• 视频显示直升机发射空中飞行了足够的距离,成功地除了松动牙齿

    The video shows him launching the helicopter into the air and flying just far enough to successfully remove the loose tooth.


  • 知道那个士兵是从美国的某位‘观者那儿得到的情报知道要走向礁石的。

    Well, I know that that soldier walked over to that rock because he got information from a 'remote viewer' from the United States.


  • 顺着公路一点走另一个脏兮兮的地方叫作迪阿萨亚尔(Wadi al-Saial)的,据说包括孩子只有50个人

    Farther down the road, another scruffy settlement called Wadi al-Saial was said to have only about 50 people, children included.


  • 金融危机国发行的广义货币去年上涨了10%,低于中国17%,并且低于它们1990s中期20%。

    The broad-money supply in the crisis economies is up by just over 10% on average over the past year, much less than China's 17% and well below their money growth of more than 20% in the mid-1990s.


  • 心里个人放在那里收藏,如此填充了生命空白太阳还是但是必有太阳。

    There is someone in there, is a collection, so it fills the blank of life. The sun was still far away, but there will be the sun.


  • 直到走出悠悠的传来声音

    Until he comes out several Zhangs far, just longly spread his voice.


  • 群动物使访客们觉得置身一个新鲜有朝气环境忘却他们离台北喧嚣几分钟而已。

    These creatures make visitors feel like they are in a new, fresh, and lively setting and forget that they are only minutes away from the hustle and bustle of Taipei.


  • 来自诸如蒙古南非肯尼亚玻利维亚研究妊娠晚期开始保健而且距离诊所先天梅毒有关。

    Studies from places as diverse as Mongolia, South Africa, Kenya, and Bolivia associate congenital syphilis with care beginning late in pregnancy, as well as with distance from a clinic.


  • 姐姐家住柳庄那边,我家啦,妈妈1个小时公交车的。

    Sister lived in LiuZhuang there, he can be far from my house there, my mother and I sit a 1 hour until the bus to.


  • 直到离他二十自己

    Not until I was twenty yards away did I permit myself to see him.


  • 有多高,只有知道

    How far is far, how high is high? We'll never know until we try.


  • 咱们不雅极其恒星时,咱们瞥见实在历史上早期宇宙由于这些个恒星发出的经历屡次了一百万乃至亿万光年行程抵达咱们的秋水。

    When we view very distant stars, we are viewing an earlier time in the history of the universe, because those stars' light has taken millions and billions of light-years to travel to us.


  • 光是南美亚马逊丛林够受的谁知贝克到了当地发现麻烦刚刚开始

    Just went to South Americas Amazon jungle is enough of a subject, Who knows until the local Baker only found trouble has just begun.


  • 啊,就住在离我们50英尺的地方啊。

    She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes.


  • 正是他们,《史记显示出一种而悲壮的悲剧意识。

    Just for these tragic characters, Historical Records can be provided with a profound and solemn tragic conscientiousness.


  • 不见时,觉得自己平安

    When the boat went out of sight, I felt I was all right.


  • 沿着海岸跑了大约一百然后调转过来

    He ran a hundred yards or so along the shore before turning in.


  • 第二同学口中得知她家感觉很内疚

    Second gifted students to learn from her home was better than me, I feel guilty.


  • 有多高,只有知道

    How far is far, how high is high we'll never know until we try.


  • 后来知道走到高背长靠椅那边墙边的条凳子上,离而且一直不吭声。

    It turned out afterwards that he only got as far as the other side the settle, when he flung himself on a bench by the wall, removed from the fire, and remained silent.


  • 2015年渐行渐,回望一年来走过的、越过坎,蓦然发现,身后的崎岖不知不觉抬升了我们高度。 而,正是对攀登者的致敬! 正是攀登者的无上荣光!

    As the year 2015 went away, we suddenly realized, the rugged way we passed has lifted us to a higher level, which is in fact the salute to a mountaineer, and the greatest honor.


  • 罪犯处以极刑,也可以大体同样观点来观察:正是为了不至于成为凶手牺牲品,所以人们同意假如自己做了凶手,自己也要死。在一社会条约里,人们所想的只是要保全自己的生命,而不是要结束自己的生命;

    The death-penalty inflicted upon criminals may be looked on in much the same light: it is in order that we may not fall victims to an assassin that we consent to die if we ourselves turn assassins.


  • 家人震惊这个女孩儿尸体第二被在距离她家英里的地方被发现

    To her family's horror, the little girl's body was found the next day, three miles from her home.


  • 上帝最好一点回答你。

    "And God said," you better step a little bit further before I answer you.


  • 它们逆太平洋70英尺科学家表示他们等到下周试图引诱它们游向太平洋。

    The pair is some 70 miles upstream from the Pacific and scientists say they plan to wait until next week before they try to coax them out.


  • 光是南美亚马逊丛林够受的了,谁知贝克到了当地发现麻烦刚刚开始

    The light is goes to far South America's Amazon jungle suffices, who knew Baker to wait till the locality only then to discover, troublesome only then just started.


  • 光是南美亚马逊丛林够受的了,谁知贝克到了当地发现麻烦刚刚开始

    The light is goes to far South America's Amazon jungle suffices, who knew Baker to wait till the locality only then to discover, troublesome only then just started.


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