• 现在一个牙签把一点点油漆小心地涂抹划痕上。

    Now, apply the paint over the scratch very carefully with a wooden toothpick.


  • 赛尔一点点所有面包屑撒路上

    Hansel, however little by little, threw all the crumbs on the path.


  • 看吧一点点尊重合作就可以这项工作做得更好

    You see, a bit of respect and cooperation can do the job better.


  • 不会一下子打垮,它会一直在那儿生活角落里一点点食你的财富每年都会消耗一些。

    It will not destroy you all at once. But it's always there, nibbling at the corners of your life, consuming a little cash every year.


  • 辆车一些不是一点点钱,也不需要很多钱——编入预算——我走遍全国

    Let me have a car, let me have money, neither a little nor a lot - budget me - let me travel round and about the country.


  • 狐狸一点点吃掉了。

    The fox ate every bit of him.


  • 最后大概出于好奇,再加上一点点恐惧吧,这个故事放在节目里。 这个节目的观众感情上我走得很,我他们会喝倒彩吧。

    At last, with much curiosity and some trepidation, I included it in a programme before people with whom I was so closely in sympathy that no chill was likely to emanate from their side.


  • 就是说曾经只有网络应用软件它们事业存活赌注互联网上但是现在这种风险赌注押在电网上高一点点

    The point is, it used to be only web applications betting their business existence on the internet. However, now it carries only a bit more risk than betting your company on electricity.


  • 对于技术恐惧者来说,其他服务功能会一点点令人困惑不过花了分钟意识到可以所有来自老板电话移动电话呼叫转移到我的办公电话上。

    While the other services are a bit confusing for technophobes, it only took me a few minutes to realise I can route all my boss’s calls away from my cell and right back onto the work phone.


  • 此相反,如果真正注意力放在了食物上,像是品酒一样享用,你就能通过一点点热量大大地增强愉悦感。

    In contrast, if you really pay attention to your food, savoring it as you would a fine wine, you have greatly enhanced pleasure with fewer calories.


  • 他们企图一点点纪律灌输自己以为这会使自己做更好过得更好。如果强迫自己讨厌事情算哪门子生活

    They try to instill "discipline" because they think it'll make them a better person or give them a better life, but what kind of life is it if you force yourself to do things you hate all the time?


  • 男人倾向想法存在自己的脑子里,直到那些想法自己的脑海一点点消失殆尽

    Men have a tendency to keep things only in their mind until it is a little bit sorted.


  • 显然这个测试只需要一点点调整而已不过还是妻子一同事情都安排了。

    This test obviously requires a bit of adjustment, but I've managed to work things out with my wife to make it practical enough.


  • 布朗费尔斯,在你们南边一点点啦----我们奥斯汀安东尼奥都列为了我们留守假期目的地了。

    I’m in New Braunfels, just a bit south of y’all — we count both Austin and San Antonio as our staycation destinations.


  • 那么如果温度提高一点点不会产生什么影响

    So if you raise the temperature a little bit more, it doesn't make any difference.


  • 布朗费尔斯,在你们南边一点点啦----我们奥斯汀安东尼奥都列为了我们留守假期目的地了。

    I'm in New Braunfels, just a bit south of y’all — we count both Austin and San Antonio as our staycation destinations.


  • 不想看到就是马拉她的东西一点点到我家里来。

    The last thing I want is Marla moving in, one piece of crap at a time.


  • 为了一点点十分乐意扫帚清扫地毯他洗衣服,一俟吃完拣起地上残渣下去。

    For a little food I am quite willing to sweep his carpets with a broken broom, to wash his clothes and to scrape the crumbs off the floor as soon as he has finished eating.


  • 我们从自身形形色色的失败习得更多林林总总教训取得的一点点成就结合起来,从中了解大自然系统

    We have learned more by our failures in creating complexity and by combining these lessons with small successes in imitating and understanding natural systems.


  • 实际工时增长其实生产力增长拉下了一点点最要紧增长最终导致工作岗位增加

    The growth in the number of hours worked actually took productivity growth down a bit, but the increase is extremely important for an eventual turn to job creation.


  • 他们的作业工具是:挖土手工、浇筑混凝土井壁胶合板模板、还有手工制作摇杆摇杆一个送到井底,那个人就在井底一点点挖土然后再通过摇杆沙子一桶桶送到地面。

    They worked with hand trowels, a plywood form for lining the shaft with concrete, inch by inch, and a sturdy hand-built crank for lowering a man to the bottom and sending up buckets of sand.


  • 与其所有放在一个项目里,而这个项目又不能兑现,不如同样分发不同的项目中去——我们也不必怀疑哪怕一点点资金的实质意义

    The solution to a program that didn’t work was to allocate donated dollars to a different program — never questioning the value and impact of donating those dollars in the first place.


  • 年来看到不懈努力,看到一点一滴的进步,看到他在无形中本来优秀的大三大四的师兄师姐一点点的压下去。

    For these two years, I witnessed his relentless efforts and constant progress and how he outran his senior schoolmates who were originally better than him.


  • 为了生存留下的一点点剩下东西拆解然后卖掉

    To survive, those who stayed behind gradually dismantled and sold off what was left, piece by piece.


  • 这项判定晦涩难懂美国种族法律稍微解释清楚一点点

    The ruling added a little clarity to America's incomprehensible racial laws.


  • 建立客户群,你可以价格提高一点点

    When you've built up a customer base, you can raise your rates a little.


  • 建立客户群,你可以价格提高一点点

    When you've built up a customer base, you can raise your rates a little.


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