• 只有通过大规模负载测试,才有可能客户发现这些错误之前它们来。

    Only through large scale load testing can these bugs be found before your customers find them.


  • 科学家任何发现水中找出所有的来源历史

    Scientists want to know the source and history of whatever water they find.


  • 通过GPS定位系统合并软件可以找出某个特殊位置周边路线它一旦发现附近路线时,就会用户进行提醒

    By incorporating GPS, the app is also able to find routes surrounding a particular location, and will alert users when new routes are discovered in their neighborhood.


  • 数据进行汇总进一步发掘,发现不必要的药物相互作用找出有效治疗手段,在症状出现之前预测发病

    But in aggregate the data can also be mined to spot unwanted drug interactions, identify the most effective treatments and predict the onset of disease before symptoms emerge.


  • 就是为什么月球内部发现确实我们试图找出地球月球究竟怎样真正联系这个谜团一个关键所在

    This is why the discovery of water in the interior of the moon is really a critical piece of the puzzle to try and figure out how the Earth and the moon are really linked.


  • 完成工作查看了历史上飘扬所有美国国旗,发现最为普遍的组合方式从而找出给定星星数量的情形下,哪种模式可以适用。

    To do this, he looked at all the flags we've flown throughout American history, found the most common patterns, and figured out which of those patterns worked for a given number of stars.


  • 如果今天休息可能发现什么都没因为找出度过如此有限时间最佳方式

    If it's one of your days off, you may find yourself doing nothing because you want to figure out the best way to spend such limited time.


  • 许多启发性科学经验学习研究项目试图找出发现音乐更多效用。

    Many revealing scientific experiments, studies, and research projects have been performed to try and discover the extent of the power of music.


  • 公共卫生组织能够通过对这些媒体监测发现人们健康方面的担忧兴趣,并找出“将什么东西给了他们”,Rimal

    Public health organizations can monitor these media to find out people's health concerns and interests, as well as to find out "what has been pushed out to them", Rimal says.


  • 灯泡熄灭了,”,“能够找出正确对待方式一生时间都在模仿他人之后,最终发现自己的个性。”

    "It was like a light bulb went off," she says. "I was able to seek out the right kind of treatment, and after a lifetime of mimicking others, finally find my own identity."


  • Web漏斗扫描器抓取站点信息,找出所有站点中的相关文件可输入点,并这些发现对象目标发起大量安全检查

    The web vulnerability scanner crawls the website, to discover all the files and inputs present in that website, and then launches a number of security checks against those discovered objects.


  • 需要方法发现Web 2.0应用目标群体以及找出他们通讯风格方法……

    there need to be ways to identify the communities that are the targets of Web 2.0 applications, and also ways to identify their communication styles...


  • 律师事务所诸如发现”(找出与案子相关文件)的常规工作外包给诸如blackstoneDiscovery这样的计算机搜索专家

    Law firms are contracting out routine work such as "discovery" (digging up documents relevant to a lawsuit) to computerised-search specialists such as Blackstone discovery.


  • 一旦掌握,你发现每次只要花一半时间就能找出需要的信息。

    Once you learn them, you will find what you seek in half the time, every time.


  • 发现通常这种方法项目初期必要,对找出那些增强点值得继续调研哪些应该立刻放弃也是必要的。

    I have often found this to be necessary at the beginning of projects or working out which enhancements deserve further investigation and which should be abandoned straight away.


  • 如果我们染色体组合正常染色体比较的话,我们有可能发现不同的基因,从而发现基因的功能,从而找出对抗衰老的方法。

    If we can compare her genome to the normal version then we might be able to find those genes and see exactly what they do and how to control them.


  • 湄公河委员会希望看到年轻的进一步试验找出是否可能发现那些可能早期死亡危险

    The MRC team would like to see further trials done in younger people, to find out whether it is possible to spot those who may be at risk of an earlier death.


  • 大多数紧急问题发现由于动态分析是作为一个黑客测试这个应用程序的,因此它找出攻击者所发现十分相似问题。

    Discovery of the most critical issues: Since dynamic analysis tests the application as a hacker would, it finds the issues most likely to be discovered by attackers.


  • 这项发现可能削弱过去15年来进行大量大规模遗传研究理由而这些研究认为能够找出大量人类疾病原因

    This discovery may undercut the rationale behind numerous large-scale genetic studies conducted over the last 15 years, studies which were supposed to isolate the causes of scores of human diseases.


  • 找出问题发现未满足需要又一个途径

    This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.


  • 如果发现他们工作表现无可挑剔,那么必须找出抱怨动机消除他们疑虑,不要责备加深

    If you find that they are doing an excellent job, then you must figure out the complaining executive's motivations and resolve them. Do not let an accusation of this magnitude fester.


  • 这种攻击想法找出特定目标主机打开端口完成方式非常狡猾,因此被攻击的主机质量低劣入侵检测工具不会发现

    The idea is to find out which ports are open on a specific target host, but it is done in such a tricky way that the attacked host or a poor-quality intrusion detection tool may not notice.


  • 发现自己找出一个疯狂到在这之前没有想出疯狂想法

    You might just find yourself discovering a crazy idea that's so insanely practical that no one's thought of it before.


  • 意味着部署错误(例如部署错误处理程序版本),很难发现的,只不过忽略消息头而留给管理员找出原因

    This means that deployment errors such as deploying the wrong version of a handler are more difficult to detect; the header might simply be ignored leaving the administrator to figure out why.


  • 大多数找出目标只是闹着玩而已随后他们首先发现自己不是真的热心

    Most people come up with a purpose just for the heck of it and then they find out that they are not really passionate about it in the first place.


  • 我们不能找出第一个发现但是一旦个人发现这种情况,信息则迅速蔓延

    We can't figure out who found it first, but three or four people sort of found it at once, or word spread really quickly.


  • 尽管(节能目标不仅仅发现那些重重地加速踏板的找出那些猛踩油门),然后重新教育他们(重新教他们怎么加速/踩油门),而是减少事故

    The objective, though, is not just to discover those with the heaviest feet on the accelerator pedal and then to retrain them, but also to reduce accidents.


  • 这些发现可以帮助许多其它质量接近黑洞阙值星体的情况。

    The discovery could help sort out the fates of many other stars with masses close to the black hole threshold.


  • 这些发现可以帮助许多其它质量接近黑洞阙值星体的情况。

    The discovery could help sort out the fates of many other stars with masses close to the black hole threshold.


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