• 只有鼻子碰了碰走开

    Only when Quatchi touched his nose to its head did it walk away.


  • 一方面,一个已经被判重罪的人,尽管麦克马斯特先生全世界的人直到事后了解

    Ponzi, on the other hand, was already a convicted felon, though Mr. McMasters and the world did not find that out until later.


  • 认为坊间报告所称群岛已经淹没说法不正确的”,由于腐蚀作用改变了群岛的形状迫使人们不得不搬迁。

    Kench says anecdotal reports that the islands have been submerged are "incorrect", saying that instead erosion has changed the shape of the islands, forcing people to move.


  • 博士沃夫博士100只生于西非野生曾今野生黑猩猩身上收集疟原虫,并测定其DNA序列得到这个结论

    To reach their conclusion, Dr Rich and Dr Wolfe studied the DNA sequences of malarial parasites collected from nearly 100 wild or formerly wild chimpanzees born in central and west Africa.


  • 萨科多数竞选活动中,塞西莉亚都没有露面直到萨科的竞选获胜就职仪式,她出现。

    Cecilia was absent during much of Sarkozy's campaign, only appearing at his side for the victory celebrations and swearing-in ceremonies.


  • 或者时代烙印使然,地球上许多问题困扰我们限制了我们其他星球关注的兴趣——只有我们需要它们它们能为我们带来思妙想),我们感兴趣。

    Or perhaps it’s a symptom of our age, that the problems that bedevil us on Earth limit our interest in other worldsjust when we need them (and the inspiration they offer) most.


  • 他们知道自己发现了什么,”班布里拍卖行发言人海伦·波特说道,“他们对这件花瓶抱有希望,只有拍卖锤敲定的时候,他们相信一切真的发生了。”

    "They had no idea what they had," said Helen Porter, a spokeswoman for Bainbridge's. "they were hopeful, but they didn't dare believe until the hammer went down."


  • 除了最近澳大利亚对克罗地亚比赛中,杰西普·西穆尼创造了一场比赛出示了三张黄牌红牌罚下的记录,还有其他球员世界杯外围赛中有过类似的记录吗?

    Apart from Josip Simunic in the recent Australia-Croatia match, has any other player in a World Cup been awarded three yellow cards in a single match before being shown the red card?


  • 直到最近开始纽约创业辅助公司多帕实验室(Dogpatch Labs)合作创立NeverwareHefter现在教育技术组织StartI合作研究项目

    He began working to start up Neverware in New York with Dogpatch Labs, an entrepreneurial incubator, until just recently; Hefter now works on the project with education technology organization Startl.


  • 2001年,科罗斯先生遇到那时刚刚流行起来没有Google(谷歌)搜索引擎共同创始人年轻谢尔盖·布林拉里·

    In 2001 Mr Gross ran into Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the young co-founders of Google, a search engine that was just then becoming popular, but still had no way of making money.


  • 1991伦敦科学博物馆工程师馆长6时间巴贝20设计蓝图成为现实。

    It took engineers and curators at London's Science Museum almost six years of work to bring Babbage's 20 pages of blueprints to life in 1991.


  • 刚刚开场7分钟高兴现在太早。

    Gucci: It's only seven minutes into the game, too early to cheer up.


  • 当时我们有可能是意大利境外唯一·奥尼感兴趣投资人几经恳求答应我们面谈谈。

    We were likely the only investors outside Italy interested in Marchionne at the time. After some begging and pleading, he granted us a meeting.


  • 几乎一个世纪消除达洛人制造的创伤。

    It took nearly a century to undo the damage the Mandalorians wrought.


  • 沙滩沙子时候,一定要挖河床露出来肯罢休。

    When Munchie digs in the sand at the beach, he doesn't stop until he hits bedrock.


  • 研究者们花长一段时间弄清楚酒精新生儿的危害不足的。

    It is not surprising that it has taken researchers so long to tease out the link between alcohol exposure and birth defects.


  • 很多等到天气暖和之后家里开始进行春季大扫除但是可以室外寒风凛冽的时候进行办公室大扫除。”

    "Many people wait until the weather warms up before they do their spring cleaning at home, but you can do it at work when it's freezing outside," Teach says.


  • 他们“早已去世”的母亲其实一周前离世。知道自己原来一直气愤难当,离家出走接下来14他露宿公园,靠酒精度日,吉他赚钱续杯。

    Furious that he'd been lied to his whole life, Roach ran away from home and spent the next 14 years drinking, sleeping in parks, playing the guitar to earn enough for the next bottle.


  • 刚刚开始赠送。

    The Bucky Card has just started.


  • ,威夫妇就收容了只老虎美洲狮薮猫、两只截尾猫两只猞猁

    Just one year later, the wyches had two tigers, five pumas, a serval, two bobcats, and two lynx.


  • 亲爱的这么回来!”克太太女儿好几下。

    'My dear, how late you are!' said Mrs Cratchit, kissing her daughter several times.


  • 伏地魔多久知道他们闯入了莱斯特兰家的金库

    How long would it be before Voldemort knew that they had broken into the Lestranges' vault?


  • 与奥斯卡提名失之交臂的一次:1986年,最佳女主——大卫·的《丝绒》中饰演桃乐茜·外伦斯,一个迷人狂。 演的非常棒,大概她吓到了所有人,没有人投她票的。 。

    MOST ROBBED FOR: Actress, 1986 – Out of this world as bewitching masochist Dorothy Vallens in David Lynch's Blue Velvet, Rossellini probably just scared everyone too much to vote for her.


  • 研究中的一个问题妇女多少咖啡起作用,没有记录她们什么类型咖啡,蒸馏咖啡,卡布·还是咖啡因的咖啡?

    The other problem is the study rests on the women reliably recalling how much coffee they drink, and there is no record of what type of coffee they consumed - espressos, cappuccinos or decaf?


  • 研究中的一个问题妇女多少咖啡起作用,没有记录她们什么类型咖啡,蒸馏咖啡,卡布·还是咖啡因的咖啡?

    The other problem is the study rests on the women reliably recalling how much coffee they drink, and there is no record of what type of coffee they consumed - espressos, cappuccinos or decaf?


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