• 荒芜码头扭曲的

    The deserted wharf, transformed humanity.


  • 满足很多扭曲和怪物史诗般的旅程构建自己王国

    Meet a lot of skewed characters monsters on a epic journey building your own kingdom!


  • 这个怪物般的生物看起来就像是一个披着扭曲皮的恶魔,注视着狞笑

    The monstrous creature, looking as if a demon were wearing a man like a twisted suit of skin, spotted me and grinned.


  • 路上收到父亲老朋友查尔斯一些扭曲怪物帮助

    On the way you receive help from your father's old friend Charles and some skewed characters, humans monsters!


  • 为了跨越语言鸿沟几乎变成理解细微思想,真是奇怪扭曲类学

    In an odd anthropological twist, I almost have to become the Other in order to properly comprehend the subtleties of the ideas I am asked to transmit across the language divide.


  • 多萝西作品自省迹象,威尔逊女士却清晰展现作者复杂扭曲,帮助读者深入其中。

    Dorothy’s writing is not introspective, but Ms Wilson cleverly reveals it to be far more exposing of its author’s complex, sometimes tortured personality than it appears on the surface.


  • 然而歌曲大约2:45处才渐入佳境,Phil Selway电声扭曲声加入了进来

    However, it's at about 2:45 that the song takes off, when Phil Selway enters followed by electronic distortion over the vocals.


  • 这个时期的画面出现的意象︰不完整肢体黄色断头扭曲的人象征殉道牺牲白布

    The common subjects in this period include incomplete bodies, yellow severed head, twisted human figures, and white cloth that symbolizes martyrdom and sacrifice.


  • 房间内的灯光下照亮因为痛苦而极度扭曲的,裂口青紫地淤几乎遍布身体每一

    Visible now in the light of the room was the body of a man that appeared horribly tortured. Slashes and deep purple marks covered nearly every inch of his body.


  • 加藤泉极推崇法兰西斯·培根谷两位肖像画大师相信只有扭曲才能真实的传达画家情感

    Francis Bacon, Van Gogh are artists who Kato believes successfully did so in favouring the human figure but distorting it to convey the emotions of the artist.


  • 书呆子们曾经他们只能作为一扭曲潜藏黑暗角落,免遭社交生活的残酷折磨现在却一跃成为行业首脑!

    Nerds. Once a tortured subrace of humans condemned to hiding in dark corners from the brutal hand of social torment... now captains of industry!


  • 许多武装分子登上皮卡车灵魂扭曲公寓库里谋划着生命着——这些都平民构成巨大威胁必须予以制止

    Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped.


  • 爱伦·坡在哥特小说中将恐怖完美地结合在一起,挖掘那些因痛苦幻灭扭曲的人心理,深刻地揭示了类隐秘的内心世界。

    Allen Poe's gothic fictions tend to tap people's inner mind distorted by pain and disillusion with a perfect combination of beauty and horror.


  • 痛苦如今网络匿名环境下,那些性格扭曲不费多少时间可以通过诸如Craigslist这样的网站模仿犯罪

    And sadly, in today's anonymous online environment, it was probably only a matter of time before some twisted individual used a Web site like Craigslist to commit a crime of impersonation.


  • 他们点缀契诃夫那些“灰色”中的亮丽风景,从他们身上折射出作者未经扭曲的张扬,具有永恒美学价值浓郁文色彩

    They are the fine scenes embellished in his pessimistic characters. Chekhov USES them refracting the ode on undistorted humanity, which has the eternal esthetic value and strong flavour of humanism.


  • 研究表明有攻击性经常扭曲动机

    Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort other people's motives.


  • 我们所爱他们自己,不是依据自己想象扭曲他们

    The beginning of love is to let those we love just be themselves and not twist them with our own image.


  • 我们所爱他们自己,不是依据自己想象扭曲他们

    The beginning of love is to let those we love just be themselves and not twist them with our own image.


  • 还不是一个扭曲黑瘦的

    To be a twisted black rod of a man.


  • 初,我们所爱只是他们自己,不要依据自己的想象去扭曲他们,否则我们所爱只是我们在他们身上的影子

    The beginning of love is to let those we love just be themselves and not twist them with our own image.Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.


  • 初,我们所爱只是他们自己,不要依据自己想象扭曲他们否则我们所爱只是我们在他们身上的影子

    The beginning of love is to let those we love just be themselves and not twist them with our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.


  • ,“青少年扭曲语言用法,这样看他们网页很难了解这些词汇或口语表达的真正含义。”

    She said: "Young people often distort the languages they use by making the pages difficult for those unfamiliar with the distortions and colloquialisms.


  • 他们称,美国储蓄数据富有那20%的扭曲了。

    They argue that American savings data are distorted by the top 20% of the population.


  • 发怒我们自我认知力扭曲破坏我们与周围那些对自己重要之间的关系不管是工作圈的还是圈的。

    MG: Anger can distort our self-perceptions and do harm to the relationships with people important to us, both inside and outside of work.


  • 不幸是,试图扭曲敏捷一词含义这些甚至包括一些专家接触敏捷一时间

    Unfortunately, people tend to distort the intended meaning of Agile, and that even includes some of the experts or people who have been involved in the Agile movement for some time.


  • 跑遍巴黎各个监狱将自己旧时同伙打点出狱,此外,但凡这个堕落扭曲社会秩序下助巩固权势都被他解救出来。

    He toured the Parisian prisons, arranging the release of old associates and anyone else who could help consolidate his powerful place in the perverted new social order.


  • 研究结果表明维他命保健作用也许惯常服用维生素的扭曲了。

    It is thought the results of studies showing a protective effect may have been skewed by the type of people habitually taking vitamins.


  • 研究结果表明维他命保健作用也许惯常服用维生素的扭曲了。

    It is thought the results of studies showing a protective effect may have been skewed by the type of people habitually taking vitamins.


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