• 手机促进了人与人之间跨越时间空间社交联系

    Cell phones foster social connections with peers across time and space.


  • 很多时间编辑照片、在网上发帖清理存储空间

    I've been spending a lot more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my phone.


  • 最近很多时间编辑照片、在网上发帖清理存储空间

    Recently, I've been spending a lot more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my phone.


  • 可以去除那些常规浏览器手机快捷方式,腾出一些空间了。

    You can get rid of those regular browser and phone shortcuts to free up some space.


  • 那些需要手机内存更多空间存储音乐视频应用程序用户来说非常有用。

    This is useful for those who want more space for music, video, and apps than their phone allows out of the box.


  • 毕竟如果知道的号码,你的手机再先进,或者拥再空间电波无济于事。

    After all; it doesn't matter how fancy your phone is, or how much room you have on the airwaves, if no one knows your number.


  • 放弃固定电话答录机,拿回手机重新开始使用语音信箱,通过这种方式做生意可以舍弃这些设备从而节约办公空间

    Lose the landline and answering machine. If you use your cell phone and voice mail to conduct business, you can do away with these devices and save the desk space.


  • 表明GPS卫星导航系统支持手机电视数百音乐存储空间不久以后成为标准配置

    That suggests that GPS satellite navigation, capacity for mobile television and storage space for hundreds of music tracks will also be standard features before long.


  • 目前来看,手机臃肿软件更多占用储存空间不怎么消耗处理器资源

    For now, the bloatware on phone is more about taking up storage space than processing resources.


  • 时候,没有想过可以他们手机电影游戏或者手机写信并且能够穿越空间到达另一个手机

    Back then, no one was yet thinking of watching movies on their telephones, or playing games on them, or writing letters on them that would fly through space and end up on someone else's phone.


  • 不过根据许多分析师说法,个人电脑手机以及其他电子产品制造商——包括戴尔惠普LG——所得利润空间要小得

    But makers of personal computers, cellphones and other electronics - including Dell, Hewlett-Packard and LG - deal with much slimmer profit margins according to several analysts.


  • 诺基亚手机销量超过其三家智能手机竞争对手的联合销量,而且一些传统竞争对手- - -比如摩托罗拉索尼爱立信- - -享有高额的利润空间

    Nokia sells more handsets than its three smartphone rivals combined and enjoys higher profit margins than some of its traditional competitors, such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson.


  • 今天各种手持式相机手机音乐播放器笔记本电脑多种功能极小廉价空间之中,提供的特色十分雷同,使人良莠难分

    Today's handheld cameras, phones, music players and organizers3 pack power into tiny, cheap space and offer features so similar it can be hard to distinguish a Neo from a Treo.


  • Fennec浏览器试图最大程度利用手机有限屏幕空间,千方百计试图减少打字机会。

    The Fennec browser is designed to make maximum use of the limited screen space available on mobile phones and tries to do everything possible to minimize typing.


  • 得承认也是第一使用接近4英寸的WP系统的手机,另外除了缩减了空间,我惊喜地发现键盘依旧非常出色

    I should also add that this is the first sub-4-inch Windows Phone I've used, and I was pleased to find that the keyboard is still excellent despite the reduced space.


  • 下次发给"TTYL8ER''(待会儿再跟你聊)"CU2morrow"(明天见),告诉,他应该考虑换部iPhone,黑,或Sidekick手机或是任何更多空间短信的东西”。

    The next time he sends you a “TTY L8ERorC U 2morrow, ” tell him that he should really consider an iPhone, BlackBerry, Sidekick, oranything that gives you more room to text.”


  • 通过这个手机程序,用户可存储中直接访问文档图片播放音乐不必担心iPhoneiPOd存储空间不够用。

    The mobile app allows you to access your documents and photos, and play your music from your cloud drive without having to worry about running out of disk space on your iPhone or iPod Touch.


  • Buffy手机上市消息看似惊人其实只不过Facebook移动空间迈进的重要一步,Facebook为此了一的准备。

    While the Buffy news seems striking, it is actually just confirmation of Facebook's serious leap into the mobile space, which has already been in the works for more than a year.


  • 再说遍,iPhone不是台电脑但是大多数智能手机巨大的存储空间强大文件管理功能,这些功能都允许你储存文件或者发送文件。

    Sure, the iPhone isn't a computer, but a smartphone with so many capabilities and a generous hard drive should at least allow storing and sending of files.


  • 如果我们把空间扩展所有可以浏览的信息,可能不错,谁你都得到,但是可能愿意你的手机号放上去了。

    Then that probably fine. I mean, look up some people, but you also probably won't put up your cellphone.


  • 事实上完美手机也许100%的空间都是屏幕不过这样手机很难把握,因为触摸屏随时有可能被激活

    In fact the perfect phone might be one that is 100% screen, though that would make it hard to hold without activating the touch screen.


  • 安全专家预测:2007年,电脑骇客们火热的“网路战争”上开拓战场,袭击目标为手机即时消息社区网路例如共用空间

    Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion pound "cyberwar" in 2007, targeting mobile phones, instant messaging and community Web sites such as MySpace, security experts predict.


  • 不能自己复制手机内部储存空间中,也不能改变系统文件或者把自己应用程序管理界面删除

    It cannot write copies of itself to the phone's internal storage, change system files, or remove itself from the app management interface.


  • 释放家里的书架空间可以买更多新书(其他东西),同时你还拥有那些的电子档,可以通过电脑平板、电子阅读器智能手机随时阅读

    You free up shelf space for new books (or for things other than books) and you get to keep the actual text itself, which you can access on a computer, tablet, e-reader, or smartphone.


  • 市场占有率相对较手机智能手机市场增长速度水草还要快,这里巨大的市场潜力,有难以置信的增长空间

    Relatively low share of handset market, smartphone market growing faster than a weed, enormous opportunity here. Incredible momentum in that space.


  • 手机市场几近饱和,频繁的价格战大幅挤压利润空间

    Price wars in nearly-saturated markets have mangled profit margins.


  • 一般各种组件需要特定空间这些组件会影响手机尺寸

    Generally, components require a specific amount of space, which affects the size of mobile phones.


  • 其中一些软件需要占用iPhone很大空间原因它们所有地图存储手机

    Some of the apps take up a large amount of space on your iPhone, because they store all their maps locally.


  • 其中一些软件需要占用iPhone很大空间原因它们所有地图存储手机

    Some of the apps take up a large amount of space on your iPhone, because they store all their maps locally.


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