• 我们需要少买一些牛仔裤,并且只在真正需要洗的时候洗。”其中一位学家萨姆·阿西说道。

    "We need to buy fewer jeans and only wash them when we truly need to do it," says Sam Athey, one of the scientists.


  • 所以齐的幸运也许会死灰复燃但是只有出来一些与众不同东西可以。

    So Mr Sarkozy’s fortunes might revive, but only if he has something to say that distinguishes him from the left.


  • ,在成长过程中所最爱球队就是湖人必须父母共同签署他的NBA合同因为17

    Bryant, whose favorite team growing up was the Lakers, had to have his parents co-sign his NBA contract because he was 17 years old.


  • 在赫尼家中搜寻也毫无结果,人们开始担心男孩在飞行途中掉了下来。 直到法尔自己藏身车库阁楼椽子上爬下来人们松了一口气。

    Searches of the Heene's home uncovered nothing, prompting fears the boy had fallen out mid-flight, before Falcon climbed down from the attic rafters of the garage where he had been hiding.


  • 多数竞选活动中,塞西莉亚都没有露面直到奇的竞选获胜就职仪式,她出现。

    Cecilia was absent during much of Sarkozy's campaign, only appearing at his side for the victory celebrations and swearing-in ceremonies.


  • 睡觉,篮球比赛或者看书,一直等到睡着,他悄悄地溜回上,睡在妻子的身旁,轻手轻脚以免惊动

    He stayed up late, watching basketball or reading, waiting until he knew that Colleen had fallen asleep and then slipping silently into bed beside her, careful not to disturb her.


  • 针对那些捂住钱包等待下周黑色星期五开始爽快消费的顾客,位于皇后购物中心维多利亚秘密专卖店经理梅丽莎·格尔个小建议

    For those brave enough to plunge into the fray with wallets open next week, Melissa Geick, a manager at the Victoria’s Secret Pink store at the Queens Center Mall, has some advice.


  • 比如说演员斯·蒂埃里1970年离开堪萨斯大学结婚,当时大二

    The actress Kirstie Alley, for example, left the University of Kansas in 1970, during her sophomore year, to get married.


  • 幸亏有了中国扬子鳄奥里诺鳄鱼得以开始复苏不过暹罗和“惊奇”小鼻印度鳄至今濒危边缘艰难复苏。

    Thanks to him, the Chinese alligator and the Orinoco crocodile were just beginning to recover; but the Siamese crocodile and the “amazing” slim-nosed gharial of India were still right on the edge.


  • 设计者佛朗西斯花费了几个月的时间构思,用两的时间完成创作

    Its designer, Francis Sangorski, spent months designing it, and two years to finish its creation.


  • 小樱蝶(蛱蝶)——它可能今天早上羽化的。

    It's a Small Tortoiseshell - probably just hatched this morning.


  • 医生建议她她的病情让医生困惑了好几个星期,直至体检发现她出现了严重肾衰

    Her GP referred her to a specialist, but her illness confounded doctors for weeks, until tests revealed her kidneys were severely damaged.


  • 来说,这个是短途旅行,”亨利想了一下明白自己轻轻松松走过卧室这件事。

    "It's a short trip for you," Colleen said, and Henry needed a moment to realize she was talking about the ease with which he'd crossed the space of the bedroom.


  • 我们人们节省一点儿时间这个产品我们做出一点成绩来,”

    What we want to do is give people some of their time back and with this new product we are starting to make a dent, “ Coleman said.


  • 我们不禁感到不解,一个拖车乐园来纪念安东·契于19世纪写成俄语悲剧伊万诺夫》,这样的行为究竟有什么意义看过简介我们知道问题答案。

    We were going to question the sense of using a trailer park for Anton Chekov's Ivanov, a 19th century Russian tragedy, until we read a synopsis.


  • 最后发现不过急诊搬家打扫留下文件

    Turned out it was a stack of file boxes left there during the big house cleaning when they were phasing out our emergency room.


  • 在读到了考尔报告以后,意识到了当初拉杰夫·戈亚尔对摩顿森的分析多么具有预见性。

    I didn’t realize how prescient Rajeev Goyal’s analysis was until I read Krakauer’s report.


  • 1905年罗拉多泛滥,1500名工作者用了50万石头归位

    After the Colorado river flooded in 1905, it took 1500 workers and half a million tons of rock to put the river back on course.


  • 我们进行伟大的旅行看见了3500以上地方冰川证据但是知道天后进行了一次成功看到更多河流湖泊相关的沉积物

    We had a great trip and saw evidence of glaciers above 3, 500 meters, but I didn't see any more river - or lake-related deposits until two days and a successful kora later.


  • 2001年,罗斯先生遇到那时刚刚流行起来没有Google(谷歌)搜索引擎共同创始人年轻谢尔盖·布林拉里·佩奇

    In 2001 Mr Gross ran into Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the young co-founders of Google, a search engine that was just then becoming popular, but still had no way of making money.


  • 他们带到塞纳河加维纳斯岛,就在巴黎圣母院旁,然后再无烟慢慢被文火他们再痛苦中过了几个小时死去。

    There they were slow roasted over a pile of hot, smokeless charcoal. It took hours for them to die.


  • Dy发现1886年可是直到1950年学家分离出来。

    Dysprosium (Dy) was discovered in 1886 but it wasn't until 1950 that scientists were able to isolate it.


  • 招供有时候心情很,我就会理查德· 格雷这个”龙虎少年队”布克”乐团的明星写的诗会让我捧腹,捧腹还是捧腹,对,不用说了,就算我怪胎,该死下地狱,但听其诗作:“好莱坞的孩子,可卡因藏柜子,良宵爽过十分,转眼人不见了”别教育我!

    Confession: sometimes when I'm having a bad day, I read the poetry of actor Richard Grieco, the former "21 Jumpstreet" and "Booker" star. And I laugh, and laugh and laugh.


  • 这些采访,是一位老朋友,丹尼斯•迪瑞斯主要通过写信历时许多整理出来的,必须暂时当做传记自传

    These interviews by Dennis o 'driscoll, an old friend, were carried out over many years mainly by post and must, for the time being, serve as biography and autobiography.


  • 迪马:“作为一家公司,古因为汤姆·福特多梅·(时任ceo索莱)的贡献得以生存。”

    'Gucci as a company exists because of what Tom Ford and Domenico [De Sole, then-CEO] did,' says di Marco.


  • 马斯·吉?离土尔沙小时车程

    Muskogee? That's like four hours from Tulsa!


  • 马斯·吉?离土尔沙小时车程

    Muskogee? That's like four hours from Tulsa!


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