• 爱情重要执意自己坚持下去。

    More important than love, I insist to myself firmly.


  • 了一鼓舞人心,讲述执意的人生改道历程。

    He has written an inspiring book about wilfully redirecting his life.


  • 他们山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转了,但是他们还是要执意的上山

    When they came to the foot of the mountain and about to climb up, the weather went bad, but this could not hold them back from climbing, so, the girl was left behind watching the camp.


  • 他们山下准备攻峰时,天气突然了,但是他们还是要执意上山去。

    When they came to the foot of the mountain and were about to climb up, the weather, all of a sudden, turned bad, but this could not hold them back from climbing.


  • 土地所有人执意要求高标准景观美化

    The landowner insisted on a high standard of landscaping.


  • 执意自己房间里坐在电话

    I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone.


  • 不是你的朋友,你执意借钱

    He's not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.


  • 为什么人们执意自动化危害视而不见呢?

    Why are people so insistent on ignoring the perils of automation?


  • 但是不得不对此有所作为,因为政客们似乎执意破坏冰岛自然环境

    But I got caught up in it because politicians seem bent on ruining Iceland's natural environment.


  • 但此番BAE将付出高昂代价因为多年以来在公司贿赂案喜欢一拖再拖英国似乎执意翻回那些陈年旧账。

    That may now cost BAE dear, for Britain, accused for years of dragging its feet where corporate bribery is concerned, seems bent on making up for lost time.


  • 如果他们执意这样做是需要付出代价的。

    If they ever did, there would be a cost.


  • 还是家庭装?男孩第一,肯定有的干,所以执意了家庭

    The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be very busy, it being his first time and all.


  • 有些时候,更好的做法学会接受喜欢这个世界本来的面目,以及人们本来的样子,不是执意地要一件事每都达到某种理想的状态

    Sometimes it’s better to learn to accept, and to love, the world as it is, and people as they are, rather than to try to make everything and everyone conform to an impossible ideal.


  • 执意为之,金钱吻别吧

    If you do, kiss your money goodbye first.


  • 如果女孩执意男孩生活在一起的话,那么女孩的下半生只有受苦命了。

    If the girl insisted on living together with the boy, girl's life only suffering.


  • 实际上签约人们执意服用这种因为他们银行收支绝对与的良好竞技状态息息相关,哪管可的松身体将来所产生什么危害

    Indeed the rich men who held his contracts insisted he take the drugs, because their bank balances needed him on the pitch, regardless of the damage which cortisone can do to the body in later life.


  • 然而如果俄罗斯不法国、俄国、美国斡旋而签署的停战协定执意不从格鲁吉亚撤军,那么很难想象,任何局外人还些什么

    But if it is determined to keep its forces in Georgia proper despite the ceasefire agreement brokered by France, Germany and America, it is hard to see what any outsider can do about it.


  • 因此尽管EFSF基金计划国债投资人提供担保欧洲领导人执意无偿减记希腊债务行为,无疑加大欧元区的债务担保难度

    So while the EFSF scheme is designed to offer insurance to bondholders, the European leaders' insistence that the Greek writedown be voluntary will make euro-zone debt harder to insure.


  • 注意到朋友好奇地打量狗肉时候,摊主便执意自卖自夸。

    The stallholders insistently extol the virtues of the latter when they notice me and my friend looking on curiously.


  • 巴马不顾民意测验显示多数人的反对执意寻求突破,这让人惊异,一些觉得无畏,另一些人觉得他轻率。

    That Mr Obama went for broke despite polls showing a plurality of voters opposed to his plan strikes some as bold; others as rash.


  • 他用著名愚蠢关于妻子仆人关系的问题执意修辞学和真心诚意。

    His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity.


  • 执意取回斯·汤姆斯·莫斯利·格拉布斯·富达信托银行中的两便士,引发挤兑风潮。

    He demanded his tuppence back from the Dawes Tomes Mousley Grubbs Fidelity Fiduciary Bank, and started a run.


  • 比尔哈祖母温柔缓和了的任性努尔弟弟纳赛尔整日醉醺醺的,不顾长辈们的反对,执意给好读书近视堂妹苏拉娅买了一付眼镜

    Nabilah's gentle love for her grandmother tempers her petulance; boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.


  • 比尔哈祖母温柔缓和了的任性努尔弟弟纳赛尔整日醉醺醺的,不顾长辈们的反对,执意给好读书近视堂妹苏拉娅买了一付眼镜

    Nabilah's gentle love for her grandmother tempers her petulance; boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.


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