• 但是,禁用塑料袋仅仅开始更多垃圾堆打包处理的。

    But bags are only the start: much more landfill is taken up with packaging.


  • 创建一个发行版必须每个分别进行下载编译打包处理

    To create a distribution, each package has to be separately downloaded, compiled, and packaged.


  • 辅助模块主要包括三个部分内容程序结果显示、程序界面设计、程序安装打包处理

    In the auxiliary module, mainly three partial contents are included in the paper: the result show, the interfacial design and the procedure installment packs processing.


  • 此类似的还有文件归档,查看语音邮件更新日程表检查日程表,留意股市信息或是网络交易信息,所有这些工作可以而且应该打包处理

    The same goes for filing, checking voice mail, updating our calendars, checking our calendars, checking stats on stocks or web traffic, all of these tasks can and should be batched.


  • 如今男人们正在享受当父亲感觉,不分昼夜参与他们伴侣一直梦想着的事情来——处理夜间喂奶打包午餐包扎膝盖

    Men, these days, are embracing fatherhood with the round-the-clock involvement their partners have always dreamed ofhandling night feedings, packing lunches and bandaging knees.


  • WSE提供标准处理程序负责将这些附件输出消息打包

    A standard handler, provided by WSE, takes care of packaging these attachments with the outgoing message.


  • 实际上可以处理数据源配置连接代码打包一个工具(留给读者作为练习)。

    In fact, you might want to bundle up the code you write to handle data source configuration and connection into a utility class (that's left for you as an exercise).


  • 这种连接性面向消息服务经典连接性扩展打包应用程序基于文件处理

    This connectivity extends beyond classic message and service oriented connectivity to packaged applications and file-based processing.


  • 事件打包、基于CSS查询动画JSON处理等均具备框架支持

    Framework support is provided for events, packaging, CSS-based querying, animations, JSON handling, and more.


  • 例如处理成品打包应用程序的关系,并且将其延伸其他打包应用程序遗留应用程序。

    For example, dealing with connections back into off-the-shelf or packaged applications, and extending that to other packaged applications and legacy applications.


  • 这里开发处理器被打包相同工具JAR文件中,也是因为这个原因

    The handlers developed here are included in the same utility JAR file for this reason.


  • 需要打包工作请求回到队列服务中等候处理

    Bundle what you need done into a work request in shoot back into the Queuing Service for processing.


  • 除了功能强大以外,打包应用程序业务处理特定方面关注往往意味着处理数据其他应用程序隔离

    In addition to being powerful, a packaged application's focus on a specific aspect of business processing tends to mean that its processing and data are isolated from other applications.


  • 通过使用File输入File输出节点可以基于文件处理所有其他企业应用程序集成包括打包应用程序。

    By using the file input and file output nodes, you can integrate your file-based processing with all of your other enterprise applications, including packaged applications.


  • 系列第7部分说明了处理文本格式大型Web服务xml二进制优化打包(XOP)规范为何要比xml解析器的效率更高。

    In Part 7 of this series, I showed why the XML-binary Optimized Packaging specification (XOP) package is more effective than XML parsers in processing large, bloated Web services in text format.


  • 第7部分“使用xml二进制优化打包规范加速Web服务应用程序”中,说明xop包在处理Web服务方面xml解析器有效原因

    In Part 7, "Speed-up Web services applications with the XML-binary Optimized Packaging Specification," I showed why the XOP package is more effective than XML parsers in processing Web services.


  • 如果被设置了,混淆器在把所有东西打包。apk文件之前自动地应用程序字节码进行混淆处理

    If it is, ProGuard automatically processes the application's bytecode before packaging everything into an.apk file.


  • 服务器收到处理客户请求后,必须打包发送响应

    After the server has received and processed the client request, it must package and send a response. As with the client request, three sections are associated with the server response.


  • 一个SAX事件处理SAX2BestDeal ),适合应用程序格式事件打包

    There's a SAX event handler (SAX2BestDeal), which packages the events in the format most suitable for the application.


  • 某些情况下修补一些web页面采用一些paypalebay这样预先打包好的支持系统处理销售事务,也可以做得足够好。

    In some cases, it's good enough to cobble together some Web pages and use a prepackaged payment system like PayPal or eBay for sales transactions.


  • 原因处理批量上传(或称作“打包运输(boxcarring)”)变得难以预计的复杂

    The reason was that processing around batching (aka "boxcarring") can get surprisingly complicated.


  • 安装配置中介处理程序需要打包一个EAR文件中。

    Before you can install and configure the mediation handler, you need to package it into an EAR.


  • 这种情况下我们可能选择处理程序打包一个JAR文件不是使它们成为目录中的分散的文件

    In that case we might opt to package our handler classes in a JAR file rather than dumping them as loose files into the class directory.


  • 如果我们应用程序设计便于管理处理阶段打包交换少量XML数据,那么就可以减少这些盲点使应用程序易于维护

    If you design applications that package and exchange small, controlled chunks of XML data in manageable processing stages, you reduce these blind spots and make the application easier to maintain.


  • 一个货物在通过这些检查和处理流程后,中央仓库最后被打包并发往正确目的地

    After a package passes the inspection process, it is sent back to the central store, from where it is packaged and sent to the correct destination.


  • CORBA通过严格定义如何数据转换打包公共格式处理这种问题。

    CORBA handles this by strictly defining how data is translated or marshalled into a common format.


  • 年前公司开始使用一种非同寻常做法-“三明治打包”,他们将店面物流中心垃圾收集起来实行回收处理

    Two years ago the company began to use an unusual process, called thesandwich bale”, to collect waste material at its stores and distribution centres for recycling.


  • 打包就是将事情合在一起——中就找一个时间来处理邮件,下午4不是花一天时间来处理这些邮件。

    Batch like things together - do all your email once a day, at 4 p.m., instead of throughout the day.


  • 因此需要CDATA 结构体中打包元素内容但是不能元素逐字放在样式表中,否则XSLT处理忽略的内容。

    Therefore you need to wrap the contents of the element in a CDATA construct, but you can't put one verbatim in the stylesheet or the XSLT processor will ignore its contents.


  • 搬家开端拾掇打包毕竟物品放置都会专业工作人员全盘处理

    Picks up from the beginning of moving, packaging, to after all items placed, there will be professional staff completely processing.


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