• 我们跑遍所有酒吧找到

    We had to mission round all the bars until we found him.


  • 我们其貌不扬酒吧找到好吃的西班牙餐前小吃。

    We found the tastiest tapas in the most unprepossessing bars.


  • 只有我们酒吧里,才能找到真正群居共同生存精神。在英国甚至酒吧都是按阶级划分的。

    Only in our pubs can you find the truly gregarious and communal spirit surviving, and in England even the pubs are divided along class lines.


  • 酒吧好几遍后还是找到路易影子,或是说没人跟照片有相似的地方。

    But after several sweeps of the pub I can see no sign of Louise, or anyone even vaguely matching her picture.


  • 当然互联网上的一切事物一样网络这些机会放大,人们找到周围这样想法的夫妻或者能提供这样机会的酒吧更容易了。

    And, of course, like all things online, the Internet has amplified these opportunities and made it easier to find couples and clubs in a neighborhood near you.


  • 一夜60欧元预算但是给自己找到理由勇敢无畏的探险可以缓一缓,我一家酒吧比赛

    At 60 euros a night, it was three times my daily budget, but, I reasoned, the intrepid adventurer stuff could wait could a little longer as I set off to find a bar that was showing the match.


  • 最近看了一则报纸上关于带卫星导航功能的手机广告副标题大概是现在找到伴侣正在喝酒酒吧。”

    I recently saw a newspaper advert for a satnav-capable mobile phone, the strapline for which was something along the lines of: "Now you'll always be able to find the pub your mates are drinking in."


  • 大多数时候觉得他们这儿找到安全感围坐20英亩圆形花岗岩地上远离酒店酒吧

    But most of the time I suspected they felt safe at our little compound, on a twenty-acre rounded piece of granite far from liquor stores and bars.


  • 埃尔森·埃尔·沙菲MideastYouth.com网站背后24岁社会活动家。 该网站是一家为异议声音找到方向目的后援网上酒吧

    Esra’a Al Shafei is the 24-year-old activist behind MideastYouth.com, an online watering hole where dissident voices can find direction, purpose and support.


  • 尽管可能派对或者酒吧(没有理由去尝试)找到一位合适的“第三者”,同样可以上网看看

    Although you might find a compatible third at a party or a bar (and there's no reason to not try), you can also look online.


  • 拥有英里海岸线宽阔海滩,度假者酒吧、红海龟在那里找到了安乐窝。

    It has three miles of coastline with wide sandy beaches, where vacationers lounge and Loggerhead sea turtles and wood storks nest.


  • 利丰公司东亚几个国家开展业务,力求可靠廉价商品供应商手提包酒吧凳子,几乎所有廉价商品都是他们的目标。

    It has operations in several East Asian countries, where it diligently searches for cheap, reliable suppliers of everything from handbags to bar stools.


  • 这个天堂度假村特色美食来自世界各地顶级美食。不同餐厅酒吧客人可以轻松地自己爱好找到适合的工作。

    This paradise resort features top-notch delicacies from everywhere around the world. Between five different restaurants and bars, guests can easily find something suitable for their tastes.


  • 劳尔伦敦西部叫塔帕斯酒吧找到了一份兼职工作

    RAUL: I've got a part-time job in a tapas bar in West London.


  • 唯一问题很难酒吧咖啡馆餐馆找到自然光

    The only problem is that you can hardly find natural light in bars, cafes and restaurants.


  • 最近的我找到酒吧着,因为除此之外,我知道什么

    And I went to nearest bar I could find, and I sat there because I didn't know what to do.


  • 无论购买高级女装还是古典服装,是想购买纪念品还是葡萄酒时尚酒吧俱乐部爵士乐场所,您墨尔本找到

    Whether you want to buy haute couture, or classic clothing, want to buy souvenirs, or with sparkling wine, fashionable bars, clubs and jazz venues, you can always be found in Melbourne.


  • 及至精神崩溃边缘肖扬好不容易找到一份酒吧钢琴师工作

    Up the edge of a nervous breakdown, Xiao Yang finally found a piano bar to do the work.


  • 没有找到令人兴奋酒吧情景相反发现他失去原来恋爱关系份亲密

    Instead of the exciting bar scene, he finds that he misses the intimacy of his past relationship.


  • 唯一问题就是酒吧咖啡厅饭店里很难找到自然光

    The only problem is that you can hardly find natural light in bars, cafes and restaurants.


  • 有些咖啡馆酒吧谈话的时候在有些监测电子邮件关键词找到讨论这些节目的邮件。

    There are people who listen in during cafe and bar conversations, and others who monitor email for key words to find those email discussing the show.


  • 有些咖啡馆酒吧谈话的时候在有些监测电子邮件关键词找到讨论这些节目的邮件。

    There are people who listen in during cafe and bar conversations, and others who monitor email for key words to find those email discussing the show.


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