• 日前,英国一个11个月大的婴儿通过手机提醒家人妈妈晕倒在家中

    An 11-month-old baby helped raise the alarm that her mother had collapsed unconscious by using a mobile phone.


  • 上午10点半,收到了手机提醒,内容11点我要参加一个电话会议。

    At 10.30am one day last week I got a reminder on my phone saying that at 11am I had to join a conference call.


  • 他们开发这个智能手机应用程序,这个应用程序允许餐厅食品慈善机构发送捐赠提醒

    They've produced this smartphone application that allows restaurants to send donation alerts to food charities.


  • 可以让你的一个家庭成员看着你,并在你每次查看手机提醒你。

    You can ask one of your family members to watch you and remind you every time you check your phone.


  • 所以时间放松休闲一下而不可以过度的放松,如果必要就用电脑手机设置提醒自己

    So pick a time your fun and serious side can agree on, then stick to it. Set a reminder on your cellphone or computer if you need to.


  • 个靠谱的设想是手机知道城外餐,由提醒交通状况以及最佳停车位

    One very useful scenario: your phone knows that you are heading downtown for dinner, and alerts you of transit conditions or the best places to park.


  • 但是手机在响看到来电还有语音信息提醒

    But your phone is still working, and you see the missed call and the voice message alert.


  • 设置提醒信息,并发手机电子邮箱

    Sign up for alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or E-mail.


  • 这里着重提醒一下,这里使用手机数据只是汇总数据——因此个人身份数据并不会记录在案

    It's important to note too that only aggregate cellphone data was used - so no individually identifiable data was recorded.


  • 但是美国神经外科医生协会(AmericanAssociation of Neurological Surgeons)发表了一份声明提醒人们使用手机大脑还有很多其它危险

    But the American Association of Neurological Surgeons has issued a statement to remind people that cell phones present lots of other risks to your brain.


  • 标语进一步提醒人们:“用户特别是儿童孕妇手机和其头部与身体部位保持距离”。

    Her warning would continue, "Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this device awayfrom the head and body." (See a report card on cell phones' radiation.)


  • 那就手机或者电脑闹钟隔一小时提醒自己起来做伸展运动

    Set your phone or computer alarm to remind you to stand up and stretch each hour.


  • 这款安卓系统应用程序通过使用手机机器学习图像识别技术在机主打电话,随时准备采用手机发出警报来提醒通话者即将到来的危险。

    Their Android app uses machine learning and image recognition that takes place right on your phone to alert you when you’re chatting your way right into an oncoming smash-up.


  • 大部分手机制造商实际上说明书中提醒使用者手机远离耳朵一定距离。

    Most cell phones actually come with warnings for users to hold the phone a few millimeters away from their heads.


  • 智能提醒手机跟踪你的个人状况在适当的时候进行提醒

    Smart alerts: Your phone will be smart about your situation and alert you when something needs your attention.


  • 提醒那位母亲婴儿潮一代在他们的成长规范学习不能看电视听收音机并且他们没有智能手机电子游戏

    He reminded the mom that Boomers grew up being disciplined to turn off the TV and the radio while we studied, and we didn't have smartphones or video games.


  • 周四再次提醒人们,与通货紧缩手机不同全球市场波动并非中国制造

    Thursday provided another reminder that global market movements - unlike, say, deflation or mobile handsets - are not made in China.


  • 不过至少提醒咱们如果戒掉手机,咱真的可能会街上撞到别人

    At least it reminds us that if phone addiction isn't curbed, we'll indeed be tripping over one another in the street.


  • 急救不仅可以通过电子邮件通知来选择接收自动提醒,还可以通过手机短信服务来接收。

    Not only can responders elect to receive automated alerts via email, but they can also do so via SMS.


  • 影院已经尝试很多办法手机"安静",比如,让引座员制止观众接听手机,或者播放有趣的模仿电影预告提醒观众关机

    Theaters are trying a number of ways to silence cell phones, from sweeps by ushers to funny fake movie trailers urging viewers to shut off phones.


  • 并非款安卓系统手机都像HTC手机那样拥有炫酷的天气插件提醒现在外面到底酷暑还是5级飓风天气。

    Not every Android phone has HTC's ginormous weather widgets to say whether it's blistering hot or a Category 5 hurricane outside.


  • 曼谷我们成功拿到了缅甸签证,接着我们来到了目的地仰光在那里我们的手机没法使用而且人们也提醒我们要小心使用电子邮件——因为网络极有可能受到监视

    Securing tourist visas in Bangkok, we took off for Rangoon, where our mobiles no longer work, where emails are monitored and caution is advised in case "someone is watching".


  • 国际癌症研究署提醒民众通话时应使用免提设备,不要手机头部尽可能使用短信替代通话

    IARC urged the public to use hands-free devices rather than have phones pressed against their heads, and to send text messages where possible instead of calling.


  • 我们提醒一句,ScreenriPhone提供提供一个非常友好手机界面因此使用手机终端的Twitter用户能够观看视频

    We should also note that Screenr offers a very nice mobile interface for the iPhone, so even Twitter users on a mobile client will be able to watch your videos.


  • 不要记在手机里、不要使用应用或者提醒就是一个简单便签如果头一天完成第二天再一张。

    No cellphones. No apps. No Reminders. Just stick notes. The point is to keep it there until the next day and replace it only if you have done it.


  • 最新手机具有提供游戏音乐提醒机主约会时间重要日期电子日历特殊功能

    The latest cellphones have features such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates.


  • 最新手机功能游戏音乐电子日历提醒约会重要日期

    The latest cellphones have features such as games , music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates.


  • 有关专家提醒我们,将此归咎于手机科技不公平的。

    However, experts remind us that it's unfair to blame mobile technology.


  • 最新款式的手机具有这样一些特点:如游戏音乐以及提醒机主约会时间重要日期电子日历等特殊的功能。

    The latest cellphones have features such as games, music and an electronic calender that will remind you about appointments and important dates.


  • 最新款式的手机具有这样一些特点:如游戏音乐以及提醒机主约会时间重要日期电子日历等特殊的功能。

    The latest cellphones have features such as games, music and an electronic calender that will remind you about appointments and important dates.


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