• 楼上打开旅行袋取出东西。

    He's upstairs unpacking his bags.


  • 老人打开的《赞美诗集》。

    The old man opened his Prayer-Book.


  • 莱特闪电赛尔打开马厩喊道:“汉赛尔,我们得救了!”

    Gretel, ran like lightning to Hansel, opened his little stable, and cried: "Hansel, we are saved!"


  • 打开盒子发现里面一双运动鞋。

    They opened his box and found a pair of sports shoes inside.


  • 没有螺丝打开装置

    No screws to open up his devices.


  • 于是这个打开拿出了一架小钢琴

    So the guy opens his bag and produces a miniature piano.


  • 拿了钥匙上了楼,打开房间

    He took his key and went upstairs, unlocking the door of his room.


  • 打开邮件

    I moved on to his emails.


  • Charles打开怀表看着女儿黑白照片

    Charles opens his gold pocket watch and looks at the old black and white photo of his daughter.


  • 我们制造各种借口,比如说布鲁诺打开我会“我用光了。”

    We'd make little excuses - "I ran out of toilet paper," I'd say when Bruno opened his door. A day would pass.


  • 不致于个人服务器打开日程表时,却发现条目只是一个小组会议

    No need to open someone's calendar on her home server just to find out that the entry is a team meeting.


  • 打开日志时眼睛日子相比如此简单的记录。

    As he opened his journal, the old man's eyes fell upon an inscription that stood out because it was so brief in comparison to other days.


  • 摒住呼吸,顺着长长的椭圆形会议桌溜了进来,坐下后打开他iPad

    Catching his breath, he squeezed in at the long oval table, planting his iPad before him.


  • 看着手中金子时间没有说话但是最后打开他的钱袋它们放进去。

    He looked at them a long time in his hand, without saying a word, but at last he pulled out his purse and put them in.


  • 然后,过了几十年,人们又把挖出,打开的灵柩确认真的就在那里

    Then, decades later, he was exhumed, and his coffin was cut open to make sure he was really there.


  • 发生什么?”自己,随后打开车头灯,把40吨重的挂车的档位调的低些

    "What's going on here?" he asked himself, turning on his headlights and shifting his 40-ton semi to a lower gear.


  • 查理斯达尔文打开第一本笔记本来研究生物体如何变化时候研究这个领域没有被称作进化论”。

    WHEN Charles Darwin opened his first notebook on the subject of how organisms change over time, the field was not even referred to as “evolution”.


  • 位于Google园区44号办公室大堂下面的会议室里,安迪·鲁宾打开笔记本电脑,按几个

    In a conference room down the hall from his office in Building 44 on the Google campus, Andy Rubin flips open his laptop and punches a few keys.


  • 正是为了这个男人才考虑留在尼日利亚。我知道有关所有事情打开的心扉,了解的内心而不是告知不会

    This was a man I was considering staying in Nigeria for, and I wanted to know everything about him, to open him up and see his insides, not be told I wouldn't understand.


  • 开关打开台灯时,灯光细微闪烁通过桌上的传感器,并使传感器下载数字编码音乐歌曲,然后音乐从附近一对扬声器里传出来。

    When he flicks the switch and turns on his lamp, a sensor on his desk downloads music tracks digitally encoded within tiny flickers in the lamp's light.


  • 打开后门

    He opened the back door.


  • 打开窗户外看。

    He opened the window and looked out.


  • 打开大门微笑着欢迎游客归来。

    He opened the gate and smilingly welcomed the travellers home.


  • 打开大门迈步房子走去

    He opened the gate and started walking up to the house.


  • 打开一个科威特以至于污染航道

    He opened a Kuwaiti oil spigot and polluted the waterway.


  • 打开窃贼了个照面。

    He opened the door and came face-to-face with a burglar.


  • 当时害怕打开那个惟恐跟踪

    I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me.


  • 打开盒子里面跳出只青蛙来

    He opened the box and out jumped a frog.


  • 打开笼子提起一条6英尺长的蟒蛇

    He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python.


  • 开始打开装着奶油曲奇蓝色罐子,巡访途中那些狗来。

    He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route.


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