• 面对存在问题找出存在问题原因

    Facing the existing problems, and find out the cause of the problem.


  • 将300余名毕业生论文答辩情况进行分析找出存在问题提出对策。

    Methods:Thesis replies of a total of 300 graduates were analyzed and existed problems were found out and corresponding countermeasures were put forward.


  • 目的了解专科护生临床教师现况找出存在问题改进临床教学

    Objective To understand the current status in clinical teaching of college students' teachers, identify problems and make clinical teaching better.


  • 今年重点检查上市公司建立现代企业制度情况,找出存在问题,认真加以解决

    This year we need to concentrate on examining the modern corporate system established in listed companies to uncover problems and solve them.


  • 了解目前农村义务教育存在问题不足找出存在问题根本原因提出解决方法我们主要探讨内容

    The main content we want to find is to comprehend the problems and deficiencies in present rural compulsory education, and find out the fundamental reasons of existing problems, and offer methods.


  • 开放性互联网络网络安全进行了介绍公钥密码体制OSI的网络安全体系结构进行了详细分析,并找出存在问题解决方法

    This paper introduces the security of interconnection network. The open cipher and OSI network security structure are analysed. The existing problems are discussed and solved.


  • 可以列举产品名称脆弱性包括软件漏洞配置问题找出存在漏洞分配软件缺陷严重分值

    It can enumerate product names and vulnerabilities, including software flaws and configuration problems, identify the presence of vulnerabilities and assign severity scores to software flaws.


  • 本论文通过对房地产评估行业现状分析参照国际评估的标准找出存在问题提出对策

    The thesis analyses the actuality of real estate evaluation industry. Refering to the international evaluation standard, the thesis finds the existing problems and puts forward the countermeasures.


  • 分析我国数字资源研究建设现状,找出存在问题提出图书馆数字资源建设具体措施

    This paper analyzes the status quo of the construction of digital resources in China, finds the existing problems, and puts forward specific countermeasures to construct library digital resources.


  • 海关反馈核查数据应当认真核对及时检查许可证的使用情况找出存在问题

    It shall carefully check up the checking data fed back by the customs, and inspect in time the use of the licenses and find out the existing problems.


  • 海关反馈核查数据应当认真核对及时检查许可证的使用情况找出存在问题

    It shall carefully check the checking data fed back by the customs, and inspect the conditions for the use of the license and find out the existing problems.


  • 这个方面找出可能存在问题危险信号不能因为要个人建立关系而将怀疑东西最小化成微不足道问题无论如何孤独切记不能这样做。

    Look for signs that there may be problems in this area, and don't minimize what you suspect may be an issue in order to have a relationship with this person, no matter how lonely you are.


  • 通过评价道路交叉口找出交叉口运行存在主要问题保证行车安全和提高交叉口的通行能力

    Through the evaluation of the road junction, to find the intersection in the operation of the main problems, and ensure traffic safety and enhance the capacity of the intersection.


  • 第二通过采用问卷调查现场听课记录分析乌海市初中生美术学习评价存在问题及其原因

    Chapter II through the use of questionnaires and site tutoring record, analyze and find out Wuhai City Junior students art learning evaluation of the problems and their causes.


  • 作为鉴定人员张师傅说:“我的工作就是客户的房屋内找出存在问题瑕疵。然后,新的房主提出一些建议。”

    As an appraiser, Zhang said his job is to uncover problems and discrepancies in their clients' property and provide a consultancy for new homebuyers.


  • 目的探讨呼吸科危重患者护理记录质量建设,找出存在问题提出提高护理记录质量的措施。

    Objective to discuss the changes of nursing records on the severe patients in respiration department so as to find out the existing problems and improve the quality of nursing records.


  • 最后依据前文研究论述找出绍兴纺织产业集群网络的存在问题给出进一步完善对策

    Finally, according to the study and discussion above, the author finds out the problems that STICN facing with and puts forward the countermeasures to perfect it.


  • 通过计算结果分析找出挠性设计存在问题,并提出相应改进意见。

    By analyzing the calculation result, the problem existed in the design of flexible shaft was found out and corresponding improvement measure was put forward.


  • 其次找出导致目前加油站业务管理存在问题原因后,设计了改进加油站业务管理方案措施

    Next, after discovers causes the present service station business management existence question the reason, designed improved the service station business management plan the measure.


  • 针对这种情况本文通过洗浴中心状况进行分析找出其中存在问题,分析节能潜力

    Aiming at the status of energy utilization in the bath center, the paper points out its existing problems and further analyses the energy-saving potential.


  • 了解秦皇岛市类型餐饮单位餐具消毒效果找出存在问题,探讨解决对策

    Objective: In order to understand the mess kit disinfection effect on the different type meal and drink occupation in QinHuangdao city, find out the existing problem, approach the solved strategy.


  • 海关反馈核查数据应当认真核对,及时检查许可证使用情况找出存在问题

    They should verify carefully the feedback data of the customs, check in time the usage of license and find out existent problems.


  • 通过检查大型悬挂异步电动机滑动轴瓦锡基轴承合金粘合情况找出轴瓦存在质量问题

    By checking the large hanging type asynchronous motor for the gluey condition of babbit of the sliding bearing, a quality problem of the bearing is found.


  • 通过评价结果判断并得知目前网络出版流程现状,发现存在问题现这种问题原因,最终寻找解决措施

    Through the result of assessment, we can judge the present condition of the network publishing, dig the existing problems, find its reasons and get the solutions.


  • 部分我国明权制度立法现状实践现状进行分析从而找出我国现行释明制度存在问题

    This part mainly analyzes the status of legislation and practice of the interpretation right system in our country, and finds out the existing problems of it.


  • 亲自找出美国政策存在一个问题

    He personally pinpointed one of the great problem of American policy.


  • 亲自找出美国政策存在一个问题

    He personally pinpointed one of the great problem of American policy.


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