• 随着技术变得越来越强大自然反应越来越激烈我们迫切需要重新思考如何最好处理自然之间日益增长的矛盾

    As technology becomes ever more potent and Nature reacts ever more violently, there is an urgent need to rethink how best to deal with the growing contradictions between Man and Nature.


  • 矛盾是,开采稀土元素环境造成潜在危害,但这些元素对许多绿色技术来说又是至关重要的。

    Paradoxically, mining rare earth elements - crucial for a number of green technologies - is potentially damaging for the environment.


  • 使用BPELfor BPM的突出矛盾在于分析员假定技术BPEL过程中的活动最终对应到Web服务调用

    The most prominent contradiction for using BPEL for BPM is that analysts supposed to be non-technical and that the activities in a BPEL process boil down to web service invocations.


  • 许多客户包括技术公司家族式企业,都帮忙调解婴儿时代出生的职工和他们乳臭未干的老板之间产生的矛盾

    Many of his clients are tech companies and family-owned businesses that bring him in to help resolve clashes between Baby Boomers and bosses they perceive as still wet behind the ears.


  • 与此矛盾自动化用户界面测试可能编写测试类型技术挑战的一种。

    Paradoxically, automated user interface tests are probably the most technically challenging kind of test to write.


  • 因此,《地球目录》所展现质朴先进技术奇怪组合并非矛盾对立而是和谐统一。

    Thus, the odd mix of rustic savvy and advanced technology displayed in the pages of The Whole Earth Catalog was not confusion but synthesis.


  • 篇文章提出了为了克服这个矛盾采取的有效技术变革管理原理基础

    To overcome the contradiction, principles and foundations for an efficient management of technical change are shown in this paper.


  • 船用惯性导航系统(INS)动态对准过程中,存在对准时间对准精度之间矛盾如何进行折衷设计动态对准过程中的一项关键技术

    During dynamic alignment of INS, there is a contradictory between precision and stable time, how to carry on the compromise design is a key technology in the dynamic alignment process.


  • 海量信息资源收藏多样化信息管理服务技术使信息的收集、管理、利用出现了巨大矛盾

    The massive collection of information resources and variety of information management technology and services have made big contradiction in the collection, management and utilization of information.


  • 目前高中信息技术课程教学中,存在一个主要问题就是不够”吃不了”之间的矛盾

    In the present information technology course teaching of high school, a subject matter existing is a contradiction when "Ed eat incompletely" and "eaten".


  • 为了解决频率稳定度准确度频率范围可之间矛盾就需要频率合成技术

    To address the frequency stability, accuracy and high frequency, wide scope of powers between the contradictions requires frequency synthetic technology.


  • 分析当前文献资源存在突出矛盾基础上,简要介绍了计算技术相关概念、优点及其应用模式

    Based on the analysis of the current contradictions in literature resources, this article briefly introduces the concept, advantages and application models of cloud computing technology.


  • 装置采用多重化技术成功解决了容量开关频率矛盾

    With the multiplex technology, the contradiction between device capacity and switching frequency is solved successfully.


  • 技术解决能源在供求的不平衡的矛盾提高能源利用效率重要技术之一。

    Thermal energy storage technology is very important to improve energy efficiency and move the gap between energy supply and request.


  • 广州地铁供电系统较先进技术装置相对陈旧运行检修管理方式之间存在诸多矛盾

    There are many contradictions between advanced technical equipments and relative obsolete management mode for operation and overhaul in subway power supply system of Guangzhou.


  • 辩证法通常看做一种外在技术,通过主观的任性使确定概念发生混乱给这些概念带来矛盾假象

    It is customary to treat Dialectic as an adventitious art, which for very wantonness introduces confusion and a mere semblance of contradiction into definite notions.


  • 阴影绘制算法真实感实时性之间矛盾计算机图形学和虚拟现实技术目前所要解决一个基本难题。

    The contradiction between the realistic and real-time of the shadow rendering algorithm has been a fundamental and difficult problem in computer graphics and virtual reality technology.


  • 提出了多资源约束流程管理技术解决有限资源工期之间矛盾

    Put forward the technology of workflow management with multi-constraint of resource to resolve the contradiction between the limited resource and working period.


  • 解决了坯料结构性矛盾改善了各项技术经济指标提高了型材机组创效增效能力。

    This move has solved the structural contradiction of billet sizes, improved the technical and economic indicators and increased the productivity of section mill train.


  • 为了解决软件开发难度大、周期缺少技术软件人才矛盾人们需要软件自动生成技术的支持。

    In order to solve the contradiction, such as hard, long cycle time and shortage of high-tech technologist of software development, so we need the automatic generation of software technology.


  • 脉冲压缩雷达体制很好的解决了普通脉冲雷达中作用距离分辨能力之间矛盾因此脉冲压缩技术广泛用于雷达、声纳等系统

    The technique of pulse compression is widely applied in radar and sonar systems because it resolves the contradiction between action distance and differentiate.


  • 建筑物应用蓄冷技术缓解电力供需矛盾改善电力负荷形状有效措施之一。

    Application of ice storage technology in the building is a key and most efficient method to alleviate the contradiction between the supply and need of power and improve the shape of power load.


  • 技术工人供求矛盾尖锐成为中国经济持续增长重要障碍

    The incisive contradictory between supply and demand of the technical workers becomes the important barrier which our country economy continues to grow.


  • 丛式定向井技术能够有效地解决地下井位地面建筑物、地形地貌之间矛盾

    Technique of multiple directional drilling holes can effectively solve the problem among well location, surface installations and physiognomy.


  • 技术很好地解决压缩图像质量之间矛盾可观地节省了传输时间和存储空间

    This technique solves the problem between the compress ratio and image quality and significantly saves transmission time and storage space.


  • 许多年来专家对于生产率矛盾”感到焦虑不安、束手无策他们明白,为什么技术数十亿美元投入未能取得很大成效

    For years, experts have wrung their hands over the "productivity paradox," or why billions of dollars have been spent on technology without much impact.


  • 分析采矿过程根本矛盾之后作者讨论了采矿技术科学基础指出“采矿工程学应该新的概念

    After analyzing the basic contradictions in mining process, the author discussed the scientific basis of mining technique, and indicated that we should have a new concept for "mining engineering".


  • 后坐力技术协调火炮威力机动性精度三者之间矛盾关键技术

    Low recoil force technology is a key technology that coordinates three contradictions of gun power, mobility and fire accuracy.


  • 后坐力技术协调火炮威力机动性精度三者之间矛盾关键技术

    Low recoil force technology is a key technology that coordinates three contradictions of gun power, mobility and fire accuracy.


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