• 封信写给房子住户的。

    The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house.


  • 海滩可以清楚地看到房子

    The house is clearly visible from the beach.


  • 5000房子全都骗取

    All 5,000 of the homes were fraudulently obtained.


  • 房子可以说是固若金汤。

    This home of yours is like Fort Knox.


  • 房子里的地线线上。

    The ground wire in the house is connected to the neutral wire.


  • 有人我们不要购买所房子

    We were warned off buying the house.


  • 所房子1995年烧毁了。

    The house burned down in 1995.


  • 我们所房子交了5%的订金

    We put a 5% deposit down on the house.


  • 所房子不然警察了。

    Get out of the house or I'll call the police.


  • 所房子燃气中央供暖系统

    The house has gas-fired central heating.


  • 所房子保留了许多原有魅力

    The house retains much of its original charm.


  • 格雷西所房子猛地一推。

    She gave Gracie a shove toward the house.


  • 懊悔他们买了这样所房子

    He rued the day they had bought such a large house.


  • 另外三个学生合住所房子

    Sue shares a house with three other students.


  • 指出所房子原来地方。

    He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand.


  • 所房子全都粉刷成了白色

    The house was painted white throughout.


  • 所房子保住,可以不拆。

    The house was rescued from demolition.


  • 我们打算所房子

    We're going to buy a house when we've saved enough money.


  • 侦探们所房子监视几个星期

    Detectives had been staking out the house for several weeks.


  • 所房子好长时间

    The house stood empty for a long time.


  • 我们一时冲动买了所房子

    We bought the house on a whim.


  • 所房子一些照片

    He wants to take some photographs of the house.


  • 明白自己为何带到所房子

    He was trying to puzzle out why he had been brought to the house.


  • 积蓄都用来所房子了。

    He's put all his savings into buying that house.


  • 注视所房子动静

    He watched for signs of activity in the house.


  • 注视着所房子动静

    He watched the house for signs of activity.


  • 所房子1754年建造完成

    The house was built all of a piece in 1754.


  • 所房子经过精心修复

    The house has been lovingly restored.


  • 他们结伴所房子

    They walked companionably back to the house.


  • 盗贼所房子盗窃一空

    Burglars had turned the house over.


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