• 深圳亚洲繁忙交易根据世界交易联合会数据,其营业额超过1万亿美元。

    Shenzhen is Asia's busiest exchange with monthly turnover of more than $1 trillion, according to the World Federation of Exchanges data.


  • 尽管这些合并世界交易联合会会员仍然有54个交易他们世界股票交易的97%。

    Despite all this consolidation, the World Federation of Exchanges still counts 54 bourses among its members, which between them account for 97% of global stock trading.


  • 世界交易联合会(World Federation of Exchanges)数据显示,在美国上市的公司数量1997年年底达到一个峰值,数量超过了8800家,而该数字在2009年的时候缩减大约5100家,下降幅度高达40%。

    From a peak of more than 8, 800 American companies at the end of 1997, that number fell to about 5, 100 by the end of 2009, a 40 percent decline, according to the World Federation of Exchanges.


  • 正如联合会证明的,美国可以世界一流球队较量,有时也能打败他们我们不应该认为打入世界杯四分之一决赛是痴人说梦。

    But as the Confederations Cup proved, the nation can compete with the elite, occasionally beat them and shouldn't think of a run to the quarters in the World Cup as anything but expected.


  • 美国人民同样权利知道美好未来公民促进会”这样的组织实际完全是松散监管公司联合会资助的事实。

    But the American people also have the right to know when some group like "Citizens for a Better Future" is actually funded entirely by "Corporations for Weaker Oversight."


  • 咱们学校200匹马——加入西部联合会大学都多,除了大学之外——从未真正它们进去

    Here we have two hundred head of horses on this campusmore than any other university in the Western Conference except Purdueand yet you never get any real low down on them.


  • 的建筑师事务——世界上著名工程包括大英博物馆展厅”(GreatCourt重建德国国会大厦(Reichstag)——最近加入一个欧洲联合会开辟遥远边境

    His firm, whose most famous projects include the British Museum's Great Court and the rebuilt Reichstag in Germany, is joining a European consortium pitching for the farthest frontier.


  • 詹妮弗父亲常春藤联合会的一大学

    Jennifer's father wants her to attend an Ivy League University.


  • 澳华文联邀,卢丽萍七月910在国家戏剧学院艺术学院出演亨里克易卜生的歌剧《培尔•金特》(译者注:澳华文联,即澳大利亚华人文化艺术界联合会

    Organised by Australian Chinese Performing Artists Association, Liping will perform in the starring role in the drama Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen, at NIDA on 9 and 10 July.


  • 留学日本期间日本著名律师事务工作过担任过在日中律师联合会留日江苏同学会秘书长

    During his stay in Japan, he worked for a famous Japanese law firm for two years, and served as the secretary-general of the Japan-China Lawyers' Association and Jiangsu Alumni Association in Japan.


  • 英国零售联合会警方那些商店扒手虐待员工顾客采取的行动通常不一致”,这意味着犯罪分子觉得自己可以有罪不罚”。

    The BRC said there was often 'inconsistent' police action against shoplifters and customers who abuse staff, meaning criminals felt they could act with 'impunity'.


  • 主管机关期货交易、期货结算机构、期货商同业公会全国期货商业同业公会联合会职员聘雇人员。

    Personnel and employees of the Competent Authority, futures exchanges, futures clearing institutions, futures industry associations, or the Federation of Futures Industry Associations;


  • 只是冰山一角,美国国际管理联合会预计印度大约1500商学院其他机构估计这个数字大约高达2500

    It is the tip of a substantial iceberg. AACSB reckons that there may be 1,500 business schools in India, and other estimates put the figure as high as 2,500.


  • 国际商学院联合会(AACSB)估计印度1500商学院另外有人认为数目2500

    AACSB reckons that there may be 1,500 business schools in India, and other estimates put the figure as high as 2,500.


  • 国际商学院联合会(AACSB)估计印度1500商学院另外有人认为数目2500

    AACSB reckons that there may be 1,500 business schools in India, and other estimates put the figure as high as 2,500.


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