• 辩解说因为日记忘了生日

    His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.


  • 正是因为缺少隐私感最终迫使我们出生了家。

    It was the lack of privacy that eventually persuaded us to move after Ben was born.


  • 我们希望下周完成看样子可能下周行。

    We were hoping to finish it by next weekas it is, it may be the week after.


  • 科尔曼美国已经出版十多年英国出版商愿意出版的作品。

    Kelman had a book published in the U.S. more than a decade before a British publisher would touch him.


  • 跟往常一样总是最后一刻赶工作业母亲吉娜晚饭关心的作业进度

    Ben is writing his homework at the very last moment, like always. Ben's mother, Gina, is asking about his homework progress after dinner.


  • 花了好几个漫长晚上读完笔记

    It took several long evenings to read through my notebooks.


  • 后来在视频上盛行起来,是根据斯蒂芬·金的一书改编的。

    It only became popular later on video and it was based on a book by Stephen King.


  • ·威瑟斯塔夫拔了根杂草到一边然后回答

    Ben Weatherstaff rooted up a weed and threw it aside before he answered.


  • 孩子多长时间为了阅读乐趣、一杂志、一份报纸其他印刷品

    How often does your child automatically pick up a book, a magazine, a newspaper, or other printed materials simply for the pleasure of reading?


  • 直到1906年,学者图书馆偶然发现了这祈祷意识到重写而且底层可能出自阿基米德之手。

    It wasn't until 1906 that a scholar came across the prayer book in a library and realized it was a palimpsest, and that the underlying layer of texts could only have come from Archimedes.


  • 通常浏览然后决定是否

    I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to buy it.


  • 如何决定这些中的值得去花时间阅读那?

    How do you decide which of these books is worth your time?


  • 也许因此,我可能2011年第一表示愤怒,并对其发出强烈谴责

    Perhaps that’s why I’m not outraged by what is perhaps the first book of 2011 to unleash a firestorm of condemnation.


  • 最近见到的一令人惊叹概念

    This is the most amazing book concept that I have seen lately.


  • 例如一个拥有用户界面编码经验编码人员只有1.0支持分支上、出现用户界面相关瑕疵需要

    For instance, a coder with user interface coding experience is only needed on the support branch of Version 1.0 when there are defects associated with the user interface.


  • 也许,只有混乱私生活悲剧离世足以匹敌乐坛巨大的影响力

    His impact on the landscape of music was matched only by his turbulent personal life and tragic death.


  • 惊呆了塔莉亚给了漫画打发等待头发干的时间,然后可以清洗的头发。

    I looked stunning and Talia gave me a comic book to read to wait for it to dry so she could wash my hair.


  • 只有希望修改教程中的代码适应具体应用程序需要了解文档对象模型(DOM)的工作原理

    You need to know how the Document Object Model (DOM) works only if you wish to change the code in this tutorial to suit your own applications.


  • 第一次接触这部小说时候,12岁,只觉得拿到了一从未听说过的“超级”。

    The first time was when she was 12 and was handed "a very big book" she had never heard of.


  • 个公司打算从中再捞个几十亿因为他们专利权2012年截止。

    The firms had expected to squeeze out billions more dollars, since their patent on Plavix lasts until 2012.


  • 由于订单履行针对卖方的,卖方只有在得到买方书面通知后分包协议

    Because performance of this Po is specific to Seller, Seller may assign this Agreement only upon Buyer's prior written consent.


  • 更方便图片上传操作-如果在2.0上传图片,你大概会失望那些因为图片变成可用令人迷惑菜单

    Better image upload Handling - If you do any image uploading under the 2.0 branch, you've probably been a little frustrated by the confusing menu that becomes available for those images.


  • 斯断言:“生物量乙醇燃料增长刚刚处于起步阶段为了这些变为现实我们将对从事科研的学生工程师有着更多需求

    The growth in biomass ethanol and third generation fuels is just beginning. We are going to need many more students in science and engineering to make this a reality.


  • 准备好,然后出发多少在上车以后发现笔记电脑包包家里,然后你去取东西却让车子空转着?

    Get ready first, then go: How many times have you jumped into the car and realised your laptop or bag is still inside the house, then left the car idling while you fetch it?


  • 后来车内发现了大量现金台笔记电脑身份开始受到怀疑。

    It was not until a lot of cash and a laptop were found in the car that his identity was suspected.


  • 尽管同事1.1开始使用这个框架我们最近升级2.0版将框架结构重新架构。

    Although my colleagues had been using the framework since version 1.1, we had recently upgraded to version 2.0, which introduced a complete re-architecture of the framework.


  • 需要注意那些只有电影具有的特质;否则你完全可以坐在沙发好书

    You need to look at what a movie does that only movies can do; otherwise you might as well stay on your couch and read a good book.


  • 雅各生和利维斯·史特劳斯以法文合著有关波特莱尔的诗《》的薄薄评论,多年,最后巴黎的一家书店找到。

    The thin copy of the thesis on Baudelaire's Cat , jointly written in French by Roman Jakobson and Claude Levi-Strauss, which I had been searching for years, was found in a small bookshop in Paris.


  • 杰克看到远了树来叫醒

    When Jack sees the bear going far, he slides down from the tree and wakes Ben.


  • 杰克看到远了树来叫醒

    When Jack sees the bear going far, he slides down from the tree and wakes Ben.


- 来自原声例句

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