• 我会旅馆打电话通知他们明天我们登记入住。

    I'll call the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.


  • 糟糕的朋友打电话他们出去了。

    The worst thing is when you call friends and they've gone out.


  • 打电话时候他们正在吃饭呢。

    They were in the middle of dinner when I called.


  • 机场就得给他们打电话

    I am to call them once I reach the airport.


  • 他们通常打电话是否在家

    They usually telephone first to see if she's home.


  • 打电话信息台,他们便给了电话号码。

    He called information, and they gave him the number.


  • 担心,他们可能只是忘了打电话

    Don't worry—they could have just forgotten to call.


  • 他们以后打电话

    I'll call you after I've spoken to them.


  • 他们不得不等到星期一打电话银行

    They had to wait till Monday to phone the bank.


  • 打电话家庭服务机构看看他们是否资助这种福利性住房

    Call the family service agencies to find out if they sponsor this kind of sheltered housing.


  • 通过客户打电话这样有礼行为,渐渐他们建立私交

    By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.


  • 他们早晨6:30打电话叫醒我。

    I asked for a wake-up call at 6.30 a.m.


  • 姐姐,快给他们打电话

    Sister Ann, call them!


  • 昨天那家公司打电话询问他们我们产品看法了吗?

    Did you call that company to see how they think of our product yesterday?


  • 现在他们打电话看看是否有人

    I'll call them now to check if anybody has it.


  • 一些乘客非常喜欢这些动物以至于他们打电话机场安排他们参观时航班

    Some passengers enjoy the animals so much that they call the airport to schedule flights around their visits.


  • 我们现在朋友短信电子邮件就像他们打电话一样平常。

    We are now just as likely to SMS or email a friend as we are to call them.


  • 想象一下正向某人吐露心声,他们打电话如果你要求他们注意,你会得到这样答复——可以一心多用

    Imagine you are pouring your heat out to someone and they are just busy on their phone, and if you ask for their attention you get the responseI can multitask.


  • 汤姆打电话设法他们替代(机器人)今晚过来。

    Get on the phone to Tom, and try to get their stand-ins over tonight.


  • 办公室打电话告诉他们当天最新发展

    I called the office to update them on the day's developments.


  • 如果下周他们答复打电话催催他们

    If they haven't replied by next week, you'll have to call them and give them a prod.


  • 人们可以打电话进来,他们知道他们提供一切信息都会保密

    People can phone in, knowing that any information they give will be treated confidentially.


  • 他们不断打电话写信缠着要回去

    They kept phoning and writing, badgering me to go back.


  • 他们不会不然他们打电话

    They can't be coming or else they'd have called.


  • 他们电邮吧,打电话省事多了

    Send them an emailit's a lot less hassle than phoning.


  • 如果打电话他们,我他们长谈

    If I call them, I'll have to have a long conversation.


  • 周末话费五折的时候打电话他们

    I call them at weekends when the rates are down fifty percent.


  • 安排好父母参观地点后打电话确认他们到达时间

    With all the arrangements in place for my parents' visit, I rang to confirm their time of arrival.


  • 今天为何他们打电话

    Why don't you call them up today?


  • 他们立即打电话救护车

    They rang for the ambulance immediately.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定