• 他们用力冰冷的水中

    They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.


  • 扎进埋起来

    She threw herself back on her pillow and buried her face.


  • 于是吻了鲜红嘴唇,摸抚贴到心上,弄得的这颗心又梦想人间幸福一个不灭灵魂来

    And then he kissed her rosy mouth, played with her long waving hair, and laid his head on her heart, while she dreamed of human happiness and an immortal soul.


  • 丈夫这个带给,巴罗达夫人。 “着便递给条薄薄的白色披肩这是那条偶尔会用来包住自己肩膀的披肩。

    "Your husband told me to bring this to you, Mrs. Baroda, " he said, handing her a filmy, white scarf with which she sometimes enveloped her head and shoulders.


  • 德拉罗查每次阿姨乐器锁起来的时候,就用地板直到阿姨为之动容开始才作罢。

    Ms. de Larrocha said that once her aunt locked the instrument, she banged her head on the floor until Marshall relented and began to teach her.


  • 递给对面女士时,说。

    The lady opposite me shakes her head as I hand over her money.


  • 其中个人——可能就是斯图——趟水过去着手拽到岸边然后了根尼龙绳拴住手腕另一系在一棵树上

    He took her by the fingers and pulled her into shore. He got some nylon cord and tied it to her wrist and then looped the rest around a tree.


  • 一边说着一边踏上并且假装放进炉子里。

    As she spoke she stepped forward and pretended to put her head in the oven.


  • 捆扎麦子麦子的两收拢来,麦捆上捆紧,微风裙子吹了起来也不断地它扯回去。

    She brings the ends of the bond together, and kneels on the sheaf while she ties it, beating back her skirts now and then when lifted by the breeze.


  • 这样没意义,”蓝胡子;“必须”;然后抓住一只手举起剑,他准备

    "This signifies nothing," says Bluebeard; "you must die"; then, taking hold of her hair with one hand, and lifting up the sword with the other, he was going to take off her head.


  • 麦堆的另下来扭到一边,躲开伙伴

    She sat down at the end of the shock, her face turned somewhat away from her companions.


  • 摇晃着很有可能长虱子的,“伙计,这个在上面

    She shook her lice-likely head. “Write that on down, Bozo.


  • 苔丝完了奶牛的奶,凳子站起来,这时候已经注意了一会儿的安琪尔·克莱尔愿不愿意去前面提到的两奶牛

    When she rose from her stool under a finished cow Angel Clare, who had been observing her for some time, asked her if she would take the aforesaid creatures next.


  • 回到,他金子院子,让老婆照看着还没有卸货东西,他赶着另外了他嫂子

    When he came home, he drove the two asses loaded with gold into his little yard, and left the care of unloading them to his wife, while he led the other to his sister-in-law's house.


  • 背上赛特,怀里一直抱着卡特琳靠在阿让的肩上,睡着了。

    He took her on his back. Cosette, without letting go of Catherine, laid her head on jean Valjean's shoulder, and there fell asleep.


  • 告诉你,现在已经件事现在每天实现诺言人生没有留下悬疑,我看做是我的好运

    Let me tell you-now that she has done the first two things, I am waiting every day for her to fulfill her promise, and I count it as my good fortune to have little suspense left in my life.


  • 说话推倒地,然后老虎一样扑了上去!

    Without another word I pulled her off the bed and threw her on to the floor. And then I fell upon her like a tiger!


  • 灵巧马尾做浆,小船的这

    Seated there she sailed from side to side of her little lake, rowing cleverly with two white horse hairs.


  • 一定是等着电话再次响起时候,在沙发上睡着爱丽丝我抱上的时候,冰冷触感让我半梦半还没落到上,就又睡着了。

    The touch of Alice's cold hands woke me briefly as she carried me to the bed, but I was unconscious again before my head hit the pillow.


  • 走时俯着身子,低老太婆水桶重量那两条胳膊拉得又直又,桶上的铁提梁也把她那双湿手冻木了。

    She walked bent forward, with drooping head, like an old woman; the weight of the bucket strained and stiffened her thin arms.


  • 昂着挺得笔直

    She held her head erect and her back straight.


  • 凯利就分两打理屋内外杂什,我自己房间一整天橄榄球比赛

    Kelly and I each go our separate ways. She takes care of some stuff around the house, and I lock myself in front of a day's worth of NFL games.


  • 这一下,连魂都吓跑了,尖叫妈妈面前,自己哥哥打掉了,说着就伤心欲绝地大哭起来。

    Marlene was terrified, and began crying and screaming, and ran to her mother, and said, "Oh, mother, I have knocked my brother's head off," and she cried and cried and could not be comforted.


  • 什么?”公爵夫人,“砍掉!”

    'Talking of axes,' said the Duchess, 'chop off her head!'


  • 房间里伊莎贝拉那毛茸茸鞋子上。 在走向”天堂“的路上,温和的和说着话告诉我有多爱,我轻轻的安抚

    In the room, Isabella rests her silky head on my shoe, and I talk softly, telling her how much I love her and stroking her while she goes to "sleep."


  • 然后潞潞的娃娃房拽车里告诉如果到明天还不能完美地演奏“小白驴”我一片地捐赠基督教救世军(The SalvationArmy)。

    Then I hauled Lulu's dollhouse to the car and told her I'd donate it to the Salvation Army piece by piece if she didn't have "the Little White Donkey" perfect by the next day.


  • 抬起自己手臂下面。

    He lifted her head and pillowed it on his arm.


  • 然后抓住一只手举起剑,他准备

    Then, taking hold of her hair with one hand, and lifting up the sword with the other, he was going to take off her head.


  • 然后抓住一只手举起剑,他准备

    Then, taking hold of her hair with one hand, and lifting up the sword with the other, he was going to take off her head.


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