• 敦北部中学教师安德里亚·扎菲拉库表示,她想掀起一场课堂革命。

    Andria Zafirakou, a north London secondary school teacher, said she wanted to bring about a classroom revolution.


  • 菲拉库在阿伯顿社区学校开始了这个项目,这是她过去12年来工作的地方。

    Zafirakou began the project at Alperton Community School, her place of work for the past twelve years.


  • 据报道一个忠于扎菲上校军事单位继续大炮狙击手轰炸围攻重要中心城市米斯

    A military unit loyal to Colonel Gaddafi are reportedly continuing to besiege the major central city of Misrata with artillery bombardment and sniper fire.


  • 六个礼拜以来他们条阵线上挡住扎菲进军——米港口该地唯一外界的联系点。

    For more than six weeks they have fended off Gaddafi's advance on three fronts - the port is Misurata's only connection with the outside world.


  • 靠近首都的黎波里处,被包围米苏目击者告诉半岛电视台说,扎菲狙击手持续使用大炮狙击火力袭击他们

    Closer to the capital Tripoli, witnesses in the besieged port city of Misrata told al-Jazeera TV that pro-Gadhafi snipers continued to attack them using artillery and sniper fire.


  • 看过穆阿迈尔·扎菲最后时刻悲惨视频后,年轻翻译阿卜杜了电话,去年春天班加西一起工作过。

    After viewing a few of the gruesome videos of Muammar Qaddafi's last moments, I called Abdullah, the young translator with whom I'd worked in Benghazi last spring.


  • 斯穆森表示扎菲已经停止了军事行动的步伐,但是利比亚冲突需要通过整治手段不是军事手段来解决

    Mr Fogh Rasmussen said that Colonel Gaddafi had been stopped in his tracks, but he said the conflict in Libya required a political, rather than a military solution.


  • 他们扎菲几分钟还在,然后被押解森严敞篷军车上去米苏塔,在之前,在这个镇拥护者张狂的地方。

    They said Gadhafi had been there until minutes before and loaded onto a caravan of vehicles bound for Misrata, a town his loyalists had brutalized earlier this year.


  • 如果格·继续保持高调并且得到卡扎菲的接见,英国感到不快。

    Britain will be upset if Megrahi maintains a high profile and Gaddafi meets him in person.


  • 东部的米塔也落入了反对派之手,除了海路,扎菲忠实的仆从们

    With Misrata to the east in the rebels' hands, Colonel Qaddafi and his loyalists had no way to flee Tripoli but into the sea.


  • 至于阿卜杜枪杀扎菲很满意,他确信是某个人处决了卡扎菲城内个传言说是一个班加西人枪。

    As for Abdullah, he was sanguine about the shooting. He was sure someone had executed Qaddafi, and the rumor around town was that a Benghazian had pulled the trigger.


  • 兹利坦已经进行了一激烈巷战米苏前来的反对派武装攻击扎菲儿子米斯指挥装备了坦克第32

    It was a day of heavy street fighting in Zlitan, where rebels from Misrata came up against tanks and troops from the 32nd brigade commanded by Gaddafi's son Khamis.


  • 就在英国发信数小时儿子陪同的麦格·西的黎波里机场受到数百支持者热情欢迎,民众的手中还挥舞着苏格兰旗帜

    But hours after Britain sent the letter, Megrahi was cheered by hundreds of supporters, some waving Scottish flags, as he landed at Tripoli airport accompanied by Gaddafi's son.


  • 位于努夫米苏塔之间扎菲老家苏尔特,现在没有任何反对的声音。

    Colonel Qaddafi's hometown of Sirte, which lies between Ras Lanuf and Misrata, has not risen up against him.


  • 米苏的一家诊所里,躺着扎菲手下的战士

    In a Misurata medical clinic lays one of Gaddafi's fighters.


  • 如果格·继续保持高调并且得到卡扎菲的接见,英国感到不快。

    Britain will be upset if Megrahi maintains a high profile and Gaddafi meets him.


  • 斯穆森排除了让扎菲下台儿子接任可能性他指出国际刑事法庭他们父子下达了缉捕令。

    Rasmussen dismissed the possibility of Ciolonel Gadhafi stepping down in favor of his son, Seif al-Islam, pointing to a new International Criminal Court arrest warrant against both men.


  • 电视片段显示麦格西拥抱交谈同时接见了获释者家人

    Television footage of the Libya meeting showed the pair embracing and speaking, with the Libyan leader also meeting members of the freed bomber's family.


  • 了阿卜杜飞行员父亲扎菲有何感想,“我爸爸扎菲一起经历42,”回答说尽管他父亲的感受本身就是答案了。

    I asked Abdullah how his father, a pilot, felt about Qaddafi's death. "Dad lived with Qaddafi for forty-two years," he replied, as though his father's feelings were therefore self-evident.


  • 其他各种西方文化形式一样,普(rap)也受到为扎菲鄙视。1969年夺权之后,卡扎菲曾经烧毁过外国乐器书籍

    And rap, like other forms of Western culture, was despised by Gadhafi, who burned foreign Musical Instruments and books after he seized power in 1969.


  • 石油化工重镇维亚港口城市米苏再到扎菲10月20殒命之地苏尔特,许多居民区都毁于战火。

    Neighborhoods stand shattered, from the oil refinery town of Zawiyah to the port cities of Misurata and Sirte, where rebels killed Qaddafi on Oct. 20.


  • 塔一处关押着250名扎菲士兵军事监狱里,尼斯将军之死反应也是五味杂陈

    In Misurata's military prison, where 250 of Col Qaddafi's soldiers are being held, reaction was mixed to news of Younis's death.


  • 塔一处关押着250名扎菲士兵军事监狱里,尼斯将军之死反应也是五味杂陈

    In Misurata's military prison, where 250 of Col Qaddafi's soldiers are being held, reaction was mixed to news of Younis's death.


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