传统优秀食品板块比特对待,对家庭提供上门作为礼品安抚饥饿踯躅

    They began the tradition of placing plates of the finest food and bits of treats that the household had to offer on their doorsteps, as gifts, to appease the hunger of the ghostly wanderers.


  • 反之如果他们他们不会容忍那种事情或者他们作为要致力解决事情对待,那会一个好的信号

    Whereas, if they say that they don't tolerate that [stuff] or they address it as something they're working on, that's a very good sign.


  • 企业文化作为企业管理思想(也即一种精神层面的文化)来对待,有助于我们更好理解运用企业文化。

    If we treat Corporate culture as a kind of enterprise management thoughts (culture on spirit level), we will be able to deeply comprehend and availably use it.


  • 如果朋友一起开公司,请确认你能够很专业他们作为可控制范围的合作伙伴对待因为你们可能将来散伙

    If you are going into business with your friends, make sure you treat them as professionally as you would (as) your arms-length business partners, because the odds are that you'll fall out with them.


  • 历史上习惯于配位化合物作为特殊一类分子化合物不同的化合物分别对待

    Historically it has been customary to treat coordination compounds as a special class separate from molecular compounds.


  • 一位分析人士指出这次袭击是个迹象表明不管将成为泰国的领导人,都应当南部冲突作为首要问题来对待

    One analyst notes that the attack is a sign that whoever ends up governing Thailand should make the southern conflict a top priority.


  • 传统素描基础教学片面强调素描教学技术性对于写实绘画基础性,素描教学仅仅作为技术传授来对待,忽视了艺术性

    The foundation of traditional sketch teaching emphasize technique and foundation of realistic painting unilaterally, and it only be treated as a teaching of pure technique instead of art.


  • 如果我们荣格类型作为包含五种而非四种功能对待,那么就会确切地表达心理类型一书中的内容以及荣格其类型论中最为重视的价值。

    If we refer to Jung's typology as containing five functions not four, this more accurately represents both the content of the book Psychological Types and the primary value Jung saw in typology.


  • 远程始终客户立场对待产品出现任何问题,始终客户满意作为衡量产品质量服务唯一标准

    Long-distance customers to stand in the position of treatment for any product, and always put the "customer satisfaction" as a measure of quality of products and services the only criterion.


  • 我们绝少作为一个综合性课程对待忽视了作用

    What is it evaluation standard?We almost never look the lesson as one colligate lesson and neglect its function.


  • 我们项目作为自己挑战任何时候都认真对待,因此我们的很多作品都获得了专业性奖项

    Each project is unique with its own set of challenges, and as such the company strives to produce an equally unique end product every time, many of which have been award winning.


  • 我们项目作为自己挑战任何时候都认真对待,因此我们的很多作品都获得了专业性奖项

    Each project is unique with its own set of challenges, and as such the company strives to produce an equally unique end product every time, many of which have been award winning.


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