• 抬眼看着——她害羞才红的吗?

    She looks up at him--is she blushing?


  • 抬眼看着—— 她害羞才红的吗?

    She looks up at himis she blushing?


  • 张晋花了长时间才红一名训练有素斗士面对挑战依然坚韧不拔

    The road to adoration was long for Zhang, but he is a trained fighter, and so his spirit held strong against the challenges.


  • 抬眼看着害羞才红吗?她的嘴角掠过一丝奇怪的表情,转眼消失了。她他的身边走开加入大厅的人流之中

    She looks up at himis she blushing? — and an odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes. She moves away from him and joins the crowds in the terminal.


  • 因此必须先创建骨架结构然后可以得到表示测试结果不正确的

    So I must create a skeleton structure of my class before I can even get a red bar.


  • 伊丽莎白走进尼日花园会客室穿着“制服”的人们里面寻找韦翰先生,找找去找不着,这时候怀疑也许不会来了。

    TILL Elizabeth entered the drawing-room at Netherfield and looked in vain for Mr. Wickham among the cluster of red coats there assembled, a doubt of his being present had never occurred to her.


  • 对于战斗机飞行员,抑或坦克指战员来说,刺刀并不会有太大的用处因为只有战斗双方身肉搏的时候派得上放血见的功用

    A bayonet isn't much use to fighter pilots or even to tank commanders because a bayonet only does its gruesome work when the fighting gets up close and personal.


  • 林德加德今晚出现的最大问题就是比赛开始时,门线助理裁判坚持门将毛巾挂到球门深处,不要挡住球门干扰球路

    Initially Lindegaard's biggest problem was the assistant referee behind his goal, who insisted the United goalkeeper move a towel further into the corner of his net.


  • 这位新西兰澳大利亚音乐90年代的时候就沉溺可卡因,直到2000年美国首场同名演出之前改过自新。

    The New Zealander-Australian country music star battled an addiction to cocaine in the late '90s, but cleaned up before releasing his self-titled American debut in 2000.


  • 等啊等,左手车子发动了,出于本能,我也跟着踩油门,可问题,我左手边的车是看到了左转信号灯绿发动的,而我的直行信号灯此刻依然的,而且非常

    Thing is, while the cars to our left were reacting to a green arrow, allowing them to turn left, the light governing forward-moving traffic was still red. Very red.


  • 夏至前一天周六,琼斯先生去了威灵顿狮酒吧喝酒直到周日中午回来

    On Midsummer's Eve, which was a Saturday, Mr Jones went into Willingdon and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not come back till midday on Sunday.


  • 在无数遥远的星系中,并非只有显示出现象,由于宇宙一直在膨胀所有东西都在移动,之所以能较容易观察到长蛇座的是因为星系距我们远离我们而去的速度就越快。

    Everything is shifting, because the universe is expanding. It's just easier to see Hydra's redshift because the farther a galaxy is from our own, the faster it is moving away.


  • 直到二十世纪中叶人们认识到这种生活沙漠的褐色孤独昆虫蝗灾中的黄色蝗虫同种。

    Only in the mid-20th century was it realized that the light brown solitary desert-dwelling insect was the same species as the red and yellow locusts of the plagues.


  • 手续拖了几个时间,他们十月第三拿到结婚证书在10月27日举办了婚礼

    After months of tracking down paperwork in Red Hook, they picked up their marriage license the third week in October and got married on the 27th.


  • 斯科尔斯的表现对于魔3:0击败纽卡斯尔的比赛来说非常关键,而仅仅8前,温布利球场赢得社区杯决赛的MOM(当场最佳)。

    Scholes was crucial in Manchester United's 3-0 win over Newcastle United last night, only eight days after his man-of-the-match display in the Community Shield at Wembley.


  • 只有这样家族文化如此丰富多彩性格千差万别,社会生活万紫千

    Only in this way, the family culture is so rich and colorful personality was different and social life, before riot of color.


  • 一个之后懂,眼睛为了

    After loving a person, only then understands, for my eye who is red.


  • 例如、绿宝石必须卖得到最好的价钱。

    Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, for instance, in order to fetch the highest prices, must be solid colored throughout.


  • 许多人通过张艺谋导演电影高粱知道莫言的。

    Many got to know of mo through director Zhang Yimou's film, Red Sorghum.


  • 一天的课程结束以后,一直等到脸上被排球打擦伤不那么时,迅速换上我的牛仔裤海军蓝色毛衣

    When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater.


  • “其实心里喜欢孩子,别看她嘴里什么但愿孩子自己都死了好,”一个穿裙子妇女说。

    'she's fond of that there child, though she mid pretend to hate en, and say she wishes the baby and her too were in the church-yard,' observed the woman in the red petticoat.


  • 每次演出穿着华贵裙子也许是因为名字宝石,她格外喜欢

    She had always worn a gorgeous red dress in her performances, guess it was because of her name, she loved the color red.


  • 告诉公司拒绝诸如电影片段一直把“石榴”的酒瓶当作烟斗之类的创意,直到这时觉得没那么轻松惬意了。

    I was feeling pretty healthy and luxurious until she told me, as an example, that the company turned down a scene in a movie in which the Pom Wonderful bottle would have been used as a bong.


  • 颜色硬玉晶体生成形成赤铁矿浸染所致

    Red kingfisher color is generated after the formation of jadeite crystals, due to the Department of hematite impregnation.


  • 颜色硬玉晶体生成形成赤铁矿浸染所致

    Red kingfisher color is generated after the formation of jadeite crystals, due to the Department of hematite impregnation.


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