• 好天把场打完

    We've got to finish the threshing while the good weather lasts.


  • 我们外出寄养养狗场。

    We put the dog in kennels when we go away.


  • 自己说场诋毁声誉行为无辜受害者

    He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign.


  • 波多黎各经历了短暂的战斗,战后西班牙该岛割让给了美国

    Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.


  • 场晚霜他们的庄稼了。

    Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost.


  • 的钱最后一场赛马上了。

    I gambled all my winnings on the last race.


  • 场热带风暴带来的降雨岩屑从山坡上冲走了。

    Rainfall from a tropical storm dislodged the debris from the slopes of the volcano.


  • 冒险自己所有都押了一纸牌游戏上。

    He risked all his money on a game of cards.


  • 他们亏损部分是因为制造商之间把利润空间削减到了极点的恶性价格战

    Their loss was partly due to a vicious price war between manufacturers that has cut margins to the bone.


  • 首先一些女性旅行者旅行看作是参加一场时装秀

    Firstly, some female travelers consider a journey as attending a fashion show.


  • 如果对话看作场战斗一种竞争只要发现,你可以通过作弊取胜

    If you see a conversation as a fight or competition, you can win by cheating as long as you don't get caught.


  • 暴风雪甲板变成了冰封薄板倾斜开始下沉时,数百家庭滑入大海

    An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down.


  • 到了名为崇拜》的书,意识忙碌不仅有害还有生活变成无休止赛跑危险

    One day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.


  • 然后到了名为活哲学》书,意识忙碌不仅有害而且生活变成无休止的赛跑风险

    Then, one day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.


  • 只是场梦还是很好像真的一切都做完了。

    It was only a dream, and yet I am just as tired as if I really had done everything.


  • 他们清理工作变成了一场竞赛找到最多垃圾,谁能以最快的速度卸下船上的垃圾。

    They turn the clean-up into a competition to see who could find the most garbage and unload their boats fastest.


  • 梅林安排场表演许多骑士碰碰运气试着石头中拔出一把剑。

    Merlin arranged a pageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone.


  • 已经他们忘记了,伯顿不久就变成了一个特别的鸟类饲养场,拥有各类品种鸟。

    Already he had begun to forget them, and Shepperton soon became an extraordinary aviary, filled with birds of every species.


  • 刚刚把事故变成了一场快乐的事故!

    You just turned the accident into a happy one!


  • 的父亲甚至把他第一场足球比赛的门票留了下来。

    My father even kept the ticket from his first football match.


  • 一场演出到来时,她要求把自己安排在后排。

    When the first performance arrived, she asked herself to be put in the back row.


  • 书房里我们进行了冗长温暖人心谈话后,把现在所有的一切都了个遍。

    After a lengthy but heartwarming talk in the den, we have reached the point of being all talked out for now.


  • 全部注意力都集中这件事上就像游手好闲人在观看一场魔术师技艺表演,对最后的结果并不感兴趣

    He paid his attention all to this thing, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the outcome.


  • 对于,一支成功球队来源于每个球员比赛当作最后一场来打。

    For me, a successful team comes from every guy playing each game as if it were a final.


  • 她们夫妇经营场领饲养者们都必须签署协议,承诺如果他们合不来的话,他们必须把狗狗送回犬场。

    Owners of dogs from the kennel she and her husband run must sign contracts requiring them to return the dogs to the Sterns if they do not work out, she said.


  • 似乎上去有点自相矛盾但是看作一场心智柔道

    This may sound counterintuitive, but I think of it as a form of mental judo.


  • 当做是一场冒险啊就假装你自己印第安纳·琼斯

    Think of it as an adventure. Pretend you are Indiana Jones.


  • 对于那些把自己客户送到屠宰场来说,痛苦多得多

    For some of those who led clients to the slaughter, the pain has proven too much.


  • 不过这些宣言帮忙竞选活动转变不同世界观的决一死战。 正常竞选威胁投票人致命折中主义同住

    Still, the manifestos have helped to transform a campaign which had threatened to send voters to sleep with its deathly difference-splitting into a showdown between distinct world views (see Bagehot).


  • 不过这些宣言帮忙竞选活动转变不同世界观的决一死战。 正常竞选威胁投票人致命折中主义同住

    Still, the manifestos have helped to transform a campaign which had threatened to send voters to sleep with its deathly difference-splitting into a showdown between distinct world views (see Bagehot).


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