• 3年前今天一个精神错乱广场上开枪打死14个人

    Three years ago today a deranged man shot and killed 14 people in the main square.


  • 埋伏士兵枪就把打死了。

    He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.


  • 8岁男孩流弹打死

    An 8-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet.


  • 他们说:“我们准备一个一下子打死个人一起共事。”

    "We are not prepared," said they, "to stay with a man who kills seven at one stroke."


  • 想象一下如果开始这个游戏时候一个看不见狙击手每次都把你打死,你多么沮丧

    Imagine how frustrating this game would be if, just as you began to play it, an invisible sniper shot you dead every time.


  • 一个平民流弹打死

    A civilian was killed by a stray bullet.


  • 开枪打死3个人自己赢得一个硬汉名声

    He had shot three people dead earning himself a reputation as a tough guy.


  • 昨天有人告知法庭一个儿子长期受欺凌而开枪打死父亲

    A son blasted his father to death after a lifetime of bullying, a court was told yesterday.


  • 这个地区行动的救援团体,在针对反叛武装控制地区内一个医院多次攻击当中,已经有至少14打死

    Aid groups operating in the area said at least 14 people have been killed during repeated attacks on a hospital in rebel-held territory.


  • 也门官员英国也门首都萨那大使馆的辆汽车遭到火箭袭击,造成受伤同时一名枪手首都郊外打死能源设施工作的一名法国男子

    Yemeni officials say a rocket attack on a British embassy vehicle in Sana 'a has wounded several people, while a gunman has killed a French man working at an energy facility outside the capital.


  • 巴基斯坦还有一个录像正在流传。录像显示名俄罗斯人在西南部城市打死

    There is also another video circulating in Pakistan which shows the shooting deaths of five Russian nationals near the southwestern City of Quetta.


  • 五角大楼星期天阿富汗东部一个边远地区发动空袭没有任何平民打死。不过,当地官员,空袭打死27名正在前往参加婚礼的平民。

    The Pentagon says no civilians were killed in an air strike Sunday in a remote area of eastern Afghanistan, which local officials say killed 27 people who were walking to a wedding.


  • 麻烦就这样产生了:在双方冲突中一名科索沃警察打死塞族人烧毁一个边界随后北约派出了维和人员

    Trouble flared: a Kosovar policeman was killed, a border point was burned down by Serbs and NATO sent in peacekeepers.


  • 一个外星人大战正在打着,打死

    There's an alien war going on and you're going to shoot me?


  • 从胡斯劳(Khusrau Shah)那里逃过来一个士兵,偷了当地居民的一些食用油时,这个活活打死了。

    When one of the defectors from Khusrau Shah—an undisciplined lot—stole some cooking oil from a local, he had the man beaten to death.


  • 几乎打死,因为我以为一个犹太人

    I beat a guy almost to death. I thought he was a Jew.


  • 1979年,一个保险代理白人西班牙裔警察打死

    In 1979, a black insurance agent was beaten to death by white and Hispanic police officers.


  • 达武特奥卢凯末尔开创共和国历史上第一发生了手无寸铁平民被另一个国家军人开枪打死的事件。

    Mr Davutoglu says this is the first time in the history of Ataturk’s republic that unarmed civilians have been killed by the armed forces of another country.


  • 达武特奥卢凯末尔开创共和国历史上第一发生了手无寸铁平民被另一个国家军人开枪打死的事件。

    Mr Davutoglu says this is the first time in the history of Ataturk's republic that unarmed civilians have been killed by the armed forces of another country.


  • 可是这些网站纷纷漏掉名人,那就是列宁。1918年9月媒体报称年轻妇女莫斯科开枪将列宁打死

    One celebrity the websites seem to have missed is Lenin who was wrongly reported to have died when a young woman shot him in Moscow in September 1918.


  • 2008年,一个年轻男子试图逃走而被砖厂老板活活打死

    In 2008, a brick factory owner beat a young man to death for an escape attempt.


  • 最近附近贫民区里一个十几岁男孩因为插队活活打死

    In a nearby slum a teenage boy was recently beaten to death for cutting in line.


  • 晚上在乡村舞会上,为了保护一个叫洛金的农村姑娘喝醉了士兵大打出手,当场一个士兵打死两个受了重伤

    At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured.


  • 第二下午6詹姆斯.厄尔.开枪打死。 雷长期心怀对社会不满并被定罪武装抢劫的罪犯,此一年前越狱逃跑

    The next evening, at 6 p.m., he was shot dead by James Earl Ray, a chronically disaffected, convicted armed robber who had escaped from prison about a year earlier.


  • 游客一个门多萨警察挟持为人质。这种可怕行为持续几个小时名游客杀害,挟持人质者也被打死

    Tourists were hostages of a policeman here, Rolando Mendoza. After a few hours of the horrible crime, some of the victims were dead including the hostage-taker.


  • 格布看见倒下时以为打死了,就他冲过来,起来,极力地照料他,尽了一个伙伴责任。

    Jacopo, seeing him fall, had believed him killed, and rushing towards him raised him up, and then attended to him with all the kindness of a devoted comrade.


  • 描述起持枪歹徒们小店卷闸门打死两个儿子24一个26岁,他的一个受伤兄弟也死了

    He describes how the gunmen pulled up the steel shutters of his little shop, shot dead his two sons, aged 24 and 26, and injured a brother who died a few weeks later.


  • 描述起持枪歹徒们小店卷闸门打死两个儿子24一个26岁,他的一个受伤兄弟也死了

    He describes how the gunmen pulled up the steel shutters of his little shop, shot dead his two sons, aged 24 and 26, and injured a brother who died a few weeks later.


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