• 他们无力承担这些五花八门开支

    They can ill afford the multifarious expenses.


  • 具体开支承担决不部门可能承担唯一一项开支

    The specific expenditure commitment will be by no means the only one the department might undertake.


  • 与此同时随着昂贵婴儿潮一代退休廉价非正式员工填补空缺,企业承担综合工资开支已经急剧下降。

    At the same time, the aggregate wage cost that firms bear has fallen sharply as expensive baby-boomers retire and cheap, non-regular employees take up the slack.


  • 北约军事开支中,美国承担四分之一

    The U. S. accounts for about three-quarters of total military spending by all NATO countries.


  • 按照过去传统婚礼费用全部新娘的父母承担的,因为他们认为这部分费用应该家庭开支预算的一部分。

    Traditionally in the past the bride's family has paid for the entire wedding with the knowledge and understanding that the wedding ought to be kept within their family budget.


  • 成都陈军办公室里沙发上倚坐著,满脸微笑、从容不迫的承认,成都在承担修建该市滑铁卢火车站开支困难

    In Chengdu, Chen leans back on a sofa in his office, smiles and readily concedes Chengdu will have big problems covering the bills for its version of the Waterloo train station.


  • 庇护所他们研究显示38%租用私房孩子家庭削减食物开支承担房租

    Shelter said research showed that 38% of families with children who were renting privately had cut down on food to pay their rent.


  • 美国承担了F -35战机90%研发开支英国意大利土耳其荷兰加拿大丹麦挪威澳大利亚加入了这一项目。

    The United States is covering 90 percent of the cost of the F-35's development but has participation from Britain, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Australia.


  • 如果只是缩减开支我们不可能赤字减半认为80年代受益最大的这些人和企业应该承担一半成本

    We couldn’t cut the deficit in half with spending cuts only, and I felt that those who had benefited most in the 1980s should pay half the cost.


  • 之后根据表现可能会承担大部分费用开支

    Later, based on your performance, I might take up a larger share of the expenses.


  • 这种情况下,雇主承担一切开支

    The employer shall bear all incurred expenses in such case.


  • 那些从事普通工作的人,比如消防员,根本无力承担伦敦居住所需的开支”,社会学家Chris Hamnett抱怨道。

    People doing ordinary jobs, like firefighters, cannot afford to live in London,” says Chris Hamnett, a sociologist.


  • 拥有辆汽车必须承担超过我们预期开支

    Owning an automobile entailed greater expense than we had expected.


  • 今年22岁的高晶就读于南开大学汉语语言文学专业。 曾北京的一家视频网站实习发现自己的实习收入根本无法承担生活开支

    When this 22-year-old majoring in Chinese language and literature at Nankai University interned with a video website in Beijing, she found her income was too small to cover her expenses.


  • 权利行使不得使买方遭受不合理不便承担不合理的开支

    The exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expense.


  • 即使我们除非我们能节省开支,我们继续更多的钱我们承担债务

    Even if we're making more money, unless we cut expenses, we will continue to spend more money than we have and incur debt.


  • 我们经济实力相当稳固,足以承担这些额外的开支

    Our financial base IS stable enough to sustain the extra expenses.


  • 他说,美国议员们对于美国承担北约四分之三防务开支一事正在失去耐心

    S. lawmakers are losing patience with covering three-quarters of defense spending for the coalition.


  • 但另一方面自己不仅承担每一约会开支,现在竟然还要的生活费,他的真心是否要受到置疑

    On the other hand, she had to pay for the date each time even his living expense, is his true love questionable?


  • 如果根据现行中国法律法规产生任何税务其他开支费用支出并且该等税务或其他开支、费用或支出在上述内容中列明每位获奖者应对此承担全部责任

    The applicable taxes on prizes under the current PRC laws and regulations, if any, and any other costs, fees or expenses not listed above are the sole responsibility of each winner.


  • 尽管这些开支增长提供乐观理由我们应该注意到,高收入家庭目前承担了更大增长

    While these spending gains provide reason for optimism, we should note that upper-income households are currently shouldering much of the growth.


  • 罗伊学院7月份项民意调查表明愿意承担应对全球暖化“巨额开支”的人数去年的60%下降48%,这个比率2006年为68%。

    A poll in July by the Lowy Institute showed the Numbers willing to shoulder "significant costs" to tackle global warming had fallen to 48%, down from 60% last year and 68% in 2006.


  • 关于所有进一步开支货物转让标记承担东主实体标志

    All further expenses concerning the Cargo Marks shall after the assignment be borne by the entity proprietor of the Cargo Marks.


  • 无论是在基于合同侵权(包括疏忽原因)上责任原理规则范围内还是由其所导致的情况,A都应对利润上的损失经济上的开支承担任何责任。

    In no event shall a be liable to for lost profits, or economy losses, however caused and under any theory of liability whether based in contract tort (including negligence).


  • 一个企业为了维持营业,就不得不承担一定费用开支

    An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business.


  • 获得或者生产货物出售费用之外还的业务开支公司在运转生意过程通常承担许多业务开支

    Operating expenses in addition to the costs of acquiring or producing goods to be sold, firms typically incur a number of operating expenses in the course of running the business.


  • 除非仲裁裁决另行确定,否则仲裁费用包括律师费双方的开支败诉方承担

    The costs of arbitration including attorney's fees and the expenses of the Parties shall be borne by the losing Party, unless otherwise determined by the arbitration award.


  • 37signals我们还通过另一件事庆祝四季:我们承担每位员工每周社区支持农业(community - supported agricultureshare)的开支

    At 37signals there's another thing we do to celebrate the seasons: we cover the cost of a weekly community-supported agriculture share for each employee.


  • 37signals我们还通过另一件事庆祝四季:我们承担每位员工每周社区支持农业(community - supported agricultureshare)的开支

    At 37signals there's another thing we do to celebrate the seasons: we cover the cost of a weekly community-supported agriculture share for each employee.


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